God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1340: Long Lian Nine Layers

Ling Zhi was only holding a glimmer of hope, but when he really began to absorb the power of mana, he knew how wrong his estimation was.

Although the evil was suffocated, he died under the pool of reincarnation.

But with his own power, breaking the capital of Qin, killing all Xuanzhou warriors, and chasing him across half of Xuanzhou [Country Novel www.yanjuexiangcun.com], he is the pioneer of the evil spirit family, the evil of the ninth level of the king realm! Such a character, the aggregation of strength, is it commonplace? What's more, the evil demon is already known for its powerful qi and blood.

Rao is the power of the reincarnation of the pseudo-six realms, and it only makes the evil arms withered, without turning their arms into withered bones. It is conceivable that its blood is strong.

The power contained in this magic core is like a vast ocean, rolling waves.

Rich power, dark, blood, and mysterious power wrapped Lexus, like a pupa, wrapped Lexus in.

These forces poured into Lexus's body, enhancing his vitality and physical strength.

Just the powerful aura radiating from Lexus made all the creatures in the circle of Samsara Pool panic all day long.

Countless wild beasts crawled on the ground, their bodies trembling, and they dared not move.

The only exception is Guru.

Gulu stood by Lingzhi's side, and the curious **** stretched out his paw to touch the power around Lingzhi.

This sudden fluctuation stimulated this power, and suddenly a force went straight to Guru, as if to swallow Guru.


Gulu screamed, and looked at the power that entangled him with dissatisfaction, and his body shook.

The crackling thunder and lightning surged out.

The thunder and lightning was so strong, and such a burst of splitting, it dissipated this power.

The Guru who got the inheritance of the clan is much stronger than before.

Or, the inheritance inspired some of its consciousness, allowing him to learn how to use his power flexibly.

The demon core was shrinking a little bit, but this force was too large, and when it was halfway through, Ling Zhi was forced to choose to become demon.

Those eyes suddenly turned red. He did this just to have more powerful control, control these forces, and exercise his body at the peak.

The evil body is definitely not weaker than a divine beast of the same realm.

What he has to do is to push his body to another peak, to the realm of the real dragon among the four holy spirits.

The real dragon body of the king realm is bound to be extraordinary. This will be the level and stage of the rise of the real dragon, and the stage where the real dragon will show its strength! However, the moment Lexus' eyes became blood red, the sudden change occurred.

The power in these magic cores no longer poured into his body meridians, but climbed up his body.

These powers circulated on his body surface, turned into traces, like formation lines, carved on his body.

In a short period of time, this kind of power was also gushing out of his whole body, even his face.

And in his blood-red eyes, there was also a touch of black, which was at the very center, strange and deep.

This sudden change made Ling Zhi startled.

Xie had shown great interest in his eyes from the beginning, and the evil demons of the sixth level of the king realm showed awe in these eyes.

At this moment, he was absorbing the power of mana in the state of being enchanted, and there was indeed a change.

But Ling Zhi was very clear that these were his own eyes and his own power, and had nothing to do with the demons. At most, they were more similar in form.


But don't let him think about it. Something in his body flew out of his body voluntarily, floating above his head.



Word monument.

Strictly, yes


The word tablet changed the fate of Lexus.

The six exercises in the predicament of the mining area took him to the east area and met Zhou Xuanqing. Later, he protected him from growing up several times when he was weak.

Ling Zhi was convinced that even the Great Emperor Xuanming had never obtained the Six Dao Kungfu Stars from it, and even the powerhouses of the entire universe revolve around the Six Dao Reincarnations, and this exercise method obtained from the Dao Tablet unexpectedly The name is Liudao, how can we not let people think about it? That year, the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast led the powerful sea clan to slaughter the fishermen, that is, the offspring of the Ouwei clan, and Lexus returned to slaughter.

In that battle, he was like a fool.

Agarwood spontaneously exudes a sober smell, but was


The word monument emits a wave, which stops it.

Yes, Lexus’s infatuation is almost


The word stele promotes and facilitates.

Nowadays, when Lexus’s enchanted state changes,


The word stele emerged once again.

The only difference is that this time


The word monument is complete and has been repaired by Lexus! Inexplicable fluctuations since


The word tablets were scattered and fell on Lexus.

As soon as those magic patterns touched this power, it was as if ice and snow met a flame, and they began to melt quickly.

But Ling Zhi knew that these magic lines had not dissipated, they had just merged into his body, but they were no longer exposed to the outside.

And because of the appearance of these magic lines, the speed at which he absorbed the power of the magic core was several times faster.

But for more than an hour, the power of the evil demon core was completely absorbed by him.

It was also at the end of the moment that the magic pattern on his body surface was forced again, and the whole surface appeared once again.

At that moment, Ling Zhi suddenly held his hands, and he felt that his body was flooded with extremely powerful power.

With a trace of temptation, his fingers tremble suddenly.

Visible to the naked eye, in the hands of Ling Zhi, with his shaking, the void was shattered! Fragmented void fragments are flying everywhere.

Ling Zhi actually collapsed into the void with the power of his physical body! What a powerful force this is! Huh.


The word tablet entered Lexus’s body without a sound. Those magic patterns struggled for a while, as if being


The word stele was suppressed, and finally fell silent.

However, that strength remained.

Without hesitation, Ling Zhi moved.

Eight wastes and six combined dragons practice Dafa, the ninth level, the sixth form, the blue dragon comes out of the water, the eighth form the dragon strikes the sky, the ninth form, the dragon Xiaoqing.


Just when Lexus was about to play the ninth form, his body trembled sharply and was forced to stop.

A ray of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The ninth level, the ninth form, seemed to have a kind of magic power. When he was about to assume that posture, he was backlashed.

It seems that the physical requirements of this last form have reached unprecedented harshness.

Only when you truly step into that realm can you transform into a dragon in one jump, Long Xiaoqing.

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