God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1038: The three island owners gather

Was it because of the disgusting words of the matchmaker after letting her know it, was perfectly relieved, and wept with joy? Is it because you finally don't have to put yourself a **** in your heart, and you are excited? This time Leng Yan knew clearly that her tears and excitement were not because of those.

Although those reasons were something she was very concerned about before this.

She threw herself into Ling Zhi's arms, crying like a child.

She knew that she was because of Lexus, and because of this, Lexus did it.

It turns out that he has never forgotten, and has been helping me find someone from the Ding family.

It turned out that he had thought about me in his heart.

Leng Yan fluttered in Ling Zhi's arms without a word, just lying here quietly.

The two of them stood there, quiet and serene.

"See you next time, if you can beat me, I..."

Cold Yan lowered her head, her face flushed,

"I'll just think about it and warm up your bed for..."

She said so.

Ling Zhi swallowed his saliva, looked at Leng Yan in surprise, saw the shy ears of the person in his arms flushed, looked at the perfect face, a certain string in his heart suddenly moved.

Leng Yan was a little embarrassed and shy, so she moved restlessly in Ling Zhi's arms.

Then her body rubbed against Ling Zhi.

Then Lexus, a virgin, hot man, moved restlessly in certain parts.

The morning sun shone on Liang Rao, one in white, one in red, one handsome, and the other beautiful and charming.

But when some parts of Lexus touched Leng Yan's body.

Time, as if at this moment, is frozen.

... Ling Zhi took a deep breath of the air in front of him with some memories. There was the place where his cold face was just now.

At this moment, Leng Yan had disappeared from his sight. The next time Zheng met, he didn't know when and where.

He told Leng Yan that he was in Xuanzhou, but would Leng Yan go? he does not know.

He only knows that the appearance of this woman has brought a lot of color to his life these days.

It also relieved a lot of discomfort for myself in the life of Boundless Seabird Island.

Shaking his head and throwing away these distracting thoughts, Ling Zhi turned around and looked towards the inner island of Yanwei Island.

Where, there are three undisguised figures, swooping in at extremely fast speeds.

The majestic middle-aged man, the owner of the big island Di Gao, the casual Ouyang Hao, and a brawny man with a big beard, the owner of the Mishima Xie Xiu.

On Yuanwei Island, three people in power.

Ling Zhi's gaze swept across the three of them. After confirming that Ouyang Hao had no injuries on his body, he turned his gaze to the big island owner, Di Gao.

This is the first time he has seen a strong man in the late stage of Yijing with his own eyes.

The breath was unfathomable like an abyss, and there was spirit power lingering around his body at all times, and he could launch a thunderous attack at any time.

"Lord, I advise you not to be so curious."

The corner of Ling Zhi's mouth moved, and he said suddenly.

Di Gao paused, the spirit power that was originally exuding, reaching towards Ling Zhi, stopped.

No matter who it is, after knowing what Lexus is doing, he will have a strong doubt about the true state of Lexus.

Di Gao quietly explored the realm of Lexus, and his status and location were understandable.

So Ling Zhi was not angry, but just stopped with a smile.

Or, he was thinking about Digo.

Even if Digo controls the spirit power more powerfully, when he touches his sea of ​​knowledge, he will eventually touch


Word monument, no matter how fast you retreat without chaos, you will lose part of your soul power.

The relationship between Di Gao and Ouyang Hao is obviously good, and he doesn't want to make trouble when he comes up.

Di Gao glanced at him deeply, then laughed.

"Haha, I am reckless, but I hope Master Ling is not surprised!"

Calling Ling Zhi Brother Ling, it seems that there is a confusion of generations, and the realm of Ling Zhi is too low. The other names are somewhat lowered and lacking etiquette. On the contrary, it is not as happy and simple as this master Ling.

Ling Zhi smiled casually, not much. The three of them walked into the courtyard and the four of them walked into the courtyard. Just as the four of them casually sat around the table, Ouyang Hao couldn't wait to stand up, it is rare to see him so positive.

"Ling Zhi, come, we are here to worship together and become brothers of the opposite sex."

Ouyang Hao solemnly said.


"What are you doing.

you forgot? Before I went to Sanwei City, if you and I live, worship as brothers! "

Ouyang Hao is not Gaoxin,

"Or are you unwilling?"

Ling Zhi laughed, and looked at Lie Gao and Xie Xiu helplessly, only to find that the two of them looked like they were hanging up high, so they had to smile bitterly.

"Ouyang Hao, the owner of the two islands of Ouwei, a peerless talent, how would I not want to.

"That's all right, and you don't have to worry, although my name is Di Gao, but we belong to us, you don't need to call him that."

Ouyang Hao took Lexus and started a series of steps.

There are not many steps, dripping blood, drinking blood, a few words, and it is over quickly.

The fast Lexus didn't react.

It wasn't until after the end that Ouyang Hao suddenly relaxed his whole body, suddenly changed his personality, turned around and slapped Ling Zhi on the shoulder, the old **** said,

"Lingzhi, how old are you this year?"

"Ming 4 month, full eighteen."

Ling Zhi hesitated, but still said, suddenly a bad feeling in his heart.

"What, you are less than eighteen years old!"

Xie Xiu was the first to slap the table, stood up banging, and looked at Lexus incredulously.

On the contrary, Ouyang Hao is not surprised,

"The first time you met him, the last time I came, I felt that he was extremely old, but I didn't expect him to be less than twenty."

"A four-level alchemist who is less than twenty years old can contend with the peak martial artist of the spirit beast...

Di Gao sighed lightly.

Ouyang Hao interrupted him,

"You will sigh later, I have something else to do."

Then he turned to look at Lexus,

"That's Lexus, look, I'm twenty-six years old today, a lot older than you, right, so what, do you have to call me?"

"your sister!"

Ling Zhi realized that something was wrong after hearing him halfway, and suddenly burst into foul language.

"No, let's fight, whoever wins, the boss!"

"Okay, just hit it. Since it's better than the real strength, I will always use the spirit power, right?"

Ouyang Hao said comfortably.

Ling Zhi gritted his teeth,

"You have the ability to wait for me to break into the mood, we will fight again!"

"Hey, what a pity, you haven't broken through yet, brother."

Ouyang Hao smiled triumphantly.

It was true that Lexus killed the middle-fifth grade water beast, but it was also with the help of the sacred beast Fenghuang and the power of cold face, rather than his own power alone.

His current strength is far from Ouyang Hao's full shot.

Ling Zhi helped his forehead and finally understood why Ouyang Hao was so eager to take him to worship him as a brother, and didn't let him think about it.

"Hey, I will be a master of alchemy in the future, a martial artist, and it will be cool to think about it!"

Ouyang Hao nodded in satisfaction and laughed presumptuously.

Ling Zhi cast him angrily, not wanting to pay attention to him, and turned to look at Di Gao.

"Owner of the big island, dare to ask why the sea beasts suddenly attacked Yanwei Island this time?"

"Also, who is that mysterious strong man!"

Ling Zhi's expression was suddenly serious.

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