God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1210: I want you to die, you can't live

On the side of the king, a half-step king-level person, before he had time to react, the Beast Killing Arrow rushed in front of him.

This was a middle-aged man, his eyes calm, he didn't show the slightest panic. At first glance, he was a man who had experienced battles, not a flower in a greenhouse.

He smiled contemptuously,

"You want to hurt me even with such a blow?"

When he raised his hand, the huge spiritual power mixed with the soul power leaned out, slapped against the side of the Beast Killing Arrow.

The half-step king state is better than the nine-level artistic conception, which is naturally better. The original Shangguan Boyan has fully proved this.

There are also some divisions between the half-step king realm. This division is related to whether they can step into the king realm, and whether they can quickly perceive the power of the rules after entering the king realm.

That is, when the warrior stepped into the king realm with one foot, and entered the level of the half-step king realm, the over-capital would realize the power of their own rules and can simply use the power of the rules.

And this person is obviously the kind who does not feel the power of the rules.

A black light flashed on the beast-killing arrow, which was shot to one side by this person.

There was a slight smile on this man's face immediately,

"It turned out to be nothing more than that..."

He laughed, full of sarcasm.

"With such power, I dare to provoke my Three Kings Palace. I really don't know how high it is."

He smiled, but Ling Zhi's face was calm, the killing intent in his eyes was undiminished, he controlled the Beast Killing Arrow and attacked again.

"Come back? Is it useful?"

The man smiled disdainfully and slapped it again.

Above the point of the Beastkiller arrow, a more intense black color climbed up.

The power of Yin, the power of destruction.

The man's palm was slapped on the body of the beastkilling arrow, and the body of the arrow was slightly tilted. At the moment when the man had not had time to smile, the black spot swooped out and came straight to him.


The man was in a mess, and at the center of his brow, a long knife came out through his body, which was his Horcrux.

The long knife slashed at this black point.

On the other hand, Wang Zhou Xuanqing and the others were all watching from the sidelines, obviously each had plans to measure each other's strength.

Puff through.

This middle-grade Horcrux was so fragile under this black spot. The black directly penetrated the long knife and shot at the eyebrows of the man who was caught off guard.


As if a bomb had been thrown in, the man opened his mouth and trembled all over his body. The upper part of his head burst open.

I saw the man's soul flew upward from the explosion, and flew towards the king in panic.

The soul body is fast, but Lexus's speed is three points faster than him.

The speed of the Beast Killing Arrow surged sharply, as if it had already been expected, and it pierced his soul body.


Wang scolded, and the probe came towards the Beast Killing Arrow to protect the soul.

A red light flashed in Ling Zhi's eyes, and all the soul power burst out at this moment, and the void and space cracks on the side of the beast-killing arrow spread one by one.

By the time Wang Da's hand grabbed it, the Beast Killing Arrow had disappeared, penetrated the soul-raising body straight, and returned to Ling Zhi's side with his soul body.

"Let it go, let me go, otherwise none of you will want to go out today."

The soul screamed, and there was no more peace before.

"Let him go!"

The king was full of killing intent.

Any half-step king realm is the wealth of a sect. Once the land changes, it is very likely to be a strong king realm.

Kings, who can live for thousands of years, can naturally protect the sect for thousands of years. This is a guarantee for the endurance of the sect! Even in the Palace of Three Kings, it is impossible to despise the life of a half-step king realm.

Ling Zhi's lips curled slightly. From the moment he saw Ling, the Three Kings Palace must be destroyed.

A man can't protect his parents, and he can't even take action against those who hurt his parents. Is he still qualified to call himself a man? Ling Zhi chuckled lightly. The laughter was cold. He raised his leg and glanced at Wang gently, then slowly stretched out his hand, gently rubbing his two fingers.

A ray of flame rose into the air.

With a flick of his fingers, the spirit-devouring fire fell on this person's soul.

Like a piece of paper, it fell into the fire and turned into ashes with one brush.

The pervasive soul power radiated in this space, and the spirit-devouring fire gradually disappeared.

A half-step king, death!

"Master, you are putting the Fallen Leaf Sect to death!"

The land king stepped forward and said angrily.

"Don't, he is a member of my Fallen Leaf Sect, we Fallen Leaf Sect, unconditionally support his school with every word"

Zhou Xuanqing pursed his lips, and also stepped forward, facing each other.

The earth king still had to speak, but the king suddenly heard a spirit power fluctuation and communicated with him.

Ling Zhi frowned slightly, Wang and his spirit power were almost the same, he couldn't hear what the other party was doing.

The land king's eyes flashed, he glanced at Ling Zhi in surprise, and looked at the king uncertainly.

The king nodded.


The land king suddenly laughed.

"I spent so much time torturing him, and I couldn't get any news from him. I never thought that you yourself took the initiative to send it to the door!"

"Looking at it this way, there really seems to be a similarity between the eyebrows!"

The land king stared at Lexus,

"I don't know if he has you as a handle, will he persist and not speak?"

"However, your father is indeed very hard-spirited. I have deprived my spiritual power, and my soul power has been defeated by me, so he can even sustain it, amazing!"

Di Wang Yin smiled, one after another.

Obviously, after Ling was sent to the Palace of Three Kings, the earth king had specially tortured Ling and wanted to get some important news out of Ling's mouth.


After a while, Ling Zhi suddenly sneered.


Zhou Xuanqing glanced at him worriedly. At this moment, Lexus' mood fluctuated very violently, causing caries.

Ling Zhi shook his head slightly and closed his eyes. After three breaths, he opened his eyes. There was no more black and white in the pupils.

It's all red, the color of crimson!

"I want you to die."

He looked at the king of the earth, saying every word.

"try it yourself!"

Wang took a step and stood in front of Wang Lin.

The king of the earth laughed strangely and stepped forward,

"If you didn't use the power of the rules to overpower him, how could you kill him in seconds? I'm standing here, what can you do to me?"

"No need for you to act.

I'm standing here, what can he do? Without the tower, it's just a generation! "

The king of the earth sneered, and between raising his hands, the ground fluctuated. Several strangely shaped walls condensed from the power of the earth appeared in front of him, forming several defenses.

"Like his father, he doesn't know how to promote!"

In silence, Ling Zhi raised his hand, in front of him, cut his head straight, three fingers, which were completely different from before, appeared as he shot.

"If I want you to die, you can't live!"

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