God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1871: No regrets

"This, even if we look so condescendingly, we can see the whole situation at a glance, but we can't notice the slightest gap between these black flowers."

Shui Wuxun frowned, turned his head to look at Yin Meng and Shu Feiyao, "You, as a woman, may have meticulousness and perception on top of these flowers and plants that we men cannot match. You may see that these flowers, What are the differences."

Needless to say, Yin Meng and Shu Feiyao have already taken a step forward, standing on the edge of thirty-three days.

In fact, such closeness does not make them see more clearly, because the scenes in the hanging city are all carried by the old man with the weapon and presented here in Thirty-three days.

But this is subconscious behavior.

Yin Meng stared at the black flowers in the inner city, and shook his head helplessly, "No, I can't find any interest."

"What about you?" Shui Wuxun saw Shu Feiyao lingeringly, his eyes brightened, and his eyes were expectant.

Shu Feiyao retracted her gaze and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I can't see any difference, but you don't have to be so anxious, because Ling him will definitely see it, and will find the most appropriate and most appropriate one. The exact black flower was brought back."

Shu Feiyao's trust in Ling Zhi, when she rarely spoke in the past, only Ling Zhi could feel this trust.

But today, whether it is the old man of Qi Ling or Shui Wuxun, she unintentionally forced her to speak some words, so everyone present felt Shu Feiyao's trust in Lexus without any reason.

Shui Wuxun was silent for a while, not knowing how to reply to Shu Feiyao, but in the end he could only say nothing, quietly watching the movements of Ling Zhi in the inner city.

Ling Zhi fell from the city wall.

In front of him, there are three or five black flowers, and further forward, there are still there.

Not to mention that he can't see any changes in the black flowers in front of him now, even if he can see it, he can't guarantee whether the black flowers in front of him are the biggest.

Because in front of him, in other places in the inner city, there are countless such black flowers.

Thinking of this, Lexus decisively bent over and picked off the flower closest to him.

"This, is this to bring back all the flowers?" Someone made a suspicious voice.

To some extent, this approach is also a good method.

But obviously, this matter could not be as simple as he thought.

Because after Ling Zhi picked off this flower, he didn't look at the inner city again. As if hiding from something, he quickly jumped onto the city wall, picked up the coffin, and ran towards the house that had come out earlier.

Ling Zhi just jumped off the inner city wall, but earth-shaking changes have taken place in the inner city wall.

Countless black flowers, at this moment, all withered.

Countless light seeped from the black petals.

It seems to be spit out all the light absorbed in this life.

Among them, those thunder lights are included.

Anything can kill.

Light, the same can be done.

All the things in the inner city wall became mottled when they were illuminated by these lights, as if all the time had been plundered.

The speed of light is extremely fast, even without blinking, it covers the entire inner city wall.

At this time, Ling Zhi had just jumped off the inner city wall.

Others are in the air, but the city wall under their feet has turned white.

It is like building a sun in a dark hanging city.

And also lost the sun in the center of the hanging city.

The only difference is that the light of the sun is not hot, but cold.

Even if he reacted quickly to flee there, Ling Zhi still felt a chill on his back, and his whole body was cold.

He can be sure that if such a light is swept on himself, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.

Who could have imagined that when he was fighting with the weirdos, a black flower that grew wildly like wild flowers, which had been ignored by everyone, could contain such terrible power?

Ling Zhi carried the coffin and quickly rushed into the yin house, until he rushed into the picture scroll, he was truly relieved, and his heart felt a little relieved.

He has re-climbed for thirty-three days now, and every step he jumped up was like climbing an ordinary step, three steps and two steps, and he came to the thirty-third step.

The coffin on his shoulder rumblingly fell to the ground, he was about to say something, he still had many questions about what the old man with the weapon asked him to do.

But at this time, he seemed to perceive something, following the eyes of everyone, looking backwards.

After he entered the picture scroll, the light in those inner cities, as if full of water, overflowed unexpectedly.

The speed can hardly be described in words, and it only illuminates the entire hanging city in an instant.

In the hanging city, there are many, many yin houses, and among the yin houses, there are many, many living dead who have not yet died in the hands of weird people.

These living dead gathered in hordes in one shady house.

At this moment, as the light fell, they stared at the sky blankly. The sky was still covered by dark clouds, so they couldn't understand where the light came from.

But their desire for light before they were alive made them full of desire for light even if they were in their present form.

They excitedly rushed out of the house, rushed out of the house, and faced the light that appeared around their bodies.

These lights shone so fast that the damage it carries has not had time to show up on these living dead.

Suddenly, the lifelessness of these living dead was quickly dissipated by this light.

Some of the only meager air flow in the body was exposed.

Everyone, like a flashback, revealed some real, agile, vivid expressions and eyes.

They looked at each other and looked at their bodies excitedly, not daring to imagine that something like this would happen.

Such a scene, they don't know how long they have been looking forward to.

But the good times didn't last long. Soon, when the light in the inner city overflowed more, the light caused them harm.

Groups of the living dead, centered on the inner city wall, fell down.

This was a real shock, so shocked that Lexus even wanted to turn around to stop and try to save them.

"They are already dead, even if they are saved, they are just a corpse." The old man Ling Zhi said in a timely manner, as if he could see through Lexus's heart.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, it is a fixed number, it is only opened by your hand."

"Don't you see that they actually know that this will make them completely dead, but the look in their eyes when they fell shows that they have no regrets or regrets."

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