God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2070: Take the whip

Wushan originally contained the entrance to the Wu clan.

Lexus knew this a long time ago.

Shu Feiyao's resurrection relied on the power of Xinghai encountered from among the Witch Clan.

"It's not that the Wu clan doesn't want to come out, but they can't come out. The **** is guarded by the entrance. How easy is it to come out?"

The old giant spoke to solve Ling Zhi's confusion.

And through the description of the old giant, Lexus was almost certain that that so-called divine fetish must be a whip.

While on the Jiuding Peak, he had been guided by Jiuding to confirm the existence of the whip.

"If the Wu Clan is on our side, why do my ancestors on earth seal them in the ancient space with a whip?" Ling Zhi frowned and asked in doubt.

Beat the whip, Jiuding, these are artifacts belonging to China, with extraordinary power.

Calculating based on this theory, the Wu Clan should be an enemy or not a friend.

"Don't calculate like that," the old giant waved his hand, tears still in his eyes.

The tribe of ancient giants is rare. Except for the two small giants, Chu Da is the youngest and the most promising. The giants are also counting on him to go out to experience and find opportunities to break into the half-ancestral realm.

But who would have thought that Chu Da died. Fortunately, the giants were open-minded and bold. When they heard that Chu Da died to protect the city, they all regarded Chu Da as a hero. They were very proud and admired. .

"It is said that the **** fetish prevented the Wu clan from coming out, but the world changed a lot. In fact, the original function of the **** fetish was to block people from entering and protect the ancient Wu clan." The old giant said.

Ling Zhi nodded and said sincerely, "Senior, since you are so familiar with the things of the year, it is better to be like this. If I can take the divine object, you can go in with me. For so many years, I don't know how many things will happen, Wu Family matters, you have to bother you more. I have some things, and I can’t spend time here."

He was worried about Ouyang Haotian, and he was anxious to do many things. No one knew when the First World War would begin, and he did not dare to delay.

The old giant also did not refuse, "If you can take away the divine object, I will try my best to propose to the Wu Clan. Don't worry, they have a bit of resentment about it, but they naturally distinguish between right and wrong. Nothing will go wrong."

"Furthermore, Chu Da can sacrifice himself for the sake of Tai Shangcheng. We are an old bone. If we can play the residual heat at the end, we will be satisfied."


Leaving from among the ancient giants, Ling Zhi turned his head and dived into Wushan, thinking about where he had entered, and fumbled away.

With his current spirit power, it is not difficult to find such an entrance, especially since there is still a piece of talisman paper in his body given by Jiuding.

Above this talisman, there was the breath of beating the whip.

Before he set foot in the witch world, Ling Zhi felt the breath of the whip.

He even noticed the breath of the nine lions and others he had met.

Responding to them from afar, Ling Zhi calmly sent some elixir and elixir, without further delay, following the direction he perceived, and went straight.

As early as in the physical state, Lexus once got a replica of the magic whip in the boundless sea. When he was young, he helped him a lot.

Now that he was about to approach this legendary item, he felt a little nervous, and his palm was sweaty.

The space of the Wu clan is an ancient space. After a long period of time, it has almost become a small world.

Ling Zhi has been groping to the edge of the small world, only then can he really feel the breath of beating the whip.

Before he could touch it, there was a sense of convulsions.

There is an invisible pressure, oppressing his soul in the air.

Shenhun stood on the stage, his body first bent, almost half kneeling on the stage, unable to withstand the pressure.


Ling Zhi's eyes lit up, but with the power of this moment, he could be sure that this was undoubtedly an ancestor.

And it is a complete ancestor.

What is a complete ancestor?

The spirit of the sky tower has not appeared, not counting.

Xuanyuan Sword should also be an ancestor weapon, but the damage was more severe, and it was not as good as a king's soldier back then. Even in Huangdi Xuanyuan's hands, it only had instinct, but no weapon spirit, not counting.

Whether the Tiandao Monument belongs to the category of ancestors or not is uncertain, and naturally it is not counted.

Looking at it so far, the only complete ancestor weapon that Ling Zhi has seen is the 33 days in the pseudo-world.

For thirty-three days, there is a complete weapon spirit, and it has not been damaged beyond repair, and can exert the power of a complete ancestor weapon.

When the ancestor of the upper realm took action, the old man of the spirit spirit wanted to control the ancestor for thirty-three days. He was only worried about what he suppressed, but he was not worried at all about the battle with the ancestor.

It can be seen that its power must be impressive.

Lexus saw the whip in front of him, the second one, the ancestor weapon.

"How can you have the breath of the Yellow Emperor?"

When he was hesitating how to get the whip, a man's voice that was neither humble nor arrogant suddenly came from the chaos.

At the same time, a mysterious yellow wooden whip emerged from the chaos.

The whip is three feet, six inches and five minutes long, with a total of 21 sections, and each section has four runes, a total of eighty-four runes.

In the Chinese legend, the **** whip is owned by Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the three Qing Dynasties, and is a **** of the same level as Jiuzhou Jiuding.

If the treasure gourd in Lu Ya's hand is the same as the one in Huaxia Legend, it should also be an item of the same level.

These divine objects are not just simple ancestors, not simple defenses and killings, but have many other functions.

Lexus knew very well that the soul whip was a real and unique weapon that could directly hit the spirit whip.

Just imagine how fragile the spirit is, how can it withstand the enemy's real power attack?

Is it commonplace to claim that you can hit the whip of "gods"?

"Apocalyptic array opened?" Seeing that Ling Zhi hadn't answered yet, he hit the whip and said to himself, "Probably understand. The brand on your body is the brand of the city lord of Supreme City?"

He hit the whip and said, suddenly the whip was tapped in the void and hit Ling Zhi directly.

"You still don't have the ability to control me. Since the Apocalypse Array is open, I am meaningless here. I have a few things to do." The whip said,

"But since we met by chance, I can help you."

The beat of the whip disappeared from Ling Zhi's eyes, but Ling Zhi felt that his body was loosened, and the brand of the city lord of the Supreme City on his body disappeared.

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