God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1266: Starry sky refining body grasping elixir


Ling Zhi couldn't help but cursed.

Just now, half of his face was gone! Only the bones were left, the blood overflowed, and they disappeared before they could fly away.

"I knew that we should be on the earth first, and transfer the seventh and eighth levels of Long Lian Dafa after training!"

Looking at the growing torrent in front of him, Lexus was also numb for a while.

Now he has entered the king's realm, surviving in the starry sky, there is no big problem.

But now, he is in the danger of being in the Zheng universe of interstellar teleportation. No one can be sure. Among the dangers of some secret realms, it is the Great Emperor Xuanming, who dare not pretend that he can break freely.

Just this powerful starry sky turbulence will make Lexus almost tortured to death.

Fortunately, he can draw strength from the starry sky to maintain his physical condition, otherwise he would definitely die before the reincarnation star.

Then, a strange scene appeared in the starry sky.

Yes, Ling Zhi is in the starry sky, practicing the sixth and seventh levels of Long Lian Dafa.

The only difference this time was that he found that even with his physical fitness, he could only cultivate to the four postures on the sixth level, and he had to temper his body a little bit.

It is no longer possible to complete the practice in one breath as before.

It can be seen that after the warrior reaches the king realm, the gap between each realm is so huge.

Ling Zhi's original body was able to resist Wang Li at the first level of the King Realm, and even more tyrannical.

After breaking through now, it is only barely comparable to the body of the warrior of the third layer of the king realm.

But it can also be seen from this that the power of Long Lian Dafa has nothing to do with realm, but with the flesh.

After discovering that this kind of exercise in the starry sky could speed up the practice of Long Lian Dafa, Ling Zhi did so.

His body almost turned into a stream of light, flying in the stars.

Later, when he encountered some extremely powerful turbulence, he became a bone directly.

I saw a white bone in the starry sky, posing in various fascinating poses.

Fortunately, the starry sky has always been silent, otherwise it would be scary to be seen by others.

What kind of peerless great emperor's white bones appeared, crossed the starry sky to refine his real body or something, it had to be spread throughout the universe.

This transmission took a lot of time. Lexus stayed in the starry sky for a full ten years, and the transmission continued.

It can be seen the distance between the earth and the star of reincarnation, and it can also be seen how long it takes to cross this infinite universe even with the means of Emperor Xuanming.

It wasn't until the eighteenth that Ling Zhi had just practiced the seventh level of the dragon's Dafa. After the cultivation was completed, the hard work was not necessary.

With this physical body, and the power of his own rules, Lexus has the confidence to fight against the three-layer Bushuang of the King Realm! At this moment, those ordinary starry sky turbulences can no longer hurt him.

Just as he was galloping, Ling Zhi suddenly stood up from the light and looked into the distance.

He is rapidly approaching a planet.

This planet is indeed an elixir planet.

The breath of elixir sprayed above makes people intoxicated.

Without hesitation, Lexus reached out his big hand directly, and he is not what he used to be.

The palm of this hand came out, and it almost turned into a city with a radius of tens of miles. Although compared with the planet, it is still very small, but it is enough! Ling Zhi grabbed it towards the planet.

That huge palm directly penetrated the protective layer of this planet, lightning and thunder smashed into Lexus's palm, but it couldn't hurt Lexus at all.

Lexus grabbed the past with an irresistible trend.

His fingers shook on the planet, and a piece of ground with a radius of tens of miles was directly caught in his hand, dragged behind him, and rolled over.

At this moment, he was about to cross this planet.

Ling Zhi raised his brows as he wrapped these spirit medicines with his immense soul power and fell behind him.

Relying on his sensitivity to elixir, he was keenly aware that in this planet, there is probably the existence of elixir.

This kind of elixir planet is not few in the universe, but compared with the huge universe, it is naturally extremely rare.

And these magical medicine planets seem to have magical medicines, or exist like King Ginseng.

A trace of excitement appeared in Ling Zhi's eyes, he directly probed his hand, and grabbed the place he detected.


A big tree suddenly moved.

This tree was originally bent down, and even Ling Zhi did not notice him in this deep mountain and old forest.

But when Lexus caught it, it suddenly pulled up and ran away! Yes, those tree roots turned into countless springs, and he just bounced around like this. A dodge was hundreds of thousands of miles away, and in the blink of an eye, he avoided Lexus's attack.

As for the vitality on his body, even if Lexus only roughly touched it a little bit, he could feel that his palm was extremely active.

However, he was not allowed to make another move, the power of the transfer formation took him away.

Looking at the rear annoyedly, Ling Zhi was unavoidably regretful.

Immediately he shook his head, let out a laugh, and realized that he was too greedy, how could something like magic medicine be so easy to get.

Turning his hands, he began to sort out the tens of miles of elixir he had grabbed from behind.

With so many elixir, Rao couldn't exist with his ring.

Therefore, he can only abandon a large number of low-level elixir, and choose some high-level elixir.

Fortunately, he was an alchemist, and he chose an excellent place between his shots. In the end, he still got an infinite amount of high-level elixir.

"Alchemy and promotion, it's lost!"

Ling Zhi laughed. He has countless rare pill now, and now he has obtained such a huge elixir.

In this vast starry sky, it is impossible to practice. At this time, if you don't refine alchemy, when will you wait?

"Seven-Rank Destroying Pill, it can raise the physical realm of a warrior to a level, and each king realm warrior can only swallow it once."

"Seven-Rank Soul Extinguishing Pill can transform the soul body into a divine soul for the peak martial artist with a strong defensive power and attack power."

... Ling Zhi was caught in a frenzied alchemy, and after reaching the seventh rank, Lingzhi had more and more functions.

There are no longer just some simple functions, many functions, for Lexus today, also have a great magical effect.

Especially, the pill furnace used by Lexus is still the ancient pill furnace, mixed furnace! boom.

After a full month and a half, Ling Zhi's eyes changed, and the reincarnation star finally appeared in the eye of Zheng and the place where he fell was a vast ocean-the boundless sea!

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