God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1872: Resurrection

No regrets or regrets.

These four words are easy to say, but when they are really done, it is as difficult as the sky.

The old man's words echoed in everyone's ears, so that everyone seemed to have lost the ability to speak for a while, just staring at the hanging city below.

Because many corpses and many old people will become the living dead, there are so many living dead in Diaocheng.

At this moment, these living dead gathered on the street, absorbing the surrounding light enthusiastically, even a little greedily.

They naturally saw the living dead in the distance, dying in batches and falling down.

But they don't care, don't care, don't care.

They only knew that they hadn't been able to see a single strand of light until they died.

Rather than living like a zombie or a puppet, it is better to enjoy this last wanton time.

Their spirit at the moment naturally has an unspeakable tolerance.

Lexus and the others looked at the overall situation in this way. Although they couldn't see it firsthand, they also realized a lot of truth from it.

Many shocks.

People always have something to pursue.

To live with hope is to live.

They now use only some of their remaining time in exchange for a reckless act, in exchange for what they have pursued.

For these living dead, this may be the best ending, the best way to end life.

This situation lasts and is short-lived, even a little short.

Soon, the entire Diaocheng fell into absolute, tranquility and tranquility.

Only wave after wave of light radiated from the inner city, rushing to the surroundings of the hanging city, and illuminating the gloomy houses that were originally gloomy.

It's just that this light also contains extreme coldness, so although the current hanging city has become very white, it feels even more cold.

As the movement completely disappeared, everyone slowly retracted their sights, but there was still some vibration in their eyes.

What kind of torture has to go through to make people in a city, regardless of men, women, young or old, make such choices and do such amazing things?

However, that is the past after all. Now Lexus should only mention the present and the future.

"Senior, can you tell me why you want me to bring these things?" Ling Zhi asked, looking at the coffin at his feet.

The corpse of the ancestor lay quietly in the coffin, and the black flowers picked off by Ling Zhi fell in between, making it even more black against the white and crystal clear bone meal.

Blazing black.

The old man glanced at Ling Zhi, his eyes filled with satisfaction, "How do you know that the one you picked is the most colorful one."

"Yes, Ling, how did you know?" Yin Meng said curiously, unable to understand.

Because Lexus just picked off one plant at his feet, how can he be sure that this one is the most colorful.

In their opinion, this black flower is no different from the others.

Shu Feiyao and Li Bai and the others looked over curiously, with deep doubts.

Ling Zhi was taken aback, touched his nose and said, "I don't know the difference between it and those black flowers, let alone whether it is the most enchanting flower."

"But now, except for the black flower in my hand, all the other flowers have survived. Then this one of mine is naturally well-deserved and the most coquettish blooming." Ling Zhi smiled.

Everyone suffocated, and their eyes showed a sudden look.

"No, no," Shui Wuxun thought very clearly, "I carefully recalled all your actions. Although your reaction was quick, when the light in the black flowers was full, you escaped first. Inner city."

"But I can be sure that it was because of your spiritual awareness. Your powerful spiritual awareness first detected the danger, so you left in time. Not because you knew that you picked a black flower and the rest of the flowers That change will happen."

"Since you don't know in advance, how can you make such a decision? At that time, you took off this small black flower, but you were very firm."

The question of Shui Wuxun seemed to be pressing step by step, but everyone knew that he was really puzzled.

The person who really put himself in the place was thinking about the Lexus at the time, so he would find the problem in the first time.

The smile in the eyes of the old man Qi Ling was even worse. He did not blame Lexus for his recklessness, but naturally understood Lexus's behavior, so he was very satisfied when he returned from Lexus.

Li Bai's comprehension is even better, so far he has a clear understanding, looking at Ling Zhi's eyes, he also brought some surprises.

Ling Zhi looked at Shui Wuxun, and suddenly smiled proudly, "Senior asked me to find the most enchanting black flower that I think blooms."

"Since I think it is, then I think the plant in front of me is the most glamorous, strongest, and the best open." Ling Zhi spread his hands, "Is there any problem with this?"

Shui Wuxun was dumbfounded, he muttered to himself, "You think, you think..."

Then he understood it thoroughly, and there was an endless look in his eyes, "He has put everything in his hands and took three years of time against the sky for you. At first, I thought he was too desperate for this, but now I think about it, but he is peaceful. It’s the same as before, still looking so far, and looking so accurate."

There was only one person who took Lexus' time for three years, and that was Shui Wuhen.

Hearing Shui Wuxun mentioning him, Ling Zhi's expression gradually became serious. He sincerely said, "Senior Shui Wuhen has a kindness to reinvent me. This kindness is unforgettable for Ling Zhi in this life. The Owou clan always has any difficulties, I am obligated and will never shirk half of it."

Shui Wuxun smiled with joy and waved his hand. "The Owl-tailed family has found some things left by their ancestors in Wanling Ancestral Star. You can protect yourself and don't worry."

There must be only two possibilities for the Owtail Clan to be called the ancestors, either the parent and child of the real dragon back then, or the real dragon.

No matter what kind of possibility it is, the things left by that kind of existence must be enough to protect the true comprehensiveness of the Owl Tail family.

Ling Zhi nodded his head with peace of mind and looked at the old Qi Ling, "Senior, you can tell me now, what are you going to do if you want me to bring these things over?"

"Before telling you what I am going to do, I have a question to ask you." The old man caressed his beard, "The appearance of this ancestor, whether it is a friend of you, or a person you have known, is extremely similar ."

"And that person must have passed away."

Ling Zhi's eyes flickered, he understood that his previous reaction fell into the eyes of the old man, and it was not difficult to infer these.

"If I tell you, with this body, it is possible to return his soul body?"

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