God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1268: Encounter Poseidon

Lexus did not expect that after this chase, he chased him three times! He didn't gradually see the figure until he came to the boundless overseas sea, when there was still a thousand miles away from Xuanzhou.

It was a magnificent ship with a height of one hundred feet and a length of nearly two hundred feet. It sailed on the sea like a group of steel city walls, like a ferocious beast.

When Ling Zhi was about to set foot to catch up, there was a sound of water beside him, and Ling Zhi's brows stretched, revealing a trace of emotion.

It turned out to be it.

"Haha, unexpectedly, after so long, you can still remember me."

Ling Zhi laughed three times, stopped, and quietly waited for the thing in the water to swim to his side.

Blackback shark! At that time, Lexus had used it to sail on the sea for a while. At that time, Bai Jingyu once regarded him as a person from the Sea God Temple and panicked for a while.

The black ridge shark happily gathered around Ling Zhi, tumbling.

Lexus casually dropped some spirit pills, etc., and was swallowed by the blackhead shark. The whole shark trembled a few times.

How high is the realm of Lexus now, how can the things he shot be mundane?

"Ao Gui, come out."

The people and ships in the Sea God Temple had already been watched by him, and Ling Zhi was not in a hurry, and frolicked with the black shark for a while, stood up and looked into the distance.

Ao Gui emerged from a distance, and looked at Ling Zhi with a heart-winged look. In those eyes, there was full caution.

After so long, Ao Gui has broken through to the realm of the eighth rank spirit beast, but his courage is still so...

"You are quite clever, knowing that through the actions of black sharks, come to me."

Ling Zhi smiled and said that the carapace that the other party had given him had been refined into a moon chaser.

In his fight against demons, he still played a big role, for which he was still grateful.

Only then did Ao Gui approach slowly,

"You, what realm have you broken through? Why, I can't feel a trace of breath from you."


Ling Zhi chuckled.

"It should be regarded as the first level of the king realm."

It's not that he deliberately blurted it out, but he was indeed a little bit unable to grasp his current state.

"King Realm."

Ao Gui's body shook.

"You went to the continent of reincarnation?"

"No Sakura"

"But, how can you break through the limits?"

"Forget it, it's too complicated, right, come to me, is it because of the Seagod."

‘Well, I have already learned about the whereabouts of the nine tribes under Liannian Seagod, and as expected, they are hiding in this boundless sea. This time the Seagod’s Temple brought the Seagod’s true bones to Xuanzhou to find you, but you did not expect you to know first.

As long as you can obtain the true bones and successfully obtain the Seagod Law Body, you can become the co-master of the nine tribes and order the nine tribes.

Ling Zhi glanced at Ao Gui in surprise.

"Why are you so caring about this matter?"

Logically, this matter seems to have a greater relationship with him, and for Ao Gui, it doesn't have much to do with him.

Even if you have a good relationship with him in advance and want to put your bets on him, it is a bit too bold and fearless. This is not like Ao Gui's character.

Ao Gui was startled, Ling Zhi felt a bit of pain from his body for the first time.

"What about Xuanzhou that can't stop the demons? What about the boundless sea?"

Ao Gui was angry,

"When the evil demon was born, how many sea beasts and humans died in all the sea areas in the lower three islands and the middle three islands?"

"My Aogui clan, now I am searching the entire ocean, and only my side is left. If it weren't for the evil demon, how could it be so miserable if my Aogui clan's defensive power is used to drink vitality?"

"Middle and Lower, Six Islands.

As far as I know, the upper three islands, there are quite a lot of strong people, even the strong sects on the center of the reincarnation star and the reincarnation continent can compete with each other. "

Ling Zhi frowned, said.

Ao Gui snorted coldly, his eyes full of anger. This was the first time for Ling Zhi to see a courageous Ao Gui, showing such love and blessings. It seemed that no matter what kind of person he was under such hatred, he was not Will shrink back and be afraid.

"The Upper Three Islands? The Upper Three Islands is in the hands of the Seagod Hall. At that time, they were the same as Xuanzhou's, Xuanzhou's Three Kings Palace, and they all chose to shrink!"

Ao Gui cursed,

"A group of courageous people, relying on their large number of strong and backed by the reincarnation continent, the evil spirits dare not easily invade, they have chosen to abandon the middle and lower six islands.

Guin Liudao worships them as their masters and offers so many things every year. "

"Then, how about the Rao powerhouse level of the Seagod Temple in this ship?"

Lexus didn't go into the matter of the year too much, but asked directly.

Ao Gui shook his head.

"With my strength, I don't know yet, but I know that in each of the nine Seagod parts, there are king realms!"

After communicating with Ao Gui for a while, Ling Zhi was alone, and turned to chase the ship.

After hesitating for a while, Ling Zhi cautiously reached out his soul power and walked towards the ship covering.

Now his spirit power and spiritual power are fused together, regardless of each other, it also causes the spirit power to have the characteristics of spiritual power, and the defense and attack power are amazing.

Especially in terms of strength levels, extremely high.

It is difficult for the general powerhouse in the early stage of the king realm to perceive his soul power perception.

Soul power penetrated into the ship, Ling Zhi was taken aback, slightly surprised, because he saw a group of young people inside this cabin.

This group of people is full of vitality, and they are not very old, but more than half of them have reached the late stage of the mood, and they are calm and not vain. They are definitely not forced to rise through a large number of swallowing spirit pills.

What surprised Ling Zhi was a young girl surrounded by this group of people. The girl was quite old, she seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, not very tall, with a ponytail and wearing a princess.

Especially her, it is amazing, and her age and dress are very different.

What is alive is the image of a loli.

The most important thing is the breath of this girl.

This loli-like girl turned out to be a powerful king! Although his aura is a bit unsteady, the realm of real life is real.

The girl's consciousness was also very amazing. It was obvious that Ling Zhi's spirit power was much weaker, but from her body that suddenly stopped, she was obviously probing Ling Zhi, and she had some faint awareness.

Not only was Ling Zhi surprised, but he also became more concerned, and continued to explore the ship a little bit.

Passing this group of people, he vaguely felt that there was a deep breath in the center of the cabin.

The feeling this breath gave him was even stronger than Bushuang! boom!

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