God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2072: Reincarnation

I have heard too many things from the past and saw too many people and things from the past.

But after all, there is no today, personal experience, it is more real.

For seven days, Lexus used his own steps to measure most of this battlefield, step by step, down-to-earth, and walked many places.

At first, there were still some remaining formations that would harm him and even cause trouble and trouble to him.

Later, before he set foot in these formations, he first realized it, and when he made a mistake, he bypassed the formation and went elsewhere.

He has "experienced" countless battles, and his experience in battle has been greatly tempered and tempered.

What was even more terrifying was the improvement in his spiritual sense.

He was able to get around the dangerous place in advance, not because he found something, but simply because he felt that there was danger ahead. If he went on like this, there would be danger and he needed to get around.

Then he bypassed and avoided the risk.

It's like the warrior sometimes throbs in his heart suddenly and makes some dodge moves to avoid a catastrophe.

"Going east, the waves are exhausted, the eternal lover." Ling Zhi stood still, all the feelings and emotions, after all, turned into such a sigh, leisurely sigh.

He witnessed the Ruyijing of the weak and the fight of the King.

Witnessed the mainstay, such as the battle of the Saint King Realm and the Half Ancestral Realm.

I was also fortunate to witness the targeted shots of several ancestors.

From weak to strong, in those scenes, there is a big gap, and the big one makes people desperate.

It is simply unimaginable, what is the position of the warrior of the King of Artistic Realm in such a battlefield?

The warriors of the Saint King Realm are just the aftermath of an attack, and I am afraid that they can kill them hundreds of times.

It's just the other way round. If the ancestor's blow hits them, how many of them can survive even in the half ancestor, holy king state?

They fought fiercely, resisted fiercely, and fought fiercely.

But their lives are not in their own hands.

Ling Zhi slowly opened his eyes, and completely escaped from that state.

All the pictures in front of him disappeared, and all the mottled sentiments disappeared.

What he saw in his eyes was a leftover battlefield, a large number of corpses, broken weapons piled up randomly, one after another mountain pits and peaks stacked randomly, star fragments turned into precious meteorites, discarded in the corners in.

Among them, there are ancestor artifacts that have been completely obliterated, and even the corpse of the ancestor.

But after exhausting all power, under the ravages of time, even the corpse of the ancestor saint, compared with the corpse of the ordinary warrior, is just more complete. What's the point?

What can the momentary strength and weakness explain?

Which of these dead ancestors of the upper realm did not have the ability to easily kill Sikongxiu?

But in the end Sikongxiu survived.

And the ancestors of the lower realm who died here, although they did not survive, but their spirit and spirit, a heroic and chivalrous body, have been passed down, even if history is obliterated by others, when future generations saw this scene , I still remember, these are indelible.

"All creatures have birth, old age, sickness and death, strength and weakness," Ling Zhi muttered to himself, "Isn't this a complete reincarnation?"

This is the first time for Ling Zhi to put his personal experience together with reincarnation.

He was born out of the "Six Paths" exercises and created "Reincarnation", which is just a momentary epiphany, not a superposition of experience.

Until now, he himself truly understood the meaning of the word reincarnation.

"Looking at all things in the world, the world's ten thousand laws, after all, can't escape the word reincarnation." Ling Zhi's eyes became brighter and brighter, a thought that he could not control, bursting from the depths of his heart.

Even if the body is tempered into a black and yellow indestructible body, there is nothing that can be completely wiped away, the white hair between the hairs, at this moment, finally disappeared.

From the roots to the ends, there is no variegated color, pure black hair, extremely tough.

Lexus finally pushed the "Reincarnation" method transparently and thoroughly on the surface and at a deeper level.

Feeling his own changes clearly, Ling Zhi moved in his heart and suddenly stepped away several miles behind him.

He ran quickly, stepped on the battlefield under his feet, and ran like a cheetah. Every inch of his body's muscles, up and down, perfectly exerted its due strength.

But where his footsteps fell, there was not even a piece of dust raised.

This is because Lexus has controlled every trace of power in the body to a severe degree.

There is no leakage of power.

A few miles away, there was a battlefield without so many wrecks, and it even seemed a bit empty in the forbidden battlefield.

Just because this is a meeting place for the two ancestors.

The ancestors fought against each other, naturally using the starry sky as the battlefield, but here was the place where they fought briefly and stayed briefly.

Here, there is the killing intent and war intent left by the ancestors, and there is a touch of obsession with the ancestors.

It was also a place where Lexus had left early.

But now, Lexus has to take the initiative and step in.

He took a deep breath and walked in unswervingly.

The fighting spirit left by the ancestor rushed towards his face, Ling Zhi's body was shaken, and his feet plunged into the ground for half a meter.

The huge pressure was on his shoulders, as if he was about to squeeze into the battlefield where two ancestors were fighting, it was much more difficult than facing the fighting spirit of an ancestor.

Because the fighting intent of these two unknown ancestors is here, I don't know how many years of fighting and fighting.

His rash intrusion will arouse the attention of two fighting intents, and then he will be suppressed by two fighting intents at the same time!

The fairy power in his body, in accordance with the "Reincarnation" exercise method, runs on its own, and perfectly forms a reincarnation revolution, achieving a complete weekly revolution, running on its own, and endlessly.

Then Ling Zhi made a fist, just so flat and straightforward, and punched forward.

There is no fancy, no technique, no uppercut or side strike, it is the simplest one, a straight punch.

After this punch was completely punched, the air exploded in the air.

However, Ling Zhi's body suddenly loosened, and he stood out from the half-meter deep pit.

Standing on the flat ground.

Every exercise has its own means of attack.

Since the creation of the "Reincarnation" method, Lexus finally figured out his own method of attack.

Reincarnation Taoism, the first form, six reincarnation fists.

Taking the Six Paths as the power to advance and the Reincarnation as the foundation, the embryonic form of this fist actually has the posture of breaking through the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Feeling the oppression coming, Lexus punched again.

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