God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2050: Guru's Seal Uncovered

Xia Ning'er now is like a combination of one big and one small before.

Still simple, still straightforward, but because of past experience, she will never do, "Okay, then Ning'er will only wear no clothes in front of Brother." This kind of cute thing comes.

But Ling Zhi doesn't care about this, he only cares whether Xia Ning'er is well.

Seven emotions and six desires are things that Lexus will not abandon. In his concept, he also does not want the people around him to abandon and obliterate all these emotions.

People, aren't they called humans because of these emotions?

"Taishang Wangqing Method," Ling Zhi said silently, "The relationship with Taishangcheng must be extremely deep?"

"According to the rumors, there is an ancestor named Taishang, who built the Taishang city and created the method of forgetting emotions, so the relationship between the two should be very great." Xia Ning'er nodded obediently, very Naturally stretched out his hand and hooked Lexus's arm.

Her eleven or twelve-year-old body, standing next to Ling Zhi, is naturally petite, and her sister is holding her brother's arm, which is naturally normal.

It's just when making this point, everyone can see clearly that Xia Ning'er's body stiffened for a moment, and then he recovered a lot.

"Then continue to practice this method, Ning'er, will you forget us people again?" Ling Zhi frowned and asked.

Xia Ning'er was stunned for a moment, and a few layers of frost appeared in her eyes. She subconsciously felt that the current emotion was not suitable for her cultivation. The exercises worked automatically, and she wanted to force her to forget these memories.

"No, I don't want it. I don't want to forget my brother." Xia Ning'er suddenly shook her head quickly and let out a cry of pain.

The method of utterly forgetting emotion is the foundation of her cultivation. Abolishing this method will abolish herself. After so many years of penance, she has lived and died.

But if she continues to practice, Xia Ning'er will inevitably forget Zhuo Yi who took her to eat candied haws, forget Ye Qingcheng who took good care of her in the sky tower, forget these faces, and even the brother Lingzhi.

To be too ungrateful, what you want is to be detached from things at the peak, and to watch the world's thousands of changes, but oneself is like a rock and indifferent.

The detachment that Lexus wanted was to take the people around him to detachment together.

Too much forgiveness is a detachment of oneself and staying out of it.

The two are completely different, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of superiority or inferiority, only choice and choice.

"Well, Ning'er, don't think about it for now." Ling Zhi reached out and gently touched Xia Ning'er's head, "Cultivate with peace of mind. If you don't want to forget, don't forget."

"Nothing, you can force my sister to do things that she doesn't like." Ling Zhi smiled confidently, "I will find a way to solve the exercises that will cause you to forget our problems."

These words of Lexus did not deliberately depress, Shu Feiyao and others naturally believed in this, but there was a complex light in Ju Yi's eyes.

Naturally, she knew that Lexus was so powerful that it was a miracle just to be able to find the magical medicine of unicorns, the Nine Ranks Resurrection Grass, and resurrect Shu Feiyao.

But what she knows better is the horror of being too emotional.

Throughout the ages, how many exercises? How many wonderful people?

Even Huangdi Xuanyuan, he still has his own law, but even if he has shocked one era, will anyone remember it in the next era?

Being able to break out of the long history, and known as one of the strongest exercises, the Taishang Wangqing Method, naturally has its extremely overbearing reason.

Xia Ning'er cultivated this exercise, and had already had many amazing performances back then, but it was much stronger than her now.

Even if it was Lexus, Joy didn't think that he could reach the legendary, too high height.

In addition, if you want to change the method of being too emotional, you have to surpass the height of the too.

Xia Ning'er raised her head and looked at Ling Zhi. After a long time, she suddenly smiled and said, "I believe you, brother, but I don't need your help. Ning'er is really good."

With that said, Xia Ning'er spread out her palms, as if to show her hands.

So scared that Ling Zhi hurriedly stopped her, and smiled bitterly, "You should suppress the chill in your body first. Look at them, who dares to approach you."

If this continues, Ling Zhi estimates that few of the flowers, elixir, etc. that Tan Taijing and the others have finally transplanted will survive.

Xia Ning'er spit out her small tongue, and hurriedly absorbed all the icy meaning that overflowed from her body.

Inside the Fallen Leaf Sect, the temperature finally returned to normal.

It’s just that in the following contact, Ling Zhi also noticed that although Xia Ning'er was very cute and cute in front of her, but when facing other people, except Zhuo Yiye Qingcheng, she was better for everyone. They are all icy, so they won't be bothered.

Too-shang Wangqing method is already in her bones, if it weren't for Lexus also engraved in her bones, she couldn't think of Lexus.

However, as her cultivation base recovers a little bit, recovers toward the peak state, and even surpasses her previous self one day, the ice crystals in her eyes grow more and more.

Ling Zhi even knew very well that according to this trend, perhaps after he brought Ouyang Haotian back, Xia Ning'er would no longer remember him.

However, he hasn't even fully understood his reincarnation practice right now. Where can he have the insight, ability, and vision to change the method of overcoming emotion?

While Ling Zhi frowned and thought, some strange power rushed into his perception.

This perception was extremely familiar to him.

It is the power of space.

"Master?" He turned his head and looked behind him in surprise. He didn't expect Wen Cang to come here at this time.

Zhou Xuanqing has already left, and it is Wen Cang who can be called a master by him and understand the power of space.

Wen Cang has studied the power of space for a whole life, even the current Lexus, in terms of the power of space, dare not say that he has reached the point of Wen Cang.

"I felt the fluctuations of the extremely mysterious space power," Wen Cang stood still, and couldn't wait to say, "I came all the way and thought it was your kid, but now it seems that it is not."

"What space objects are there?" Wen Cang asked.

Ling Zhi concentrated, let out his perception, and instantly understood that it was the little beast grunting.

The colorful spirit-devouring fire was swallowed into the belly by Guru, dissipating the power of taboo, now it seems that it is about to succeed.

And this power of space also comes from Gulu itself.

"To study the power of space for a lifetime, yes, this is the feeling, this is the direction," Wen Cang rushed to the place where Gulu was.

"Follow me, if you can feel it, your spatial power will undergo a qualitative transformation."

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