God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2077: Fuxi Eight Diagrams

A long time ago, Ling Zhi knew clearly about the gossip furnace.

When there was a problem on the front line, the lack of spirit pills was serious. When the master of the Eight Diagrams Furnace was facing the enemy in the starry sky, his clothes were stained with blood, but he still slammed the Eight Diagrams Furnace out and hit the front line.

Originally, the Bagua furnace should be sent to the front line in a perfect escort.

However, he was secretly cut off by the ancestors of the Jia family, replaced it in his own hands, and hid in the secret realm of the Jia family.

After the gossip furnace disappeared, the Jia family was puzzled. Now it seems that the Jia family is just a **** in Sikongxiu's hands.

Imagine that only Sikongxiu could give such news to the Jia family, let them know the whereabouts of the Eight Diagrams furnace, and successfully cut off.

If the Jia family fails, that's all, if it succeeds, Sikongxiu will naturally have a way to take the gossip stove from the Jia family in the future.

The Jian Jia family still had doubts, thinking that the Bagua furnace had just disappeared somewhere in the secret realm.

So far, Ling Zhi has been extremely impressed with the master of the Eight Diagrams Furnace, because of that kind of tragic, heroic, and kind of mind.

As for the one who can control the gossip furnace and set it here to defend the core battlefield, Lexus can't think of anyone other than that person.

The body of the Eight Diagrams Furnace is here in Sikongxiu, and it is extremely possible that the fire is left by him.

After talking to Luo Tianya, Ling Zhi held the gossip furnace, stood on the stone, stepped out into the void, facing the heat wave.

While setting foot, Lexus decisively opened the cover of the gossip stove.

Sure enough, once the stove lid was lifted, all the heat waves disappeared in an instant.

The fire was still rolling, but there was no harm to the Lexus who was holding the gossip stove.

Facing the fire, the first thing Lexus saw was a broken spear.

It must be an ancestor.

The fire of the gossip stove quickly rushed into the gossip stove. This was in the hands of Lexus, and the gossip stove, which had always been painless and not itchy, finally slowly recovered.

In the furnace body, there is even more powerful aura emerging.

"The furnace fire, is the spirit of the device?" Ling Zhi felt the change of the Eight Diagrams furnace before he realized it.

No wonder that in the first three pill furnaces, each pill furnace has its own flame. It turns out that this flame is the spirit of the pill furnace.

And this can be regarded as solving a doubt of Lexus.

When he came in with a gossip stove, and was not hurt, he was wondering. If he came in with a gossip stove, it was not him, but Sikongxiu, what should he do?

Now it seems that this fire has sufficient sanity, and his worries are unnecessary.

As the fire flooded into the Eight Diagrams furnace, the atmosphere of the Eight Diagrams furnace skyrocketed, and afterward, Lexus was a little dumbfounded.

"It turned out to be an ancestor tool?" He looked at the Bagua furnace in his hand, and he didn't think that the Bagua furnace was actually an ancestor tool, or an ancestor tool with a complete spirit!

The first three pill furnaces in ancient times are well-deserved!

"Apocalyptic array opened?" After the gossip stove fire completely entered the gossip stove, there was a clear voice that was transmitted to Ling Zhi's ears.

Ling Zhi didn't panic either. He knew that the master of the Bagua Stove was from the lower realm, so he naturally understood that the Bagua Stove was a friend or not an enemy.

"Yes, the Apocalypse Array has opened, and the Soul of Huangdi Xuanyuan has returned." Ling Zhi nodded and briefly introduced the current situation to one side.

"The Yellow Emperor's spirit is back?" The Eight Diagrams furnace suddenly became excited, "that is to say, the master's spirit, isn't it possible to return?"

The fire in the gossip furnace was agitated, and he could feel his joy very real.

This is the complete instrument spirit, with its own cognition, its own happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness. The only thing that remains unchanged is to be loyal to their master.

Unless the master dies completely, they will re-select the master after a long time.

It is also the most reliable friend and most reliable weapon of the ancestor.

As the gossip fire completely dissipated, the appearance of the core battlefield completely appeared in Lexus's sight.

Unlike the mess he imagined, the core battlefield has very few pitiful things.

At least in front of him, apart from the broken spear, there was only a figure wrapped in chaos, up and down.

"Master of the Eight Diagrams Furnace?" Ling Zhi's eyes lit up and he instantly understood his identity.

"It's the master, but only his body. His soul was originally in order to resist the enemy. After setting me to guard here, he chased out this battlefield. He never returned. It must have been silent in the stars. Middle." The Eight Diagrams furnace floated beside Ling Zhi, helping Ling Zhi to solve his confusion.

Ling Zhi sent the gossip stove, with emotion and reason, he was naturally grateful to Ling Zhi.

The Eight Diagrams Furnace looked at the spear and said, "Later, for a long time, an ancestor in the lower realm accidentally crashed into this place. He had evil thoughts on the owner's body and threw his ancestor weapon here, trying to break it. Place, take the host’s body out."

"But he has just stepped into the ancestral sage, and even the realm has not been completely stabilized, and the ancestors are not completely formed even the spirit of the ancestors, so he tried to manipulate the master's body, I just stimulated the master's body a little The strength of this spear broke here. The Ancestor Saint was so scared that he didn't dare to make any ideas anymore and ran away in a hurry."

"But also because of the original master, there is actually nothing left here. I know you are here for chance, and I can only disappoint you."

The Eight Diagrams Furnace explained it, saying it was very sincere, "Oh, it’s not right, there is actually one thing in the sealed six reincarnations, and for you, it must be very useful, but if you can get it, you have to look at yourself."

In the words of the Bagua Furnace, Ling Zhi slowly walked to the master of the Bagua Furnace.

Standing outside the chaos, looking at this figure, Ling Zhi's heart was filled with pride and admiration.

Excluding the Shennong clan in the state of remnant soul, he had seen Huang Di with his own eyes, who appeared from the Apocalypse Array with his remnant soul, bluntly rebuked the ancestor sage of the lower realm, and after entering the body of the master stranger, Xuanyuan sword started and struck the ancestral sage. The ancestors in the upper realm who were pressing down were stunned that they did not dare to come forward.

So domineering, so heroic, fascinating.

And the one in front of him, with his body alone, shattered the ancestor weapon of an ancestor sage, and even scared the ancestor sage into tears.

This is the leader among the ancestors of the earth in his heart.

This is the real ancestor, the real hero of the ages.

The chaos in front of him gradually changed, and the appearance of the characters gradually appeared in the eyes of Ling Zhi.

When I could see clearly, Ling Zhi's pupils suddenly shrank, "Fuxi?"

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