God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2144: Terracotta Warriors

Throw beans into soldiers, 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, all of them are under my command.

Above the vast boundless sea, the figure that suddenly appeared, as many as 100,000, not only stared at Lexus, but also shocked the seven people on the opposite side.

Ling Zhi tried to feel the breath, cultivation, and realm of these 100,000 people, but was surprised to find that he could not perceive it.

The breath of these 100,000 people is connected into a whole, each one looks like an individual, but when it is really seen, it is a whole piece and a whole.

This is completely different from the figure Ling Zhi summoned.

What Ling Zhi summoned were all alone, such as one hundred thousand kings, thousands of holy kings, and even millions of physical forms.

They are all strictly differentiated. The cultivation level, and even the strength and defense, etc., are all fixed and dead. Depending on the cultivation level of Lexus, there will hardly be much increase.

This was the first time for Ling Zhi to see Shi Huang himself using this trick up close. It was because he knew this trick that he was shocked, surprised, and sincerely admired.

"Sure enough, your own law is the best law for you, and your own law is the strongest law."

Ling Zhi muttered to himself as if he was enlightened.

These one hundred thousand figures, like heavenly soldiers, spread across this sea area, with one hundred thousand people standing densely together. The kind of aura brought by the area is unimaginable.

Among these figures, Lexus could still see gunmen, bow bearers, horseback riders, and chariot riders. They were of different shapes, colors, colors, and clothes. They are also different and arranged in strict accordance with certain rules.

When these 100,000 people stand together, it makes people feel that whether they are moving or still, whether they are moving forward or back, whether they are laughing or crying, anger or sadness, all emotions are one. .

And all the movements, all the steps under the feet, and all the positions of the body will naturally be portrayed into a powerful formation.

"Terracotta Warriors?"

These three words, Lexus blurted out.

After seeing it close, seeing it clearly, and seeing it clearly, he finally understood what this trick was.

This is clearly Shi Huang's famous terracotta warriors.

He knew the future whereabouts, strength, cultivation level, and realm of the first emperor, but he had never thought of the extraordinary thing about the terracotta warriors and horses that had the greatest relationship with the emperor.

Until now, he finally understood.

This is not a terracotta warrior, what is it?

He used one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to describe the future, isn't it because these hundred thousand figures make people feel like an army.

The throwing beans used by Lexus himself had nothing to do with the army, soldiers, and emperors in the most fundamental way.

Therefore, the method he used to throw beans into a soldier was of course different from that of Shi Huang.

"War, start."

Shi Huang spoke suddenly, spitting out two words separately.

The 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses took a step forward in an instant. The front row instantly half-kneeled in front of them with their shields in front of them. A row of people on the shield.

Immediately afterwards, there is the third row and the fourth row.

This kind of operation, when made by a large number of powerful warriors, neatly and uniformly, that kind of handsome, that kind of rhythm, it is simply enough to make people.

After the soldiers in the front row had done all this, the tens of thousands of bow-bearers in the middle section behind them raised their arms.

Spiritual power poured in from all directions, gathered on their bows, became bows and arrows, and then flew out.

The entire sky was suddenly filled with countless harsh sounds.

The entire sea area was suddenly flooded by countless black arrows.

The seven were furious, and stepped up into the sky one after another, slamming their fists and kicking forward.

A large number of arrows were exploded in the air, and some of them were counter-shocked by the force, coming towards one hundred thousand terracotta warriors and horses at a faster speed.

When the soldiers holding the shields turned and moved, all these arrows shot at the shields.

But after all, this was the power of the seven ancestors with their stumps. Many arrows quickly penetrated the shield, blasting holes in the shield, and then snorted and pierced into the body of the soldier behind.

Some even pierce the soldier, and then kill the second and third person behind him.

For a time, there were almost as many as two platoons, as many as tens of thousands of soldiers, just like that.

The figure did not dissipate so quickly, even if there was no real blood flowing, the scene still looked very tragic and heroic.

But this did not shake Shi Huang's expression in the slightest, nor did it cause any panic among the 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses.

They just looked at the front indifferently, and quickly filled all the vacancies from all directions one by one.

After just a few breaths, all formations were formed again. Except for the tens of thousands of corpses, everything else seemed to have never happened.

And that wave of arrows, although as many as 90%, were stopped by the seven, but still 10%, shot at the bodies of the seven.

The arrows collided with their bodies, not easily hurting them, but it had a huge impact on them.

And the second wave, the third wave, and the fourth wave of arrows, which were faster than their shots, really hurt them.

If an arrow can only rub their bodies without breaking themselves into it, what about ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand?

Such dense arrows were not shot randomly. They were attacked by their precise marksmen. Almost all the arrows, the final landing point, were the bodies of seven people.

With such a terrifying amount, lasing at a part of their bodies, even the softest water could pierce a hard rock.

What's more, their bodies have endured endless destruction.

When the sixth wave of arrows flew out, when the spiritual power on this sea seemed to be emptied, when as many as 70% of the 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses, nearly 70,000 soldiers, almost all fell, there was a click. The voice finally rang one after another.

On the bodies of the seven people, their arm bones, leg bones, sternum, and even their heads were invariably suffered various injuries.

Fragments of bones jumped between the world.

And the tens of thousands of sharpshooters who had lost all the soldiers' life protection, just before this moment, rushed forward one after another.

Behind them, the thousands of chariots, the last remaining part of the army, roared forward.

These tens of thousands of archers, after completing their mission, used their bodies to form a line of defense.

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