God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1896: Dead wood changes in quality every spring

However, Shen Tuyan didn't know that the man who was standing behind Ling Zhi with a refined aura was not necessarily weaker than Ling Zhi.

So Ling Zhi looked at Shen Tuyan, but just walked towards him, without looking back at all.

The two puppets alone were not qualified enough to threaten Li Bai and the others.

He first entered the Saint King's third-level realm, and desperately wanted to find a well-matched opponent to fight happily.

The world condensed by white clothes did not bring him many powerful tricks, techniques, and power, but it made him successfully detach from this world. At this moment, he was relaxed and comfortable, with words and deeds, and thoughts. In, they all add a bit of true meaning.

Since Shen Tuyan wants to fight, then fight, he is Lexus, why is he afraid?

"Are you an ordinary cultivator?" Shen Tuyan asked in confusion as he looked at Lexus who was approaching him.

Ling Zhi frowned, then said, "We call us martial artists. If we can summarize it in terms of cultivation, it's all right."

He did not say that he was ordinary or ordinary, but he admitted that he was a practitioner.

Cultivation, the warrior walking between this world and the earth, isn’t it just practice?

"Ordinary cultivators, even after knowing my identity, dare to fight me." Shen Tuyan sneered, but the fingers hidden under his sleeves lit up with a faint light.

On their planet, there is no shortage of warriors like Lexus, but there are very few puppets who can control them.

Just like those insect repairers, they are "uncommon" practitioners.

Streaming light flew out from Shen Tuyan's hands, and some objects around Ling Zhi suddenly came towards Ling Zhi.

The grass was inexplicably wrapped around Ling Zhi's feet, and the rocks and sand were flying in the air, hitting Ling Zhi with his head and face.

Shen Tuyan's spiritual power flows through these things. The most important thing is that these plants and rocks, under his control, just as if their essence has changed, all reveal a strong metallic texture.

A faint ray of light appeared on the surface of Lexus, that was the ray of fairy spiritual power.

These rocks smashed on top, and the defense made up of spiritual power on his body was trembling slightly, a little overwhelmed.

Ling Zhi frowned, but he kept his hands for a moment. In his hand, a vine curled around and stretched forward along his arm.

The vine is only about the thickness of his arm, which has changed a lot from the trick he used before.

But if you really look carefully, you will find that there are dozens of hundreds of vines in this arm-thick vine. These hundreds of vines are gathered together and twisted and twisted to condense. Such a vine that looks very dense.

After such a long time, he once again used the dead wood to meet the spring, but he had many different insights and completely different usages.

At the beginning, the tree man who created the method of the dead tree to spring the spring was a real person who was lucky. Its death was a real accident and a thing that could make countless people regret.

It took so long before it really passed the ontological stage and successfully transformed into form, which in itself was very difficult.

Unlike the form of wild animals, flowers, plants, and trees do not have much spirituality in themselves, and they have too much spirituality innate, and most of them will become spiritual medicines, even demi-magic medicines, which are naturally even more impossible. Practice.

Therefore, the flowers and trees that can have their own minds must have their own unique opportunities, and it will take a very long time to truly transform into human form.

But the same, because it takes a long time and has gone through a long period of precipitation, once transformed, it will have powerful strength and powerful spells.

The treeman just didn't expect that he would be killed by a friend, and he didn't check it for a while, and he didn't have time to grow up.

However, the law of withered wood in spring has many profound meanings.

Even the thunderwood in Guru's hand also had such a meaning, including it.

After Leimu suffered the tribulation of heaven and earth thunder, after being cut off, it did not destroy all the vitality, but renewed its buds.

Same result with the same result.

At this moment, the vines spreading from Lexus' arms easily penetrated the flowers, grasses and flying sand, and with great vigor, they walked towards Shentuyan.

A cold light flashed in Shen Tuyan's hands, and one was similar to the puppet's, but at a glance it was obvious that the two were not the same level gear-shaped weapon, and appeared in his hand.

He held this wheel and hacked towards the side of the vine.

Between the rotation of the gears, there is an extremely sharp feeling, and there is a feeling that even the hardest weapon can be cut.

The vine touched the gear, and it shook violently in an instant, and was violently shaking around by the rotation of the gear.

On the periphery of the vine, the crackling vine began to break, and the front end fell to the ground weakly, but the back end was thrown out and beaten in all directions.

Throwing on the ground, I don't know how many pits and potholes were raised.

Shen Tuyan's attack was no less powerful than Lexus using the Weeping Blood Sword.

"The Saint King's third stage, late stage?" Shui Wuxun looked at Shen Tuyan, feeling the breath on his body, and said in surprise, "A little higher than Lingzhi."

"Ling in the same realm is invincible." Shu Feiyao suddenly said with some pride and pride.

"Uh..." Shui Wuxun was stunned for a moment, then he slapped his lips and said nothing.

Shu Feiyao reacted instantly. She looked at Li Bai and Shui Wuxun again, her pretty face flushed instantly, "Two seniors, me, I didn't mean that..."

Li Bai smiled freely, not caring about these false names.

Shui Wuxun curled his lips and said, "I don't know who he and you are strong and who is weak, but I can't beat him anymore, abnormal, abnormal."


Regardless of the power of Shen Tuyan's gear, in the end he still failed to cut all the vines.

Therefore, the qi and blood in Lingzhi's body was just a roll, and these broken vines were repaired and grown instantly at an astonishing speed.

The method of withered wood in spring is the power of qi and blood, so when it is displayed, it is also the power of qi and blood.

With the powerful qi and blood of Lexus's Xuanhuang Indestructible Body, this move is really powerful to the extreme.

The vines expanded rapidly, which went beyond Shen Tuyan's expectation. Even Ling Zhi's heart was slightly loosened, and while his palm was changing, he was already planning to make another move.

But although Shen Tuyan was surprised, he did not panic. With a few quick movements of his fingers, the gear suddenly expanded sharply in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, it became a huge number of meters, standing in front of him, blocking the vines outside for a while.

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