God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1338: False Six Ways

The shape of this vortex was strange, it turned out to be upright, and the whole body was black, exuding faint glow.

It is spinning slowly now.

After bypassing this vortex, Ling Zhi found that the front and back of the vortex were the same.

Or, he just walked to the back of the whirlpool.

What really surprised him was that in front of this whirlpool, there was a stone monument about one meter high.

A lot of moss and aquatic plants were already stained on the stone monument, so that when he came from behind, he didn't notice it.

Stepping forward to tear the water plants away, the font on the stone tablet clearly appeared in front of Lexus.

There are only two characters on the front of the stele.


These four words didn't have any breath, naturally they wouldn't be like the Ancestral Star Monument, from the breath, let the martial artist be overwhelmed.

But these four words are too heavy, and they can crush the past, the present, and the future.

Ling Zhi had never seen it before, but there was something that he dared to engrave the name of the six ways.

In the six reincarnations, the star of reincarnation is the center of the universe, and there are six reincarnations on the continent of reincarnation.

It is the only channel for the warrior to communicate with the samsara world.

By breaking through the six reincarnations and entering the world of reincarnation, you can gain millions of years of life.

The warrior at the peak of the king realm has a lifespan of ten thousand years.

The difference is hundreds of times! However, since the First World War, after the Six Paths of Samsara were sealed, all warriors have no chance to open Samsara and obtain that terrifying to exaggerated lifespan.

Now, in this place, in the reincarnation pool that has existed in Xuanzhou for how long, he actually saw the six reincarnations? Moreover, these six reincarnations are still in motion without stopping? This scene shocked Lexus' thoughts and senses.

If it were in other places, he might have many doubts.

But here, in this place called the reincarnation pool, he saw the six reincarnations, but he was surprised and speechless.

The reincarnation pool, why is it called the reincarnation pool? Since it is used for transmission, why not name it after transmission? Thinking about it, Ling Zhi came to the back of the stele and keenly saw some words.

These words are not many, only a few sentences.

But after reading it, Ling Zhi's eyes changed dramatically.

The six reincarnations are inscribed in the words of reincarnation stars.

But these characters are engraved in earth characters.

"It's you!"

Suddenly, a sound of anger came.

This is the peculiarity. Under the water, a warrior without spiritual power can even speak.

And this person who spoke was naturally drawn in with Ling Zhi, evil.

At this moment, Xie was holding a huge axe in his hand. He had never seen him take out the weapon before. Obviously, this axe was obtained in the Samsara Pool.

Judging from its light, it must also be a very powerful weapon.

Under the premise that all the strength is absent, the effect of this axe is obviously much greater than that of the tower in Lexus's hands.

The big deal, he just threw the tower out and smashed some evil things.

This is the function of the top, quite embarrassing.

"What the **** is this place?"

The evil spirit came with a sharp axe in his hand and asked.

Ling Zhi was taken aback, and then he realized that Xie didn't even know the reincarnation pool, how could he know his current situation at the moment.

With a sneer, Ling Zhi said suddenly,

"When you enter such a place, do you dare to approach me? Do you want to die?"

Then, he suddenly took a step forward, a tawen in his hand, exuding a little luster.

The evil expression changed drastically, holding the axe upside down, he retreated madly towards the back, looking at Lexus with a look of alert.

He thought that the strength of Lexus was still there! Seeing that Lexus hadn't chased him, he frowned just now, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes. He believed that as long as Lexus had the strength, it was absolutely impossible to let him go in such a place.

Therefore, either Lexus's strength is no longer there, or it is this place where fighting cannot be carried out, and there are certain rules.

The evil eyes changed, and he readily agreed with this, hehe sneered, stopped the back turbulence, and looked over,

"On this broken stone tablet, there are six reincarnations written on it, so a big whirlpool, can it be called six reincarnations?"

Moreover, he is still moving forward.

Lexus didn't stop him, not to mention that he couldn't stop him. He exposed his current weakness in vain.

Xie was even more certain. He glanced at the whirlpool cautiously, and made sure that he couldn't use his hands in this place, and his footsteps were linked, and he came to the back of the stele.


A hint of doubt flashed in the evil eyes,

"What is this? Is it a pattern?"

Ling Zhi felt relieved. It seemed that Xie didn't know the characters on the earth.

Behind this stele, what was written was another completely different thing.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation was sealed in those days, so some powerful people tried to rebuild samsara according to their understanding of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

However, the Tao is irreversible, and the six reincarnations are unique, and they naturally fail in the end.

However, many strong people joined forces to save the reincarnation created.

Call it pseudo-reincarnation, pseudo-six ways.

And put it under the reincarnation pool and survive forever.

"Haha, illiterate."

Ling Zhi sneered, ignoring evil at all, and walked towards the whirlpool.

In addition, he deliberately walked from the side of the evil body.

As long as Xie raises his arm and raises his axe, he will probably have to avoid it.

He was leading, convinced Xie that Tuo was not allowed to do anything.

Xie's height is several meters, and one arm is bigger than his whole person. In this situation, he is not an evil opponent at all.

The evil eyes changed, and he tried to attack several times, but finally endured with difficulty without any movement.

Ling Zhi smiled contemptuously.

"Hmph, want to provoke me to take action, no way!"

Xie whispered and ignored Lexus' provocation.

In this situation, Lexus moved towards the whirlpool little by little.

The whirlpool drives the rotation of the water, every step of Lexus is very difficult, the original distance of ten meters, but abruptly walked for half an hour.

Evil glanced at him strangely, moved his feet and stepped forward.

Just three or five steps, he walked behind Lingzhi, he didn't know what Lingzhi was going to do, so he just followed closely behind.

A smile appeared at the corner of Ling Zhi's mouth, and he continued to rush forward calmly.

He didn't stand still until he came to the whirlpool.

Looking back at Xie, a smile appeared.

"Go ahead."

As soon as he spoke, he reached out to the whirlpool.


Xie sneered and reacted quickly. The huge palm of his hand traversed the water stream and also grabbed it.

"It's better for you to stay, I'll go first."

He moves much faster than Lexus and will soon surpass Lexus.

"it is good"

But not wanting, Ling Zhi nodded, and the hand that had been stretched out suddenly retracted.


Under the influence of the surrounding water, Xie Wu reacted, and the probing hand reached into the whirlpool Zheng, while looking at Lexus, he stepped back and avoided the whirlpool.

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