God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2051: stunned

Time was short, and Wen Cang had no time to explain more. He just yelled and disappeared.

Ling Zhi did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed.

The little beast Guru is now located in the direction of the back mountain of the newly built Fallen Leaf Sect.

This place is still barren, but the surrounding area has been constructed.

Obviously Tantaijing, Niu Yuanhang and the others, fearing to disturb Gulu, avoided here first.

At the moment, the hair on Gulu's body became more snow-white, even in this ordinary sunlight, it was a little dazzling white.

"Is it?" Xia Ning'er's voice sounded, and she almost arrived here with Ling Zhi.

It can be seen that its speed is faster than Lexus can't use the power of space.

"It turned out to be a member of that clan." Xia Ning'er couldn't help but exclaimed again. She was the one who had seen the Xuebai Big Beast's body, and also received help from Xuebai Big Beast, Gulu's father. Gongfa, so shocked at this moment, it is normal.

"Ning'er, do you know what race Guru is?" Ling Zhi asked curiously.

Xia Ning'er shook his head, "I know their race, but what kind of race they are, I don't know. There are too many sayings, and their mastery of the power of space and the power of thunder and lightning is terrible. "

"The names against the heavens, the heavens and the gods, etc., are followed by each of them, but these are the awe and envy of other people's clan. I am afraid that only they know the specific names."

"Guru's father, is a strong man in the ancestral holy realm?" Ling Zhi nodded. He deeply understood why the Guru clan gave so many amazing impressions.

"Well," Xia Ning'er nodded, "it must be the ancestor sage, and among the ancestors, it must be one of the strongest existences."

"But at that time, there seemed to be something wrong with this clan, a huge shock occurred, and now it seems to be related to the Lord of Taboo, the power of Taboo?" Xia Ning'er thought about the past memories, but still has some Vague, speaking of which, it is a little uncertain.

Her soul and body have just merged and recovered, but have not yet fully recovered, so the memory is somewhat crossed, and it is quite normal.

"Lord of Taboo, who is it?" Ling Zhi frowned. He once met someone who could use the power of Taboo. It was the man who swallowed the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast. This group of people chased and killed the Owl's Tail. , Hunting down the son of the true dragon, very overbearing [海棠书屋www.htsw.info].

In his mouth, he called the Lord of Taboo the Great, but such a title was rejected by Xuebai Big Beast.

Gulu's father said very clearly, the second step of cultivation is the Holy King Realm and the Ancestral Holy Realm.

And the third step, he speculated that it exists, and this realm is very likely to be related to the word emperor, but throughout the ages, he has not found anyone who has actually stepped into the third step, so what kind of devil, the Lord of Taboo claims to be The emperors are all false emperors.

A pseudo-word says it all.

"Even if it was my original strength, I couldn't touch the true identity of the Lord of Taboo, and I couldn't touch that level, but just from the fact that I can attack this race and succeeded, it has already explained many problems."

Xia Ning'er looked at Gu Lu with fear, and she still had a trace of taboo, she was very alert.

Unlike his guard, Wen Cang was extremely excited when he felt the breath of the little beast at this moment.

According to him, he has studied the power of space all his life, and there is always a vague direction in his heart. At this moment, the state of the little beast is like a beacon, showing him the way forward.

As long as he can seize this opportunity, his attainments in the power of space will be terribly powerful.

In comparison, Lexus's insights at this moment are somewhat thin.

After all, the power of space is not Lexus' strengths.

Although the power of space is incomparably powerful, the power of space was not realized by Lexus himself, but by relying on space crystals.

The true power of Lexus’s natal rules is the power of Yin and Yang, that is, the power of life and death.

The power of space, after all, is an auxiliary force of Lexus, it is impossible to replace the yin and yang rules and become Lexus's natal rules.

The ruler is long and the inch is short.

There is a sequence of hearings, and a specialization in surgery.

No one can become a top-level existence in any field.

For example, Ling Zhi, so far, he has never set foot in a formation or refining, but in a pill refining, galloping with his horse. This is his own choice, and he knows wisely what he suits.

There is a very specific, clear, clear and cognition of the way forward.

Wen Cang was immersed in the perception of the power of space, but Gulu woke up early, and the last trace of taboo power completely disappeared from its body.

Then in front of Lexus, Lexus intuitively witnessed the changes in Gulu's strength.

Soaring all the way from the Saint King Realm, without the slightest threshold, broke into the Half Ancestral Realm.

The power in the little beast Guru's body slowly rose and fell.

And before and after, it took only ten breaths.

Ye Qingcheng and the others who came back and forth, looked at all this, almost forgot to breathe.

"This..." Ling Zhi was speechless, "If it just worked harder, wouldn't it just rush into the ancestral holy realm?"

How can there be such a speed, such a posture, a dozen breathing time, all the way into the semi-ancestral realm, without even a pause.

What threshold, what imprisonment, what is the difficulty of breaking the border, in Gulu, it is just like a joke.

Especially, for all of this, there is no other expression on Gulu's face.

It just waved its small paw and ran towards Lingzhi.

I want to tell Ling Zhi that it has successfully eliminated the power in the body, and I want to tell Ling Zhi that it feels very comfortable, relaxed and comfortable now.

The force of taboo is pressing on the little beast's body, causing the original power in the little beast's body to constantly need to suppress the opponent, making the little beast's talents impossible to fully develop.

In short, the little beast in the past was limited to some of its talents and talents, but now it is complete.

That is the attitude of the real family.

"That's how they entered the Half Ancestral Realm..." Niu Yuanhang and the others stared blankly at all, and they were even more shocked when they thought of Gu Lu's sleepiness in the sky tower in the past.

Many people may not be able to enter the Half Ancestral Realm after spending their entire lives, but Guru has entered the Half Ancestral Realm so easily and comfortably.

The power of space, the power of thunder, is even more exaggerated.

"Even if it's me, I feel a little bit hit." Ling Zhi touched his nose and said, "How do I feel that if it is fully fired now, I will have to suffer a lot?"

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