God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1207: Into the Three Kings Palace

This is a gathering of Lexus friends.

They came spontaneously just because they wanted to help Lexus.

Whether it is dangerous or not.

"So, you disappeared because you got the opportunity to touch the road?"

Ouyang Hao asked in surprise, he is one of the few, knowing the state of full artistic conception, and the state of perfection, can see the people of the great road.

Ling Zhi nodded and explained this matter to everyone in detail.

"Six Extreme Thunder Tribulation?"

Everyone exclaimed.

Zhou Xuanqing frowned and asked,

"What kind of rule power do you feel? Seeing you have been using fire, is it the rule of fire?"

Hearing that, the elder Taishang and others also turned their heads and looked over.

The rules of fire are indeed quite good, and the lethality is relatively high, but compared with the qualifications of Lexus, there is always some mismatch.

Ouyang Hao frowned, and suddenly shot his hand, only to see a drop of water from the light of his palm, condensed out of thin air by him.

Following his snap of his fingers, he shot towards Lexus.

Ling Zhi glanced at him in surprise, without him, this attack was actually condensed by the rules of water! When the water drop approached, Ling Zhi finally made a move. He raised his arm and drew a semicircle in front of him.

A Tai Chi pattern appeared faintly, but after resisting the water droplets, it also disappeared, very unstable.

"Uh, what is the power of rules?"

Ouyang Hao frowned,

"In the master's inheritance, it seems that there is no such rule mentioned."

On the contrary, Leng Yan looked at the disappearing Tai Chi in surprise, and groaned, saying,

"I don't know this pattern, but I recognize two of the powers, one yin and one yang?"

"You actually master these two rules at the same time!"

The cold face was surprised and couldn't believe it.

"Yin and Yang are connected to the earth, and life and death."

Zhou Xuanqing's eyes lit up.

"Okay, okay, I deserve to be Zhou Xuanqing's apprentice!"

Then, he himself laughed first.

Ling Zhi's face was calm, he glanced at the disappearing Tai Chi pattern and shook his head slightly.

He really mastered the power of Yin and Yang, and he had a deep understanding of these two powers.

But probably because he hadn't stepped into the king realm yet, the use of these two powers was very uncomfortable, and even a little sluggish.

As for Tai Chi, he used the pattern of Tai Chi to condense the power of Yin and Yang into an attack method, but obviously, based on his current perception, the condensed Tai Chi is still very unstable.

This requires the power of yin and yang to flow through the pattern, and there can be no more than a minute on either side.

The power of yin and yang must be merged with each other, and the power of yin and yang must be separated clearly.

Very difficult for [biqudao.xyz].

However, Ling Zhi faintly felt that the power of Yin and Yang, unilaterally, were not strong enough to reach the strength of the rules of time and space. Only the power of Tai Chi was the interaction of Yin and Yang, the real power of the Great Dao.

After briefly explaining his own experience, Ling Zhi tilted his head to look at everyone.

"Your strength growth is really beyond my expectation."

"You have got the inheritance of Senior Shui Wuhen, right? The water drop just now, you can use the power of the rules with half a step in the King Realm, which is not worse than me."

"Why, look down on me!"

Ouyang Hao hummed.

Ling Zhi smiled bitterly,

"I realized this when I was struck half-dead by lightning. How can I be as comfortable as you!"

"Leng Yan, you... awakened the Phoenix bloodline?"

After hesitating, Ling Zhi asked directly.

He faintly felt that the distance between himself and Leng Yan was getting closer. When the two of them were fighting, there was a feeling that spiritual power would blend with each other.

This feeling was very similar to that when Lexus used Leng Yan's power to fight the water beast.

"You dragon practiced Dafa, and you have cultivated to the real dragon realm again?"

Leng Yan was equally surprised. If it weren't for this, she should have been on the bloodline to force Lexus on her side, but she was caught up by Lexus again.

On the other hand, Di Gao, with a breath of breath, can step into the half-step king state, Niu Yuanhang, Yi, Pei Ningrui and others are in the tower and once again have their own opportunities. After running in, the strength has improved a lot.

The elders of Fallen Leaf did not come, and their strength is a little bit unable to keep up with the younger generation.

The times make heroes, and the forces are unstoppable.

Ling Zhi also explained the matter in the abyss of the buried **** to everyone.

There is no doubt that if demons are born, Xuanzhou will have to rely on them!

"Save my father first, and then discuss the method to suppress demons."

In the end, Lexus took the decision. They were not pedantic people, resisting demons, and only for the sake of their relatives, they were definitely not heroes to save the world.

The group of people stepped on the Qindu Teleportation Array at the same time, the target, the Three Kings Palace! The extreme north of Xuanzhou is cold all year round, and there is ice that will not melt for thousands of years.

This area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers is cold all year round and sparsely populated. There is nothing else except some desolate beasts and spirit beasts that can withstand cold.

"Unexpectedly, the Palace of the Three Kings is actually in such a place."

Niu Yuanhang shook his head.

"This kind of place where birds don't shit."

Ye Qingcheng and Pei Ningrui, who were admiring the snow scene, were quiet in Tantai, and Leng Yan's four women's complexions changed, their faces were cold, and they turned to look over.

Niu Yuanhang scratched his head and turned to look at Lexus.

"Ling Zhi, why are they looking at me with murderous intent? Am I wrong?"

Ling Zhi let out a laugh.

"Niu Niu, I'm so scared, I'm afraid you will die alone in your life.

Your emotional intelligence is a bit anxious. "

The group of people continued to go deep to the north. After half a day, they had traveled hundreds of thousands of miles. The expressions of the crowds were not very good.

"The intelligence only knows that the Three Kings Palace is at the far north end, and the specific location is impossible to know because of the special cluster."

Zhou Xuanqing frowned.

This place is covered with snow and ice for tens of thousands of miles, there are no obvious landmarks at all, and the environment is extremely harsh.

After everyone traveled millions of miles again, their bodies were covered with a coat of spiritual power to shield the cluster from the cold.

Except for Ling Zhi and Leng Yan, one of them is physically strong, and the other is of Phoenix blood. How can they be afraid of cold when they play with fire.

The cold that Ouyang Hao and the others can use their spiritual power to resist, it is conceivable that if people below the artistic conception, they may not be able to produce three breaths, they will freeze to death here and turn into an ice sculpture.

Leng Yan stretched out her hand and stroked her, and a layer of icy blue flame rose from her body, which was really beautiful, and the temperature around everyone suddenly increased a lot.

Just as everyone was in this white place and some of them lost their goals, Gulu suddenly sprang out of a snowdrift, pointed his paw somewhere in the void, and started whining.

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