God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1208: The strength of the enemy

There was a burst of light in Ling Zhi's eyes.

"Guru, there is a problem with the void here?"


He grunted twice as a response, and then a bright white light flashed across his paws.

The void was suddenly torn apart.

A piece of warm earth aura emerged from this void.

"It's no wonder that the Palace of the Three Kings has been hidden for so many years, so that the whole body is hidden in a secret realm!"

The Supreme Elder snorted coldly.

"Thousands of years ago, the king passed through this secret realm and survived until the end!"

This kind of mystery hidden in the void is different from the tearing of the void. Gulu's hands only use the power of space to cleverly open the entrance of the mystery.

The person who changed to the Palace of Three Kings had to use a special technique. Since Ling Zhi cleared the black mist for Guru a lot, he suppressed the power of the black mist, and the power of Guru also appeared in explosive growth.

Especially for the use of the power of rules, it is more handy.

In addition to still not having the slightest amount of spiritual power and soul power, in terms of the power of rules, I am afraid that it is not lost to any warrior in the early king stage.

"Senior, I don't know if we have come out of the Secret Realm of Owtail Tail. The king is a warrior of the king realm, will we be too reckless."

Ouyang Hao quietly approached Ling Zhi's side and reminded him.

He was cultivating in the Secret Realm of Owl's Tail, and he would naturally have the opportunity to come into contact with the strange woman who had guarded the realm for 3300 years, and he knew the strength of the other party.

Wangjing and Yijing are really two levels of existence.


Ling Zhi was silent for a while, rare serious,

"If there is really an abnormal change in the Palace of the Three Kings, I want you to take them away first and return to the Fallen Leaf Sect. With the help of the tower's defense, you will be safe and sound."

"I will be the queen of you, when the time comes, you must not hesitate, can't delay, they..."

Ling Zhi looked at the crowd and lowered his voice.

"They cannot have any accidents."

Ouyang Hao opened his mouth, knowing that he couldn't persuade Lexus, and gritted his teeth, nothing.

Ling Zhi smiled openly.

"Don't worry, who am I, the Sixth Extreme Thunder Tribulation has not been able to kill me, there will never be an accident."

After crossing the entrance of the secret realm, Ling Zhi led everyone in and walked in.

Both ice and fire.

This is the first feeling.

What I can see is that half of the secret realm is blooming in spring, and the remaining half is cold.

Two completely different visions of Soli and Sum appeared in the same space without the slightest antagonism, relying on each other and coexisting with each other.

"The three kings of the Three Kings Palace in the past, except for this generation because of the great road, the rest are all kings martial arts, and it is really extraordinary.

The power of rules has led to the habits of living things, making this magnificent scene exist at the same time. "

The elder Tai Shang praised, not stingy.

"Unfortunately, this generation of kings is too cowardly and shameless! To betray Xuanzhou and break into the king's realm with the help of all the power in the crisis, but instead of resisting the war, he absconded!"

His eyes changed, angrily said.

On Lingzhi’s side, Leng Yan, Ouyang Hao, Lin Canghen, and the Supreme Elder are all people in the half-step king state. Di Gao and Zhou Xuanqing have the ninth level of artistic conception. They can fight the half-step king state. The rest of them have almost reached it. The middle stage of artistic conception.

This force is naturally not weak.

But when they stepped into this secret realm, the figure rushing out of this secret realm was not weak at all.

Even stronger!

"Hehe, what a lineup, in Xuanzhou, but I haven't seen such a lineup for many years! No wonder you dare to challenge the power of the Three Kings Palace!"

The voice of the land king came from a distance.

When he raised his hand, a black light lased from it.


Seeing that he couldn't resist it at the beginning, if the elder Taishang appeared, he would die under this trick, Ling Zhi coldly snorted, and directly covered the light with his bare hands.


Ling Zhi's hand was like a King Kong. He grabbed the light and squeezed it away.

The prestige of consummation in the artistic conception is beginning to appear.

The peerless powerhouse like Shui Wuhen praised and regretted not being able to step into the realm.

The ground is not allowed to step into, the realm that must be prevented by the six-pole thunder tribulation.

No one knows how strong the realm of Consummation is, except for Lexus himself! The king of the earth was startled, he didn't rush up recklessly, stepped back cautiously, and distanced himself from Lingzhi.

There was a shocking light in the eyes of Ling Zhi.

Lexus's growth rate exceeded his imagination.

"Zuo Junbufan has received the inheritance of several kings, and almost all the opportunities for the burial place are in his bag. I don't know if he comes out of the secret realm, can he fight this young man?"

The land king couldn't help but secretly compare.


There was applause, and Wang took the initiative to show up.

"Yes, it's really good. Your growth is very fast, and the lineup you pulled up is also very good."

After these words, a group of figures appeared behind the king.

In the late stage of artistic conception, half-step king, no fewer than dozens! And all of them have a calm breath, and their spiritual power is like an abyss, unfathomable.

The four great masters, but only one half-step king was in charge, and only Lin Canghen was the only half-step king in Qin Capital of the Great Qin Dynasty.

But at this moment, the Palace of Three Kings easily came up with such power! Thousands of years ago, evil spirits were born, and Xuanzhou's life was disgraced.

Whether it was the Xinzong, the Fallen Leaf Sect, the Four Great Sects, or the top sects of Xuanzhou, they all hurt their vitality in that battle, and they have been recuperating for thousands of years.

With the help of the tower, the Fallen Leaf Sect recovered extremely quickly, but they were all strong but all went to the land of the monster seal.

Therefore, the number of strong men of Fallen Leaf is almost the same as that of Xinzong and other sects.

Only in the Palace of the Three Kings, there is the existence of the king, a strong man in the realm of kings, plus the fact that he is not out of doors and has not been damaged by demons, accumulating a very exaggerated number of strong men.

If it is not allowed by the Great Dao, at least half of these ten half-step king realms can step into the king realm! There are nine levels of artistic conception, and those who step into the king's realm will never have one.

Half-step in the king realm, one who steps into the king realm, fifty-six out of ten.

This is a kind of screening, not everyone can step into the King Realm with one foot and achieve a half-step King Realm.


The Supreme Elder snorted coldly, disgusting the other party's behavior.

When the two sides confronted each other, Ling Zhi's spirit power had already come out, sweeping the entire Three Kings Palace, his spirit power was not weaker than the king! This is the ultimate power of the perfect state.

He was looking for Ling, the figure he had been worried about.

Wang frowned and looked at Ling Zhi in confusion, not knowing what he was looking for.

Ling Zhi's eyes flashed, and his gaze instantly fell to the cold land of the secret realm, where he felt a familiar breath.

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