God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1039: Blood Sacrifice

If the sea beasts attacked Yuanwei Island this time, everyone would remember that apart from Lexus and Gulu, it would be the mysterious powerhouse.

Because he is a human, a strong human.

But he was standing on the side of the sea beast to attack humans.

This is what makes all warriors, mortals, unbearable.

"You don't want to know who he is. If you know it, it's just getting burned. It's better not to know."

Digo was silent for a moment, said.

"Is his strength, or his identity, that makes you jealous?"

Ling Zhi frowned.

"So you were so angry before that you didn't disclose his identity?"

"His strength?"

Digo snorted disdainfully,

"He is really strong, but he hasn't gotten to the point where Digo dare to talk and act with fear and jealousy!"

At this moment, Digo's majesty appeared on his body.

In this day and age, it is definitely not possible for ordinary people to be able to cultivate to the seventh level of artistic conception.

Looking at the entire Xuanzhou and the boundless sea, he is also one of the few people.

This is the real, stomping, countless sects and families who want to tremble.

One person is worth a big sect! However, Ling Zhi did not shrink at all because of Di Gao's words. The reason why he frowned was only because of this trouble, and Di Gao's jealousy, not his own fear.

"What I am afraid of is his identity and the forces behind him!"

Di Gao said coldly.

After a while, Ling Zhi raised his head and looked directly at Di Gao.

"Then please ask the Owner of the big island to tell me who he is."

"He has retreated, why do you need to know who he is?"

Digo was puzzled and warned,

"I have to tell you that although you are very strong, compared with him, the difference is not even a little bit!"

Di Gao thought that Ling Zhi was arrogant and wanted to find the mysterious powerhouse.

It is normal for a talent of this age to have such arrogance, and it is normal for him to think so.

"Yeah, Master Ling, I thank you for admitting that you are really good, but that person is not weaker than him. You should not be impulsive."

Xie Xiu had a big beard, a stern body and a rough voice.

Ling Zhi burst into laughter, his eyes condensed slightly.

"Naturally, I know that I am not his opponent yet, and I will not recklessly go to him now and go to death by myself."

"However, he was the one who shot me first. If I don't even dare to know who he is, I might grow to that point. I might even get revenge and shame."

Lexus's voice was firm and unwavering.

Ouyang Hao took a deep breath and looked at Lexus.

"Lexus, being a brother with you was my impulse at the time, but now I feel that this may be the most correct decision I made."

Looking at Di Gao's face, Ling Zhi grinned.

"Lord of the Island, you are just fine. It's not that I am arrogant, but I really didn't see him in my eyes. My enemy is not weaker than him."

Di Gao Wei was shocked, and then he spoke.

"Yes, you are not afraid of yourself. I am still worried about what you do. Actually, I guess he is not. You have already guessed at odds and ends."

"There are some guesses, but I am not sure yet."

Ling Zhi nodded.

"It's the person you guessed, the Hallmaster of the Seagod's Owtail Branch Hall, a genuine, surviving sea beast master, Wancang!"

Degoo's voice suddenly fell cold.

The Sea God Temple is a force that exists on the nine islands of the boundless sea. At least among the three known islands, the Sea God Temple is a power that can compete with the island owner.

It is conceivable how powerful they would be if they combined their forces.

When Ling Zhi met Bai Jingyu for the first time, Bai Jingyu once regarded him as a member of the Sea God Temple, because he once rode a black shark and was regarded as a sea animal master.

Sea Beast Master, a profession that can control sea beasts, is respected and powerful in the Sea God Temple.

And this mysterious powerhouse was dubbed the title of the strongest sea beast master by Di Gao, which shows his high status and strength.

"Didn't the Sea God Temple always use the slogan of managing the order of the boundless sea, but it has always stood high in the highest position, overlooking all the warriors of the Mishima.

Now their palace master personally led the sea beasts to attack the entire Yanwei Island? "

Ling Zhi frowned, wondering.

Digo sneered.

"If the Seagod Temple is really as good as theirs, they won't control the three islands. They have been the boss of the entire boundless sea for so many years!"

"Lingzhi, do you know Yanwei Dongfu?"

Ouyang Hao suddenly spoke.

Everyone in Yanwei Dongfu knows everything, but they know more or less about Lexus. If they don't know, it's normal.

"I know, the ninth son of the true dragon, when the Owtail clan evacuated the boundless sea, the residence left by the strong in the clan."

Ling Zhi nodded, wondering why he was suddenly involved in Yanwei Dongfu.

"Well, it's fine if you know,"

Ouyang Hao explained,

"Then you must know how much the warriors of Yanwei Dongfu are longing for, and there have been two passes on the location and opening of Yanwei Dongfu."

"First, the jade pendant left by the owl-tail clan can find the location of the cave and open it.

But whether this jade pendant is there or not, and where it is, is still unknown. "

"Secondly, through the blood sacrifice, it will cause Yanwei Dongfu to appear automatically."

"The second point is the real reason why Wancang will lure the sea beasts to attack Yuanwei Island."

Ouyang Hao was full of grief and indignation. With his character, he couldn't wait to tear up Wancang, angry at what he did.

"Bloodwashing millions of people on Yanwei Island and inciting blood sacrifices, just for the illusory legend, can you try to elicit Yanwei Dongfu?"

Ling Zhi was shocked, shocked by Wan Cang's madness.

"Plus at least one million blood of sea beasts."

Xie Xiu added.

"Need so much blood?"

Ling Zhi shocked.

"No one knows the true or false of this story, but Wancang firmly believes it. He has initiated several such offensives before, all of which were slapstick, with tens of thousands of casualties and no movement.

This time, he was obviously completely anxious, and he didn't know how to serve the Silver Moon Golden Eye Beast, causing the sea beasts to come out! "

Di Gao clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Ling Zhi was silent, and then he knew why this sea beast attack was so fierce that they caught Ouyang Hao by surprise.

The lord of the Haishen Temple's Owtail Branch Hall, Wancang, was so cruel as a cluster of steps.

Digo sneered.

"He is running out of time, lingering for many years, and if he doesn't break through, what is waiting for him is death. This is a rush!"

"For Yirao's life and death, it is necessary to use the entire Yanwei Island millions of life and death to test the authenticity of a biography,"

Ling Zhi's eyes were cold.

"We must use her blood to sacrifice these years and die to support the hero!"

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