God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1339: Humble death

The pseudo-six realms of reincarnation have not been established at all, and there are huge problems. Instead of reincarnation, it is death! The evil arm stretched into it, and a huge change suddenly occurred on the exposed skin.

The evil arm began to grow stronger and become aging.

The strong muscles began to wither, the skin became dry, lost its luster, and even large wrinkles appeared.

The huge arm of Xie turned into a skinny arm.

It's like an aging old man's body.

Some age spots appear on it.

There was a thick death breath on this arm.

Xie was panicked, clenched his fist, pulled out from the whirlpool,

"No, it's impossible. Our evil clan has the strongest vitality. It is impossible to go from being strong to aging in such a short period of time."

He staggered back, and suddenly with a snap, the whole person pushed Jinshan and Yuzhu backwards.

Fell on Lin.

The exaggeration is that at this moment Xie's right leg is shrinking sharply, and it is this that caused his fall.

That huge and strong thigh shrank quickly and became deformed.

This leg is getting younger.

Under Ling Zhi's direct vision, the evil body has undergone a lot of changes, either aging or young.

Soon, one of his arms became very strong, and the other arm was trembling, and it was difficult to even lift it.

The two legs are also completely opposite.

What is exaggerated is his face, half of the face is all around, and the skin hangs down, while the other face has become unusually young, even a little handsome.

And this, behind the stele, has actually been shown.

"If the younger generation comes, the blood can stimulate the six reincarnations and leave the cluster.

If there is a strong enemy, you can lead them to touch the reincarnation, the incomplete six reincarnations will completely change the physical condition of the opponent. "

Amidst the panicked expression of evil, Ling Zhi moved.

Holding the tower, he dived away.

Xie couldn't stand up at all at this moment, lying on the ground, rolling in panic, trying to throw this power away.

Going straight to Xie's head, Ling Zhi grabbed the tower, faced the half of Xie's head, and smashed it.

This head that was so fragile that it was about to decay, how could it stop Lexus's attack, suddenly shattered.

The black brains flowed all over the place.

The evil body trembled, and in an instant, it lost its vitality.

Like a mortal, he couldn't bear such harm, he died! Even Ling Zhi never thought that it would go so smoothly. Without the body, the evil spirits could not move at all.

The soul is suppressed in its Shenting acupoint, and even without consciousness, it can only flow in endless time, its life span is exhausted, and it turns into fly ash.

Who could have imagined that the evil spirits of the world would die in this quiet place, without any movement or even the struggle, that Ruci's dramatized.

Similarly, this also shows that the strength of the strong man who tried to create the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the past far surpassed the evil.

Just about to get up, Ling Zhi moved in his heart, and drew his hand into the evil body.

A demon core as big as a human head fell into Ling Zhi's hand and Zheng laughed. Ling Zhi directly bit his finger and stood in front of the whirlpool.

He glanced with palpitations and wiped the blood on the whirlpool.

At this moment, Ling Zhi suddenly sensed the rest of the vortex from this piece of land.

There are six places in total, one in each of the four continents reincarnation pool, and two in the reincarnation continent.

Together, it is the six reincarnations.

But I don't know why, they were separated, and they were left under the pool of reincarnation. There was no rumors from the outside world.

As soon as his eyes lit up, Ling Zhi was already in the air, just as he appeared for the first time that year. He appeared on the planet of reincarnation again in the same way.

Looking at the familiar scene, Ling Zhi smiled, but by coincidence, he appeared in the same place again.

Back then, here, he was insulted by Yan Ping, carried in his hands, and he didn't look good.

Later, he rose up, seized Yanping's weapon, grew up in the mining area, and later killed Yanping. That was a transformation in his life.

Today, Yan Ping is no longer there, but he has come to this place again.


One exclaimed,

"Brother Wang, did you see that this person is clutching a tower, and he has come to Samsara with something!"

Ling Zhi stood by the pool, and when he recollected, there was a voice with a deep surprise.

He recovered, only to realize that there were two figures standing in the distance.

One person, he knows well, another person, he is not familiar.

The one he was familiar with was the brother Wang that Yan Ping said, the person who dismissed him back then.

This unfamiliar one should be here to replace Yan Ping.

After such a long time, this Wang brother has also cultivated to the peak of the physical state, when the soul body is not condensed, otherwise he should be able to step into the artistic state.

The Wang brother was attracted by this Rao's exclamation. He showed ecstasy and secretly said. After guarding the cluster for many years, he finally ushered in his own opportunity.

He looked up in surprise.

"Brother Wang, why are you in a daze, so excited, look at my brother, I will help you get things, you will cover me in the future."

The man yelled and rushed towards Ling Zhi first.

The strength of the mid-physical realm is not bad, and the wind is growing at every step, with a low-grade **** in his hand, which is also somewhat powerful.

However, at this moment, Lexus had already recovered his strength, and he could clearly perceive the spiritual power around him.

He frowned, took a step, and jumped over the person.

Such a person, he still disdains to shoot.


It's nice behind me! The man gave a horrified sound and slashed with his sword reluctantly.

Ling Zhi was already angry with Brother Wang, but this person was like that. He raised his hand and waved his strength.

This person lived and died on the spot.

"you you."

Brother Wang stared at Lexus blankly, speechless.

"Ha ha,"

Ling Zhi glanced at him.

"Why, don't you know me? The **** in your eyes."

The hand volleyed and grabbed, Ling Zhi directly grabbed the man's sword, pierced Wang Ge's abdomen, and nailed it to a distant mountain peak.

Without much words, the gap between each other's strength is too big, and there is no need to waste words.

With a laugh, Lexus was in the cluster, took out the magic core, and began to absorb.

The magic core contains a huge amount of energy and blood, and there is a touch of enthusiasm in Ling Zhi's eyes.

He hopes to use the evil demon core to refine the flesh and step into the ninth level of Long Lian in one fell swoop!

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