God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2078: The Way of Reincarnation

When I saw the master of the Eight Diagrams Furnace in Jia's family, his body was stained with too many enemies, or his own blood, just his face, was also obscured by the Qi of Chaos and couldn't really see it.

However, today is different. Even if there is chaos lingering, Lexus already has enough ability to see the opponent's appearance clearly.

The two-tone black and Tai Chi clothes were also the main reason for Ling Zhi to determine the identity of the other party.

It is not because only Fuxi can wear this dress, but in that era, only Fuxi can wear this dress.

Had it not been on the Jiuding Peak and met Daozu Lao Tzu, Ling Zhi would have suspected that this person might be related to Lao Tzu, but the appearance of Fu Xi in front of him is very different from the appearance of Lao Tzu.

"Unexpectedly, for so many years, there are still people who remember the master's name." The gossip stove was beside Ling Zhi, and some silently said.

This is the most unacceptable part of their spirits and Lexus.

After the end of the war between the upper and lower realms that year, the upper realm also paid a heavy price and returned to the upper realm to recuperate.

The six reincarnations were sealed, and since then, people in the upper realm can hardly come to the lower realm easily.

But these traitors in the lower realm have been spending their minds on erasing this history and trying to create a new history.

History has always been written by successful people.

In that battle, these traitors were the winners.

And all the ancestors of the earth, all the efforts and all the blood shed, have all been slandered and dirty.

How can I bear it?

Can't bear it.

This period of history, Lexus and the others, after all, let the history of success come to light.

Fuxi is the ancestor of the humanities of China. He created gossip based on the changes of the world and everything, which is admired by people.

Fuxi's other identity is also remarkable enough.

In "Emperor Century" and "Ancient Micro Books", the three emperors are Fuxi, Shennong, and Huangdi.

Among other records, Huangdi was the head of the five emperors. The details of the three emperors and five emperors are probably the eulogy of later generations. In a few words, no one can explain it clearly, and the Tao does not understand.

But if it can be widely recognized, there must be a reason.

No wind, no wave.

In the records, Fuxi is the head of the three emperors and five emperors, and he is the emperor Xi, which shows how high his status is.

"Emperor Xi's head and snake body, is it true?" Ling Zhi looked at the majestic man in front of him, curiously.

The fire in the gossip furnace vibrated for a while, it seemed a bit speechless, but he still replied, "Yes."

Lexus got up and walked away after paying tribute to the Emperor Xi.

The apocalypse array opened, whether the Emperor Xi still had a soul between the world, and where the soul of the year went away, no one knows.

Even if it can return, no one can say clearly and understand.

But the Bagua furnace has insisted on staying here, waiting for the return of Emperor Xi. Its trust in Emperor Xi has reached the peak, and it does not think that Emperor Xi will die.

Ling Zhi did not dissuade him, and under the guidance of the Eight Diagrams Furnace, he walked towards the deepest part of the core battlefield.

The strength of Emperor Xi is definitely not equal to that of the Yellow Emperor. If such a character can return, Ling Zhi will naturally be happy.

But after seeing Huangdi Xuanyuan and Fuxixi Emperor successively, Ling Zhi's heart was not blind self-confidence, but a sense of oppression and tension.

The stronger Huangdi and Fuxi were, the more he understood how tyrannical the enemy of the upper realm that fought with them back then was.

Otherwise, how could it be the two of them?

This is the real scary place!

Everything is unknown!


Moving forward along the battlefield, the unique oppression of the six reincarnations gradually appeared in front of Lexus.

When seeing the six realms of reincarnation, the doubts in Ling Zhi's heart were also completely determined.

The six reincarnations are indeed divided into six places, and they are not all together.

And in the boundless sea, in the palace of the true dragon, the six reincarnations guarded by the true dragon are indeed true, not the false six.

Outside of the six reincarnations here, no changes can be seen, there is a big step in, turning around is the feeling of reincarnation forever.

Standing here, the deeper the throbbing in Ling Zhi's heart, the deeper his feelings.

He first learned the "Six Paths" and then created the "Reincarnation", and he realized the reincarnation method. The first type is the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

On the understanding of the six realms of reincarnation, he may not be as good as many ancestors who have stepped into it many times.

But in terms of understanding the meaning of the six realms of reincarnation, no one in the world can be better than him.

"Why is the feeling of reincarnation so similar to the rules of time?" Standing before the six reincarnations, Ling Zhi suddenly frowned and said to himself.

When he stood here, he could clearly perceive the power of the rules of time that was permeated, concrete, and truly felt in this elliptical, dark passage of several feet.

And this feeling benefits from the time crystals he once got, and benefits from his realization of a time trace.

This kind of fast passing of time, he didn't notice it before, but later, backward, isn't it the time to trace back?

"Time goes back to looking back, speculating on the past."

"If you can watch forward and predict the future, isn't it the other half of the time rule?"

Like a flash of lightning, it struck Lexus from a high altitude, illuminating Lexus' entire sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, the time rule, which has not been able to feel for a long time, suddenly became bright.

"Looking back at the past and looking up at the future," the light in Ling Zhi's eyes became more and more radiant, "isn't the past and the future just like reincarnation?"

"Reincarnation and time are inherently inseparable. When I separate the rules of time and the law of reincarnation for enlightenment, I was originally abandoning the original and seeking the end. How can I understand the truth?"

Each sentence of Ling Zhi's voice was louder and firmer than each sentence, and his expression was also full of brilliance.

The rule of time is the basis of reincarnation.

Comprehend the rules of time, that is, reincarnation.

"There is a past, there is a future." However, Ling Zhi is still standing in front of the six reincarnations. His whole knowledge of the sea, the whole soul, and the whole person are like boiling, as if there are a thousand or ten thousand thoughts at the same time. , From the depths of his heart, rushed out.

"The past and the future are there." The light in Ling Zhi's eyes at this moment is almost as real and breathtaking. "There will be a reincarnation in the past life and the reincarnation in the next life, but what about it? What is missing?"

"Without life and death, how can there be no life and death in reincarnation, no rise and fall of life and death, how to reincarnate?"

The rule of time is the basis of reincarnation.

The rules of life and death are the foundation of reincarnation.

Only when the two are in harmony, there is time for life and death, and there is a process, and when time has life and death, there is a result.

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