God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2049: Too much


Xia Ning'er repeated such a word subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, she shook her head painfully, "How can I have a brother, how can I recognize being a brother, don't talk nonsense."

Seeing his appearance, Ling Zhi suddenly felt distressed.

But how can you tell her all the things that year?

Even if you know, even if you understand, can they go back to the past?

Ning'er, is that brother who opened his mouth and closed his mouth, that Xia Ning'er who pestered him, chased him, worried about him?

If you haven't experienced it in real life, how can you understand that emotion?

"Lexus, try Three Souls and Six Souls."

Suddenly, Yun's easy voice came from the side, and she came out more and more, squeezing her finger with some uncertainty, and said to Ling Zhi.

In the past, she would only disdain and sneer at this kind of emotion, but now, she is extremely rare. These are the most false in the past, but now they are the most real and emotional.

Ling Zhi looked back at her, with some understanding in his heart, but not clear enough.

"There are records in the Three Souls and Six Souls. You can rub out part of your own memories and show them directly in front of others." Ju Yi said, "Although this is a little bit of damage to you, but with your The cultivation base is harmless."

Yun Yi is the Heavenly Dao League. Over the years, the only one who has understood the Three Souls and Six Souls and has studied for so long. Compared with that, Lexus's mastery is of course not proficient.

Especially the deeper application and understanding.

Hearing these words, Ling Zhi's eyes lit up.

A lot of truths are straightforward.

[Bequgex www.bequgex.com] He quickly understood what to do.

With a glimmer of hope and longing, he chose to do it without hesitation.

As for the damage, he never considered it.

Xia Ning'er originally wanted to stop, saying that she had no interest in this kind of other people’s memory, but when Lexus did it directly without the slightest hesitation, when she felt that Lexus’ spirit was instantly damaged. , She closed her mouth silently and did not speak.

She coldly sealed all her emotions, but since she said she wanted to repay Shu Feiyao, it was enough to show that her xinxing was still there, and she did not seal her own humanity, so that she did not have the slightest emotions and desires.

As time passed, Lexus finally succeeded.

A piece of the memory that belonged only between him and Xia Ning'er was rubbed out by him, held in his hand, and spread out in front of Xia Ning'er.

Xia Ning'er hesitated for a moment before she put her palm on Lexus's big hand.

Her palm was extremely cold, so placed on Lexus's warm palm, Lexus not only did not hide, but even gently moved her palm and his palm closer.

The way Xia Ning'er is now will only make him feel more distressed.

Xia Ning'er did not resist his movements, calmly immersed all of his mind in those memories.

Because she had the same face, when she did this, it was as if she had become the Xia Ning'er in Lexus's memory.



Such a scene lasted for a short time.

However, after only a few breaths of effort, Xia Ninger's hand placed on Lexus' palm suddenly grabbed Lexus's big hand.

Then under Ling Zhi's gaze, Xia Ning'er plunged directly into Ling Zhi's arms.

"Brother, brother, it's you, it's you, Ning'er remembered, remembered."

No one thought that Xia Ning'er would suddenly think of everything and react so intensely.

The fierceness made Ling Zhi stunned.

"It's the two souls before. Between the fusion, they must keep this memory in their hearts. This memory is buried in the bottom of my heart, and it will burst out sooner or later, but the technique I practiced As a result, it forced me to erase this memory."

"It hasn't been wiped out, how could the things carved in the bones be so easy to be wiped out." Xia Ning'er plunged into Ling Zhi's arms, and said one sentence after another, but tears couldn't stop streaming down.

Its tears, like ice crystals, are the most brilliant and pure.

"Gong method?" Ju Yi looked at all of this, and suddenly said, "Which exercise method did you practice really?"

Xia Ning'er got up from Ling Zhi's arms. Just like before, she pulled Ling Zhi's sleeve and wiped her tears, and smiled at Ling Zhi. Then she looked back at You Yi, "You are, that reincarnation?"

"Yeah." Joy did not shy away from it, and nodded directly, "You can only get to this point, still half an ancestor."

"No, you have to reincarnate. You still lack one reincarnation. The breath on your body is incomplete and flawed." Xia Ning'er shook her head and denied Juyi's words, "The next time you wake up in reincarnation, what realm are you , What realm is that, then it will be definite, and your current realm can't explain much."

She could see so clearly, her small body, and her immature voice, it was surprising, but also convinced.

The first person in the Ancestral Star Monument for a long time proved her extremely detached talent.

The ranking on the Ancestral Star Monument is based on the martial artist's current talents and future future.

Just like Shui Wuhen, he was exposed to the power of time in the king realm, so powerful that it was terrible against the sky, but because he died early, he could only be ranked among a bunch of holy king realms, but he could not go up. Up.

In terms of talent alone, even Lexus cannot be compared with him, but the future is completely different and cannot be compared.

Xia Ning'er can be in such a position, naturally enough to explain everything.

As for Lexus, he appeared directly at the top of the Ancestral Star Monument, surpassing the ranking on the Ancestral Star Monument, and came out aloof.

What this shows, I am afraid that only the Ancestral Star Tablet knows it.

Joy fell into deep thought. She knew the identity of Xia Ning'er, so she believed in her words.

"In addition, what I practiced is indeed that exercise. When everyone speculated, they couldn't believe it." Xia Ning'er nodded her little head, "Too much forgiving."

"It is precisely this exercise that will make the two of me before me, without the slightest confidence, can still remember Brother." Xia Ning'er apologized back to look at Ling Zhi, "If Brother didn't do that, at most It will take another three days. After my body is fully awakened, and after my practice is fully restored, those memories will be automatically wiped out and wiped out completely, even if I see your rubbed memory again , There won’t be the slightest touch."

"The Taishang Wangqing method is known to appear with Taishangcheng. It is detached from the long river of history, and it is also one of the strongest exercises throughout the ages."

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