God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1267: Poseidon is really moving!


Putting the pill furnace away, the teleportation disk in front of Lingzhi was completely shattered and disappeared in his hand. Zheng Yaoyao thanked the Great Emperor Xuanming. Lingzhi looked at the vast ocean, in all directions, with his current The power of the soul can't detect the existence of the land.

Just when he didn't know where he was, he suddenly felt a familiar breath in the void.

With a move in his heart, his figure flashed, and he hurried towards the place where the breath was.

This is a small island. There are dozens of fishermen and hundreds of fishermen on the island.

It's just that at this moment, most of these rooms are dusty, and no one lives in them.

Only on the platform on this island, there is a big pot, in which the white fish soup is boiled, and the fragrance is overflowing.

And on the edge of these pots, there were a dozen fishermen around these big pots.

Ling Zhi's heart moved, but he did not expect that he would come to this place.

The place where the descendants of the owl-tail clan were.

To be sure, the ancestors of these fishermen are still Bushuang, but they are too far behind and don't have too much emotion with each other.

Thinking of the girl in Bushuang, Lexus couldn't help but laugh.

Stepping down and coming straight here, Ling Zhi smiled.

"Everyone, living on a desert island with a hollow belly, can you take a sip of fish soup to fill your hunger?"


The fishermen turned their heads in surprise, and when they saw Lexus, everyone showed a touch of surprise.


They shouted.

These are all grown-up men, so naturally they know Lexus.

"Haha, I faintly smell some familiar smells, and I am anxious to come back. It really is you!"

At this time, a loud voice sounded.

A owl's tail, dancing in the air, across the ocean, galloping.

And under the huge body of the owl's tail, on the huge feet, there are countless huge fishes hooked, among them there are some spirit beasts.

When the fishermen saw this scene, they licked their lips, looking like they couldn't wait.

Ling Zhi laughed, this is not Uncle Wang.

The dignified owl's tail actually hunts and kills fish for fishermen to enjoy. These people are really simple and lovely.

After drinking and talking, Ling Zhi only knew that the fishermen had been connected to the secret world of owl's tail by Bushuang, but everyone missed the life outside. Every once in a while, Uncle Wang would take them out and catch some fish by the way. , Go back for the village names to enjoy.

Under the guidance of Bushuang, the current Uncle Wang is already in the half-step King Realm.

On this boundless sea, there is naturally safe capital.

"I originally wanted to go out with your brother, Ouyang Hao, to find you, but he himself is enough. Let me stay and take care of everyone, so there is no past."

Uncle Wang turned into a human form, grabbed a pot, and swallowed the fish soup.

After some memories, Lexus naturally wouldn't put on airs. Everyone talked very happily. Under the guidance of Uncle Wang, Lexus bid farewell to everyone and rushed towards Xuanzhou.

Several months have passed since he left the planet of reincarnation.

He was quite worried about everyone in the Fallen Leaf Sect, his father's situation, and Ye Qingcheng.

However, things are hard to come by, just after he galloped out hundreds of thousands of miles, he suddenly stopped in the air, frowned, turned his hand and took out something.

This is an arm bone, he had already photographed it at the Leicheng auction.

At that time, he was just a warrior in physical realm.

This bone belongs to countless years ago, the master of the boundless sea, the sea god.

There are countless pieces of Seagod’s true bones, except for his one, the rest are all in the Seagod Hall.

This matter was still something that Ao Gui mentioned to him.

Those who obtain the true bones of the Seagod can melt the true bones of the Seagod into their own body, and get the Seagod's Law Bodies, not only being strong, but one of them is the ability to control the boundless seas.

This is an extremely large force! Yuanwei Island is just the first island in the inland sea in the boundless sea. There are other islands on it, named after the nine sons of the true dragon. There are three islands each.

As the last of the three islands, Yanwei Island has so many powerful artistic conceptions.

It is conceivable that there will be how many powerhouses there will be in the upper three islands in the biography.

Among them, the nine islands are all controlled by one power, the Sea God Temple! This behemoth across the boundless sea.

The Boundary Sea borders the four states of Reincarnation Star and the Reincarnation Continent.

The boundless sea occupies the sum of the four states.

As for the continent of reincarnation, because of the existence of the six reincarnations, it is impossible to estimate the area.

At this moment, this arm bone was trembling and swaying in Ling Zhi's hands, and Ling Zhi frowned and looked around.

Could it be that the rest of the Seagod’s true bones are nearby? Ling Zhi's heart moved.

If it hadn't got some news from Bushuang, in fact, Lexus would probably ignore this change and rush to Xuanzhou.

"Poseidon? I seem to have heard of it.

Even Shui Wuhen is not an opponent either.

It seems that the patriarch of the Owtail clan back then, combined with the seniors of Shui Wuhen, could barely compete with the Seagod. "

This is exactly what Bushuang said.

Ling Zhi still doesn't know exactly what kind of realm the so-called Great Emperor, Demon Emperor, is the peak of the king realm? Still another realm.

But there is no doubt that the great emperor is far more powerful than the powerful kings he has come into contact with.

Like a person of another level.

The four great demon ancestors are all people in the late king stage, but they are willing to kneel to meet the demon emperor, showing how huge the gap between them is.

As for Poseidon, there were nine tribes under his team, each of which had top powerhouses. They were all top-grade spirit beasts, and even several tribes were of the level of divine beasts.

If the true bones of the Seagod can be obtained, they can control these nine tribes, which is undoubtedly an excellent thing for the battle of evil spirits in Xuanzhou.

As early as when he left the God Burying Abyss, Talisman had told him that it was only half a year since the evil demon invaded.

Now, half of the time has passed.

Following the fluctuations of the Seagod’s true bones, Ling Zhi moved forward all the way towards the place indicated.

In front of him, another group of people also appeared here.

"According to our speculation, the last piece of Seagod's true bone was left in Xuanzhou.

We went this time just to win the real bones, and you all gave me peace of mind. "

An old man opened his eyes and said to several people in front of him.

"Elder Dian, you have been there many times, Xuanzhou is just a barbarian land, where do we need such a heart when we go."

Several young people murmured.

The old man sighed softly.

"Xuanzhou, how can it be as simple as you imagine!"

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