God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1894: Puppet?

The man whose body was suppressed by Ling Zhi's soul power was originally lying on the ground with a look of death.

If Lexus hadn't taken the lead and prevented him from committing suicide, I am afraid he would have committed suicide long ago.

But now, two bangs sounded in his ears, making him subconsciously look to the sides.

Then he saw it turned into two puppets like scrap iron.

Seeing all this, his body trembled violently, his upper and lower lips collided with each other, and his upper and lower teeth were shaking.

"Impossible, how possible, impossible, how could you possibly cut off his control of the puppet." He shouted these words almost subconsciously.

Not to mention that he thought it was impossible, even Shui Wuxun and Li Bai gave Ling Zhi a surprised look.

They only felt that Ling Zhi suddenly disturbed something in the void with a few swords, and then these lively puppets lost all their power, turned into a pile of waste, and fell down.

Ling Zhi sneered in his heart. He was certain that if Wen Cang were here, he would move much faster than him.

There is no need to make a few swords, one sword and one puppet is enough.

He used several swords before, not because the powers connected with the puppets are very powerful and tough, but because he simply can’t accurately infer where these powers are hidden. There are a few swords just to disrupt this space and make him better. Discover what's hidden in it.

But this seems simple, but Lexus knows that if there is no mastery of the power of space, there is absolutely no way to solve it even if it knows where the power is.

But since Ling Zhi has been practicing, how many people have he met who have mastered the rules of space?

That's why the man in front of him was so shocked.

He couldn't understand how Lexus did it.

These puppets were first-class puppets, even he couldn't deal with them, but in front of Lexus, apart from the sudden appearance at the beginning, they had a little effect, and then they didn't have any shock at all.

"I still can't figure it out, why did you commit suicide in the first place?" Shui Wuxun frowned, looked at the man, and said strangely.

"Because he himself is also a puppet." Ling Zhi's eyes flashed. On the sacred platform in the dantian, the soul body suddenly stood up, with more surging soul power, rushing into the man's body.

Before Shui Wuxun hadn't reacted, his spirit power rushed directly into the man's body and reached the Shenting acupoint.

In the Shenting cave, not surprisingly, he saw a detained soul and another soul power.

This spirit power is not strong, and when he feels Lexus's breath, he immediately retreats madly.

It was just that when he retreated, this spirit power just shook slightly, and the soul body of the body itself roared in pain.

The spirit power in the Shenting acupoint also boiled instantly, rushing towards Ling Zhi.

However, this man is no more than the cultivation base of the second-layer Saint King, even in his own Shenting Acupoint, he definitely has no ability to stop Ling Zhi from making a full shot.

Therefore, the spirit power in the Shenting Cave was almost silent in the next instant.

Ling Zhi's spirit power dashed past with an extremely domineering posture, shaking away all the spirit power in front of him.

The imprisonment on the man's soul body suddenly shook, and was wiped out.

His soul body instantly restored his own clarity. At this moment, not only did he not mobilize his soul power to stop Ling Zhi, but from the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge, he transferred all the remaining soul power to the escaped A small amount of soul power smashed past.

This is his Shenting Cave, in which he may not be invincible, but his speed is definitely the fastest.

So the spirit power almost arrived in front of the fleeing spirit power when he thought about it.

Although it only resisted a few breaths, it was enough to let Lexus completely catch up with the opponent.

"Thank you."

It was also at this time that a voice of relief, gratitude, and unspeakable emotion sounded from this Shenting acupoint.

With a bang, the man's soul body burst into pieces overwhelmed by the strong shot of that small soul power.

And this thank you, but it truly spread into Lexus' perception.

Sure enough, the man was controlled, just like a human figure, a real puppet.

When the soul body is manipulated by people, it naturally loses all of its own consciousness, or in other words, loses control of its own body.

Watching your body helplessly, making moves that you can't control, killing everyone you don't want to kill, or you don't know what is your mood?

Life is better than death.

So when Ling Zhi shattered the power that imprisoned him, he said thank you to Ling Zhi, and immediately blocked the escape of that soul power.

Because he didn't know how Lexus cut off the connection between the few puppets outside and that person, because it was the first time he met someone with Lexus's ability, so he hoped that Lexus could kill the opponent.

This is revenge for him.

Ling Zhi was silent for a moment, without saying much, his spirit power came naturally, approaching the spirit power that was completely exposed in front of him because of being resisted.

Although this small amount of spirit power is very pure, it even exceeds his spirit power by three points.

But this is only a small share after all, and Lexus is soul power.

So when Lexus was completely close to him, he knew that he could no longer escape, but settled down and stopped running away.

"You will regret it." This little spirit power stopped, and suddenly said like this.

Naturally, this was not speaking of making a sound, it was just a certain kind of consciousness caused by the shock of soul power.

The eyes of Lexus's body flashed, he felt the breath of the spirit power, and suddenly said, "It seems that you are the one who enclosed the Fang Xiang clan in the tomb. And these Fang Xiang clan were also killed by you. "

He seemed to just state a fact, because after he said this sentence, he didn't give the other party any time to react, and he just shot it.

The overwhelming spirit power enveloped the opponent, almost pulling the opponent from the man's Shenting acupoint with a tough attitude.

When he realized that Ling Zhi was not trying to kill his own soul power, but wanted to pull his own soul power out, outside the tomb in the distance, a half of his body had already stepped into the tomb. In the middle, the person who exuded powerful energy suddenly stopped.

His aura has firmly locked the Fang Xiang clan, only need to give him a little more time, he can kill Fang Xiang clan king.

But now, he finally couldn't calm down anymore.

His body flashed away at the entrance of the tomb and turned back towards Lingzhi.

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