God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1209: Whoever hurts my father will be punishable!

Ling Zhi's appearance is more similar to his mother's, and Ling's appearance is only somewhat similar between the eyebrows and the eyes, and more, but personality.

Zhou Xuanqing was able to recognize Lexus in the Reincarnation Pool because he had seen Ling and felt it in the breath of the two of them.

At this moment, Lexus had gone through so much tempering. When he first came to the planet of reincarnation, the earth aura he carried on his body had already been tempered clean.

In addition, the Luo Yezong deliberately concealed that the king and the people in the Three Kings Palace had never known the relationship between Ling Zhi and their detention.

Or, the Wang family and the others took action and arrested Ling, and they were detained. After waiting for the people over there to come, Wang and the others did not pay attention to Ling.

Ling's strength, the later stage of his artistic conception, he cultivated on the earth, which is amazing, but after all, it is only the nine layers. The kings and others don't know the earth's environment and don't care.

When Ling Zhi's gaze fell on that place, Wang frowned, and he also stretched out his spirit power, and went straight to that place.

Here, only he could find that Ling Zhi's spirit power had already rushed out of his body.

Ling Zhi's spirit power has been digging towards that place, passing through layers of ice and cold.

A faint red light appeared on his soul power autonomously, which was the defense effect of the Dragon Blood Pill.

The ice cold here was abnormal, and it actually caused a little damage to his soul power. The power of cold can hurt the soul power, which is very strange.

Relying on a kind of secret connection, Ling Zhi did not back down, and his spirit power quickly continued to poke downwards.

When the red light on the soul power was a little shaky, the front of the eyes finally lit up, the soul power penetrated the ice layer, and came to a huge space Zheng. This is a building located under the ground, not magnificent, it can be considered Not to be spectacular.

After just a glance, Lexus knew that this was a prison-like existence.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, he suppressed the killing intent in his heart and continued to explore.

In the perception, there is a place where there is a weak aura, very weak, as if the flames in the violent wind will burst at any time.


There was a sudden burst of laughter,

"Are you finally here!"

Ling Zhi was taken aback, his soul power paused for a while, and then sank.

A figure finally appeared in his spirit power. Zheng, this figure radiated a lot of head, full of embarrassment, and his spiritual power almost dried out to the extreme, and the spirit power was almost invisible.

There is a feeling that the oil is empty and the lamp is dry, as if it will die at any time.

He just sat on the side of the bed casually, as if sitting at home, with his hands on his knees, and his eyes looking straight ahead.

Above and below the whole body, only this pair of eyes, bright and astonishing, as blazing as the sun, threatened.

Seeing this figure thinking day and night, Ling Zhi was a little silent, too many complicated feelings poured in, and some did not know what to do.

He is the senior brother of the Luo Yezong, Leng Yan, Shu Feiyao, and Shu Feiyao's worthy Ling, Ye Qingcheng's loved one, Zhou Xuanqing's proud apprentice, yes... But in the end, he understands that he is still a child. In front of this figure, it will always be.

Son of Ling, Lexus! After a moment of silence, Ling Zhi's soul power transformed into his own appearance, and stepped forward.

At this moment, a chill suddenly appeared in Ling's eyes.

"You actually imitated my son's soul mind!"

The spirit power of Lexus today and when he was on earth are no longer what it used to be, but the spirit power of the first is never possible to change.

Ling could feel it at a glance, which was normal.

"No, my son is not in the future, how can you imitate it? Did he come here?"

Ling Suddenly stood up from the stone, with undisguised killing intent in his eyes.

"Hurt a vellus my son, I want you to die!"

At this moment, Ling suddenly pointed at Ling Zhi.

His soul power dries up and he can't detect it at all. At this moment, Ling Zhi is ten feet away from him, and above his head, he can't see Ling Zhi at all.

This pointing pointed out that there was clearly no fluctuation in spiritual power and soul power, but there was a three-inch long sword, condensed out of thin air.

It was with the help of the cold power of the surrounding ice that the sword came straight to Lexus.

During the flight, the sword body disappeared in a flash, it turned out to be the rule of the sword! This is a peculiar force of rules, through the condensing of the power between the earth, the formation of sword intent, the reach of the sword, all things are destroyed.

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers!

"Father, it's me."

Ling Zhi did not resist, but just took a few steps and stood in front of Ling.

Ling's expression changed drastically, and Gu Jing Wubo's expression suddenly became more colorful.

He opened his mouth slightly, just about to begin, his sword eyebrows suddenly condensed, his fingers flicked, and the direction of the sword turned, and he shot behind Lingzhi.


With a muffled groan, the king's spirit power appeared.

He glanced at Ling Zhi and then at Ling, with a strange smile.

"Why did you come to investigate so anxiously, it turned out that it was your father who was caught here by me."

"Hehe, what if you find out? Can you save him again?"

Wang sneered, his spirit power suddenly leaned towards this prison.

Ling's body trembled fiercely, and a chain made of transparent ice crystals appeared in the five places of his hands and neck.

These five chains seemed to have been there all the time, imprisoning Ling's actions and soul power and spiritual power could not be restored.

The chain shone with light, and there was a bitter chill. With such a personality as Ling, he couldn't help shivering.

The vitality is passing by rapidly, don't pull it, sit on the stone bed again, unable to move! Looking at his father, Ling Zhi suffered such injuries in front of him. It is conceivable that he has been undergoing such torture over the years.

He was silent again.

Silence is the prelude to the outbreak! At the entrance of the secret realm, Ling Zhi's body suddenly tightened, with his fists clenched, red, penetrating from the depths of his pupils.

With just a blink of an eye, a **** light burst out of Ling Zhi's eyes.


"Father, wait for me, soon, I will come to rescue you."

Under the ice, Ling Zhi bowed his head, looked at Ling, and said every word.

Ling's eyes were still so bright. He smiled and stared at Ling Zhi, as if to see his son, who had not seen him in these years, what he had become.

Afterwards, he nodded, his eyes as firm as ever.

The spirit power of Lexus dissipated bang, returning to his body!

"Whoever hurts my father, the corners of the earth will be punishable!"

Lexus spoke, and the Beast Killing Arrow turned into a black light, flashing across his shoulder.

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