God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2071: Enter the taboo battlefield

Ling Zhi could clearly feel that the blow before leaving with the whip was to wipe out the brand of the city lord on his body.

Although Ling Zhi didn't care about the identity of the city lord of Supreme City, he had to care about the sentence of beating the whip.

Playing the whip felt that this was helping him.

But, what can I help him?

Certainly it is impossible for him to be separated from the lower realm for fear that he would be targeted by the upper realm.

"According to legend, both the Taishangcheng and Taishang Wangqing Method were left by a person who was the Taishang." Ling Zhi suddenly remembered what Xia Ning'er had said.

Practicing too much forgiveness, you will gradually cut off all your seven emotions and six desires.

Will it have something to do with this legendary Taishang?

Shaking his head to set aside the problem that cannot be studied deeply, Lexus smashed his mouth with some regret and turned back.

It was a pity that he couldn't use the magic whip for him.

Whether it is protecting the body or facing the enemy, the power of the magic whip is definitely extremely extraordinary.

But it was like Tianta skipped him and Ye Qingcheng and others, skipped Luo Tianya and others back then, and chose Shu Feiyao.

These ancestors are either waiting for their original masters, or they have a strong self-will. The more complete the ancestors, the less the martial artist can force them to recognize the master, and they can only use chance.

After leaving the ancient world and communicating with the ancient giants, Ling Zhi went straight to the east of the Samsara continent.

There, it was the final destination of his trip, and it was also the place he wanted to explore.

The Reincarnation Star is the center of the lower realm, where the six reincarnations are located, and the center battlefield of the war.

No one can say exactly what happened in that battle, but it left a battlefield on the continent of Samsara.

This battlefield is called the taboo battlefield by the warriors of the reincarnation star.

Living people cannot enter.

Because you never know what kind of strong man was there during that battle, and he just died there, maybe the bones are under your feet, right by your side, maybe the lingering souls are condensed in a certain Place.

The abnormal movement of your soul power may cause a powerful remnant soul attack.

If you take a wrong step, it may lead to a certain strong man's dying intent to kill, and he will die.

How many formations are there, how many murderers and trapping formations, who can say clearly?

In that battlefield where several, or even a dozen ancestors, participated in the battle, what was the Saint King Realm and Half Ancestral Realm?

A killing thought left by the ancestor at will may cause a half ancestor to die in vain.

Standing on the edge of this battlefield, Lexus's heart became extremely heavy.

The mud under your feet is distinct.

A foot away in front is the blood-colored earth, and within a foot, it is dark yellow soil.

Behind him, there is an endless expanse of desert. The yellow sand connects the sky and the earth, can not tell the direction, and there is no hope.

In front of him, even if he has not yet entered, there are still fighting sounds, the roar of war horses, the gruesome sound of wild animals, and the sound of weapons clashing together to form an epic piece of music that echoes in his ears.

I don't know, how many heroes are buried here.

Lexus came this time, not for anything else, only for a certain guess in his heart.

The opening of the Fallen Leaf Sect is just around the corner. If you can find that person, life or death will be worth it.

With an indomitable momentum, Lexus stepped into the taboo battlefield.

As soon as he entered, the breath of his living being spread out instantly, and within a hundred meters around, there were several groups of gloomy lights rushing towards him.

They are all the grievances and obsessions left behind after the warriors of the Saint King Realm died.

Ling Zhi's spirit power shook slightly in his body, and these light clusters vanished into the void.

It's just the remnant thoughts of the Saint King Realm, and the warriors of the Saint King Realm can deal with it, and he will naturally die easily.

But looking at the endless taboo battlefield in front of him, and seeing the remnant thoughts of so many saint king realm martial artists, Ling Zhi's heart gradually sank.

This battle is almost all the elite battlefields of the upper and lower circles. It is not surprising that no matter how many and how terrifying the number of strong people appears.

There were wreckage under his feet. After a long time, the ground was full of bones, the weapons and so on. After Lexus approached, they turned into fly ash.

Time is the most powerful force. It just exists. You can't feel its passing, but in this quietness, there is nothing that can withstand its passing.

The saint king can’t do it, the half ancestor can’t do it, the ancestor saint can’t do it.

Throughout the ages, who dares to call it immortal? Can someone live to this day since the beginning of the world?

Maybe there is, maybe not, no one can tell.

Walking here, Lexus didn't dare to be frivolous, and moved forward cautiously and carefully.

As he moved forward, Lexus began to gradually open his heart and his perception. His soul power does not cover a wide range, and it is within a hundred meters of his body, which is the same as the usual distance of thousands of miles. Cannot be compared.

His soul power was attentive and meticulous, sweeping through every corpse, every weapon, every pothole left by a battle, every nick left by a sword.

Later, he even closed his eyes and walked forward as he thought of himself.

Feel everything, experience everything, taste everything.

There may be an exquisite sword mark that will give him a pleasant smile on his face, and he will stop and study for a long time.

Then he was surprised to find that this humble sword mark came from the hands of a suspected ancestor.

There may be a deep pit hit by a hammer, which also contains many truths. He has been immersed in it for a long time and has benefited a lot. Then he will be surprised to find that this mysterious hammer is suspected to come from a holy king. The hand of warrior.

There is a sequence of hearings, and a specialization in surgery.

Just as the half-ancestor is certainly strong, if he ignores all the means, shields his spiritual sense, and lets him go to farm, I am afraid that it will be fruitless.

In this kind of unconscious movement, Ling Zhi got unimaginable good fortune.

These good fortunes are different from those spirit medicines and ancestors. They are real, and after he digests and absorbs them, they will become his own things.

The elite battlefield of the entire universe is condensed here, and there are so many techniques, techniques, techniques, rules, and perceptions that I don’t know.

It was like a feast, and he was the only one who tasted it.

Indulge, indulge, enjoy it!

How much he can eat depends on his appetite and how much he can understand depends on his talent!

Later, in Lexus' perception, it was no longer these wreckages and sword marks, but real scenes.

All these scenes around him seemed to come alive, and the scenes from the past, real, reappeared in his perception.

Among them, there are some wonderful reasons that are not clear, but it is also related to the method of time tracing he has mastered.

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