God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2079: Feed on ancestors

When Ling Zhi realized the six reincarnation boxing, what Ling Zhi realized was form.

Now, standing in front of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, when the real, semi-ancestral insights, souls, and souls came to enlightenment, Ling Zhi realized that it was intention.

If form and mind are in harmony, everything is transparent and clear.

"The rules of life and death, I have deduced from the rules of yin and yang. I always feel that whether it is yin and yang or life and death, it should always be the last and become a kind of power." Later, Lexus actually sat down directly in front of the six reincarnations. Careful and meticulous, with no one else, quietly enlightenment.

He raised his eyebrows, "It seems that when the rules of life and death are at their peak, they can be transformed into reincarnation. This is not difficult. The rules of life and death can be followed. One day, you can reach the peak."

"It's the rule of time. Time traceability is due to the fact that after having a time crystal, you can understand it by accidental hitting. So far, I can't even explain the principle. I want to understand the time forward, but I am a little confused."

Ling Zhi sat cross-legged on the ground, quietly combing and thinking about all this.

"Fine, it's a big deal, then think of a solution, and then find a time crystal, there is always a way to solve it." Ling Zhi is free and easy, on this issue, has not been tangled for a long time, directly waved his hand and settled.

The void is annihilated, there is a one-thousandth chance that a spatial crystal will appear in the center of the annihilation.

The starry sky is annihilated, the planet collapses, there is a one in ten million possibility, in the center of the annihilation collapse, outside the space crystal, there is a time crystal accompanying it.

Last time, he unintentionally found the time crystal, which was just such a small piece, but it attracted the attention of the ancestor and An Bai, and also caused He An Bai to directly shoot regardless of his identity.

Wanting to find it now is like looking for a needle in a haystack. You don't know where to find it, and how to find it?

But Ling Zhi didn't want to be afraid of difficulties. As long as this matter could be realized, then when Ling Zhi made up his mind, in his heart, he believed that this thing would definitely be realized.

If there is a will, things will happen.

"Life and death are in harmony, time is the basis, reincarnation is formed, what kind of power will it be to use the power of reincarnation to operate the method of reincarnation. What kind of power?" Ling Zhi's heart was passionate, with uncontrollable expectations and excitement.

Once again, I combed these crazy thoughts and precious insights in my mind. After careful consideration and insights, Ling Zhi got up and stood up and his eyes fell on Liudao. In reincarnation, it fell in the six realms of reincarnation.

The gossip furnace said that there is a chance in the six reincarnations.

If he can step into it, it belongs to him.

If it can't, it's missed.

He entered the taboo battlefield all the way, into the core battlefield, and realized the six reincarnation fists, the root of reincarnation, and the reincarnation method is more complete and complete, and Luo Tianya has also found it.

He has gained a lot.

But the great opportunity that was able to make the Bagua Lu all speak in person, but still made him have a lot of expectations in his heart.

Even faintly, Lexus had some guesses about this opportunity.

He had obtained the Eight Diagrams Furnace from Sikongxiu, and he had already realized that he wanted to refine the Holy Grade Spirit Pill, which was not the first three pill furnaces among the ten ancient pill furnaces.

Now the gossip furnace spirit appeared, staying beside Fuxi, guarding the core battlefield and the body of Emperor Xi, while waiting for the return of Emperor Xi's spirit.

As a spirit-level top grade alchemist, he naturally couldn't hide the Eight Diagrams furnace. This opportunity was probably related to the first three ancient alchemy furnaces.

Thinking of the enormous effect of the Eight-Rank Ice Soul Pill on himself, and tasted the powerful medicinal effects of the Holy Spirit Pill, how could he not be moved?

The method of reincarnation flowed naturally in the body, and Ling Zhi cautiously took out the Heavenly Path monument, then raised his foot and stepped into the six reincarnations.

At this moment, there was nothing in sight before his eyes.

Just like in the real dragon palace, the six reincarnation entrances are endless darkness.

After passing through, everything will return to normal.

However, when Lexus set foot in the six reincarnations, he still gave a wry smile.

"as predicted."

When he was weak, he entered the six reincarnations with Lu Chuan, and his strength was completely suppressed. He could only walk in the six reincarnations just like an ordinary person, staring at the tremendous pressure.


Now, in the Half Ancestral Realm, this feeling hasn't diminished.

It was even more exaggerated than the original feeling, and the pressure on the whole body was even greater than before.

Walking in the six realms of reincarnation, you can’t turn your head back, and you will be completely lost in the reincarnation.

Ling Zhi kept this in mind, and walked through the six reincarnations, groping forward a little bit in this passage.

Because everything is suppressed here, it is natural not to mention using the soul to perceive in advance, everything can only rely on own eyes.

Just three or four meters, a pool of blood on the right hand side attracted Lexus's attention.

"The blood of the ancestors!" Just looking at it, Ling Zhi understood, "The six reincarnations of the year have also become the battlefield of the ancestors, where they are fighting and fighting!"

When he got closer, Ling Zhi hesitated for a while, but gently stretched out his finger and pointed it on the pool of blood.

As early as in the real dragon palace, he understood that in the six paths of reincarnation, touching these bloodstains, you will see a lot of information contained in these bloodstains, but the danger contained in them is also amazing.

In the blood, what Lexus saw this time was not a human being.

It's a humanoid monster with an inverted triangle head, which is huge, but his two eyes are extremely small, inlaid like soybeans, with a very thin green body, and the body is covered with inverted The thorn is extremely ugly.

The arm of this humanoid monster is like a praying mantis, showing the shape of a folding knife.

However, what is truly shocking is that at this moment, the arm of this humanoid monster is wearing the corpse of an ancestor.

Occasionally, it would lower its head and gnaw towards the corpse of the ancestor. Between the opening and closing of its mouth, the corpse of the ancestor was just like ordinary flesh and blood, which was easily chewed.

Feeding on the ancestors?

In this pool of blood, there is only such a scene, but such a scene is enough to make people feel chill from the bottom of my heart.

Although he didn't know that person, Ling Zhi had a clear understanding in his heart that this gnawed ancestor was definitely the ancestor of the lower realm.

Just because the aura of this humanoid monster does not belong to the lower realm at all, and is generally the same as the ancestor of the lower realm.

While staring at it, the human monster in this picture suddenly raised his head, and the two eyes that were the size of soybeans suddenly showed terrifying eyes.

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