God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1870: Full coffin bone meal

The dark clouds in the sky quickly dissipated.

Diaocheng was once again wrapped in a strong life-blood, and the light brought by Thunder Tribulation quickly disappeared.

The entire Hanging City became dim again, and the place where Ling Zhi stood still had countless black flowers. These black flowers absorbed most of the light, so this was the darkest place in the entire Hanging City.

But from Lexus's body, there was real light appearing.

The immortal spirit power remaining in his body followed after another, quickly compressing and purifying.

He successfully broke the realm and entered the three-level realm of the Holy King.

Since then, he finally and Ji Fanchen and the others are at the same level.

"The spiritual power in this place is really thin to the extreme, and there are really not many spiritual stones in his hand, so I can only find a way to replenish it." Ling Zhi frowned. There are naturally many spiritual pills on his body, but the spirit pills are swallowed. Clothes are not as casual as Lingshi.

Most of the spirit pills swallowed during the battle were healing and emergency rescue.

He didn't care for the moment, and set his gaze on the strange man in front of him.

He clearly felt that the last trace of anger in the weird man had disappeared.

Therefore, the strong man in the ancestral sacred realm in front of him was left with only the last real empty shell.

But with the complete disappearance of the ghost, the aura of this person became stronger and stronger.

Even if he hadn't really touched it yet, just looking at it from a distance, Lexus's skin had a layer of fine goose bumps.

A faint coercion descended on his soul body, making him somewhat uncontrollable restraint and guard.

"Is this the breath of the real Ancestral Saint Realm powerhouse?" Ling Zhi looked at the other party and sighed.

Even people in this realm, even people who can be called ancestors, will die.

He was a little doubtful for a while, whether in this world there really is a peerless powerhouse who can live with the world and live forever.

If it is true, what level should it be?

If not, what's the point of blindly pursuing practice?

It's better to find a remote place and spend the rest of your life with your friends and family.

With the strength of any warrior, to integrate into the life of the mortal world, I am afraid that you can enjoy it in luxury, spend your life, and easily protect the people around you [笔趣阁www.sbiquge.co].

Shaking his head, Ling Zhi shook off the thought that came out suddenly. He knew he was thinking too far, he hadn't even touched the side of the ancestral holy realm, and it was meaningless to think about it.


He looked at the black flowers around him curiously, and felt the attraction and tolerance of these flowers for lifelessness, and he understood why the weirdo would run to live alone in this inner city wall.

And this inner city wall is so small, but I don't know the reason for its establishment and what is it.

While Ling Zhi was thinking deeply, there was a loud bang behind him.

A coffin that was originally hung on the edge of the city wall fell down.

Hit the edge of the city wall.

Ling Zhi frowned, up and down, and rushed over there.

The coffin fell on the ground, some blood stained all around, and some dried blood stains, which turned into dried blood, then shook off and sprinkled on the ground like mud.

There is still this fresh blood on it, so Ling Zhi is naturally certain that this is the coffin that was once again stained red by his own blood before.

He looked around suspiciously, the rope hanging the coffin was still intact hanging from the edge of the city wall, and there was no problem, and the coffin in the other directions did not change at all.

Only this coffin fell down on its own.

"Strange." Ling Zhi muttered to himself, approached the coffin, raised his hand and patted it directly on the lid.

Subtle power radiated from his palms and fingers, a little bit through the lid of the coffin, mobilizing those coffin nails.

After a stick of incense, the lid of the coffin finally slammed, leapt up, and landed aside.

There is a thick layer of dust in the coffin.

Lexus subconsciously waved his sleeves to blow up all the dust.

However, at the moment he was about to do it, he keenly noticed something wrong.

The glossy texture of these dust made him somewhat familiar.

He thought for a while, and looked up at the distant streets, at some streets, there were still some bones piled up.

He instantly understood what kind of dust was here, it was clearly the powder of human bones or other animal bones.

It is impossible to count how many people this thick powder of the coffin came from.

The only certainty is that from the crystallinity of these powders, it can be believed that the person who left these powders must be a warrior, or a very powerful warrior.

It is even possible to surpass the warriors of the king realm, all from the holy king realm.

In the powder, Ling Zhi even faintly felt some familiar breath.

These familiar breaths came from his perception of other people when he entered the pseudo-world formation.

And what really made his pupils shrink was the thinness of these auras and some faint spirit power auras.

In other words, what is collected here is not bone powder from a person's whole body, but bone powder from a person's skull.

To be precise, Lexus even suspects that it only contains the powder of a person's frontal bone position.

How much of the frontal bone, which is less than the size of a palm, will be left after turning into powder?

Probably it is a very small group.

With this kind of powder, to gather a whole coffin, how many frontal bones and how many corpses of Saint King-level warriors are needed?

How many holy kings will die?

Unimaginable, unimaginable.

Looking at the coffin in front of him, Ling Zhi's mood was unreasonably heavy.

"Move the corpse in the coffin, then in this inner city, take one of the brightest and strongest black flowers that you think blooms, place it in the coffin, close the coffin lid, and bring back thirty Three days."

Just as Ling Zhi was amazed at this, the voice of the old man with Qi Ling suddenly sounded.

Ling Zhi was startled, without thinking about it, and proceeded in order.

He approached the body of this ancestor with difficulty, endured the supreme aura and coercion, and moved it into the coffin.

He was sweating profusely just after completing this step, and there was unspeakable fatigue and exhaustion.

And between his palms and fingers touching the body of the ancestor, there was blood flowing, and the blood dripped down to the ground along the fingers, shockingly.

It was just the qi machine after death that hurt the Lexus who had just broken through to such a point.

After finishing all this, Ling Zhi stopped hesitating, and started to move towards the inner city.

He was going to find the most colorful black flower that bloomed.

However, looking up, all the black flowers are the same, they are all exactly the same, without the slightest difference.

This seems to be the simplest thing, inexplicably more difficult than carrying the ancestral corpse.

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