God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1895: People slaughtered

The destruction of soul power and the fall of soul power into the hands of others are completely different things.

Although Shen Tuyan couldn't remember for the first time, why the other party had to involve his soul power and what he could do with his soul power, but he was still uneasy after all.

However, when he rushed over, he suddenly froze again, frowning deeper.

Just because at this moment, the warrior who spent a lot of effort to pull a trace of his soul power out of the Shenting acupoint wiped out his soul power again.

Spend time and energy to pull the soul power out of the Shenting acupoint and then destroy it?

What is the reason for this?

Even if Shen Tuyan was a truly stern person, at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little incomprehensible.

For him, such a setback is simply the most stupid behavior.

He would naturally not know that Ling Zhi had a companion named Shu Feiyao.

Shu Feiyao has a witch pet, Xinghai.

Although this was just a trace of spirit power, after all, he followed the dead man for a long time. Even if he had no memory of the previous events, he would know some things about this place.

The sea of ​​stars next to Shu Feiyao flew up, and Ling Zhi was also killing that soul power at this moment.

Strands of memories poured into Xinghai's heart and appeared in front of Shu Feiyao.

In the end, Shu Feiyao reported it and became known to Lexus.

"There are only two people?" Ling Zhi was surprised. He didn't know how many people rushed in because of such a big movement.

Unexpectedly, it was rarer than that worm repair, there were only two people.

I want to come to another one, the one who controls these puppets.

"In the memory of this soul power, that person used these three puppets to kill these Fang Xiangshi, but he put these puppets here, guarding the periphery, and marching alone, so..." Feiyao raised her head and said her own judgment.

"So there must be even more powerful puppets beside him." Ling Zhi's eyes flashed and said.

These three puppets can hurt him, and they have a certain level of power in the three-level state of the holy king. They can carry three puppets that are difficult to die, and they completely accept the three-level state of the three holy kings under their control, even if only It was also an enviable and frightening thing that the early warriors were around.

You know, even if it is Yaowangfeng, including those old people of several generations, the Saint King's three-level realm will not exceed the number of one hand.

Even the most powerful Heavenly Dao League, this number is definitely not too much.

It didn't take long for this kind of speculation, Shen Tuyan's figure appeared before them first.

Although Shen Tuyan's gaze narrowed when he saw the number of Ling Zhi and others, his expression was still very calm, because his heart was also calm.

His gaze first fell on the puppet destroyed by Lexus.

Seeing the burnt and ill-formed puppet, his eyes became gloomy.

These materials that can be refined into powerful puppets, even him, need to spend a great price, just such a direct loss of one, even he is a little distressed.

However, what surprised him even more was that the connection between himself and the puppet would be severed.

Thinking of this, he waved his fingers slightly, and the two hanging puppets came to him at an astonishing speed.

"It's you?" Almost at the same time, he seemed to have gotten some useful news from the two puppets, and looked at Lexus condescendingly.

Ling Zhi did not have the slightest fear, stepped forward, looked at him and said, "Very well, it seems that you have not had time to touch it."

He said these words very suddenly, but Shen Tuyan understood it for the first time. He frowned slightly, "You are here to save it?"

In his opinion, Ling Zhi did not mention the tomb, but first mentioned the death of King Fang Xiang. This is the strangest place.

"Whether you save it or kill it, it can't fall into your hands anyway." Ling Zhi smiled, "King Fang Xiang has a great effect on the suppression of ghosts. If it falls into your hands, you will refine some powerful puppets later. , Will it be easier and more relaxed if you think about it?"

Even if he sensed that Ling Zhi had destroyed his soul power and destroyed one of his puppets, Shen Tuyan's eyes were only a little unhappy and a little gloomy.

But when Ling Zhi said this, a strong killing intent finally appeared in his eyes.

Shen Tuyan understood very well that the reason why he was able to live so peacefully was not because of how strong he was.

He is very clear that there are heavens outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. There are too many wonderful places in this world, wonderful formations, and wonderful strong people, which may kill him and cause danger to him.

So he understood from the beginning that the prerequisite for being safe is that others don't understand him.

It's the secret of oneself, only the secret that oneself knows.

So after Ling Zhi destroyed his soul power and used Xinghai, he didn't actually get any useful information. He just knew that he existed, and he just speculated that he might be even stronger. Puppet.

As for his specific cultivation base, whether there is any hole card, and the means of confronting the enemy, he doesn't know at all.

Therefore, when Ling Zhi found the man, he would control the man's escape for the first time. When he found that he could not escape, he did not hesitate to let the man die.

Those toxins were enough to kill all the vitality of the man and destroy his soul body in the first place.

Shentuyan is called Human Tuyan on his own planet.

Because he has always been alone, even the closest friend knows every bit of his secret, and he wants to kill it.

There are even rumors that his parents and his legendary brother were killed by him himself.

He is called a slaughter, not because of how many people he killed, but because he slaughtered his own humanity.

However, at this moment, Ling Zhi first broke the connection between him and the puppet, and then clarified his purpose of hunting Fang Xiangshi and chasing Fang Xiangshi king, no matter what point, it touched his bottom line.

If you touch his bottom line, you must die.

The murderous intent that rose from Shentu Yan's body became stronger and stronger, making it like falling into the abyss.

"You understand the rules of space." Shen Tuyan also understood the reasons Lexus was able to do all this at the first time.

In addition to the killing intent, his eyes also showed some jealousy.

The two puppets beside him spread out in the immediate direction, and they happened to form a three-point triangle with him.

The two puppets stared at Li Bai and the others firmly. As long as Shui Wuxun and the others acted, the two puppets would rush up immediately.

He wants to kill Lexus first!

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