God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1037: Warm bed

The sea gradually receded, and the surviving sea animals began to flee into the boundless sea.

They left countless carcasses of sea beasts.

And... countless corpses of warriors.

People who are alive, some cheer, some are excited, and some are sad.

People sympathize with those who are grieving, and people try their best to help those who are grieving.

Because it was these sorrowful relatives who used their lives to do their last bit of strength to stop the attack of the sea beast.

They are all heroes, unknown heroes.

The martial artist's resilience is strong, and rebuilding his homeland is even easier.

With the help of powerful warriors who didn't stingy with their own power, but the next day, all life began to be on the right track.

The aftermath of the war is still there, but those who are alive will have to live after all.

They put away their grief and earnestly lived everything that was left. Some people gritted their teeth and wanted to be stronger. Some people cast statues of Lexus and Gollum and regarded them as heroes.

Ling Zhi is dressed in white, holding an ink sword, and on his right arm, there is another flaming red shadow entwined, his sword eyebrows are facing the boundless sea, as if facing all the enemies in the boundless sea.

And Gulu, with white light in one hand and silver-white light ball in the other, with big cute eyes open, babbling at Lexus.

In a new courtyard in Erwei City, Ling Zhi, Bai Jingyu and others are living here.

Bai Jingyu's yard was destroyed by Ling Zhi and Ouyang Hao in a battle, and it was naturally very easy to rearrange a residence with the power of the Chen family.

After the noise, only Ling Zhi and Leng Yan remained in this room.

"Why, do you have anything to do?"

Ling Zhi sat on the chair, played with the cup in his hand, and asked without raising his head.

Leng Yan hesitated, then said after a long time.

"How did the breath on your body come from?"

"Then how did the phantom on your sword come from?"

"Do you know what red is?"

"Then you also know what the breath on my body is?"

The two of them are just like playing a riddle, they can understand each other's words.

"Okay, okay, let's stop selling the trap. The true dragon breath on my body is very complicated, but it's mainly because of a cultivation technique."

Lexus clapped his hands and said casually.

Although Leng Yan had always been uncomfortable with him, she did not hesitate to fight side by side with herself in the previous battles to deal with the powerful middle-grade 5 spirit beasts.

When she was shot and flew onto the city wall by the silver-moon golden-eyed beast, the tension and worry in her eyes could not be faked.

The other party treats him sincerely, and Lexus will naturally not hide it.

Besides...what's the matter? Unexpectedly, Leng Yan finished listening, but shook his entire head in front of Lexus, staring straight at him, her voice trembling.

"Yes... It's the Eight Desolation and Liuhe, Long Lian Dafa?"

This time it was Ling Zhi's turn to be astonished. He glanced at Leng Yan in surprise, silent and silent, and acquiescence.

"No wonder, no wonder, only this exercise can give you the aura of a real dragon, so, you have cultivated to the third level of the dragon cultivation method, the body of the real dragon!"

The cold face was clear, and said with envy.

"Uh...you have a better understanding of Long Lian Dafa than mine."

Lexus was ashamed.


Leng Yan smiled triumphantly,

"Nonsense, I...I know it anyway, much more than you!"

"No wonder the Red Club assists you, instead of drawing your strength to help me, Feng Conglong, Long Fengming."

Leng Yan muttered to herself.


She suddenly stomped her feet with a low heart.

"Originally, our strengths were close. Now you surpassed me. I will go back to find Master. Those who do not practice will be stronger than you and will never come out!"

Ling Zhi sat quietly on the chair, watching Leng Yan making a fuss there.

Looking at such a peerless beauty, no matter what she does, there is a feeling of enjoyment.

That smile, every move, every word and deed, all reveal a sense of beauty, full of the most primitive temptation.

Especially Leng Yan's mouth pouting unhappily at the moment, her lips are full of elasticity, rosy like jelly, and the fragrant tongue swayed gently from her teeth in the open river, making people want to rush up and hold them in her arms for a bit.

But this was just thinking about it. Ling Zhi smiled bitterly and shook his head. He suddenly felt that his journey was a bit miserable.

From Shu Feiyao, Pei Ningrui, Ye Qingcheng, Qin Binglan, etc. along the way, the girls he met are definitely not less, but there is not one that has developed deeper.

He didn't even hold a hand, and the rare kiss was when Dong Lianhan accidentally wiped it, and he didn't have time to feel it.


"Hey hey hey, what do you think!"

Leng Yan rushed to Lexus, waved his hand and shouted.

Ling Zhi woke up from his distraction and shook his head quickly.

"Hmph, looking at your eyes just now, you know that you didn't think of any good things, you are dead."

I have to, although Leng Yan is a bit silly, but this woman is instinctive, really scary.


Leng Yan suddenly slowed down and called Ling Zhi hesitantly.


Lexus was too late to react and agreed, but he couldn't realize it for a while. It was cold Yan calling him.

Leng Yan gave him a white look.

"Um, this battle, I feel as if I am about to break through. Master must rush back before letting me break through, so..."

Leng Yan was a bit twisted for a while.

"Ah, that's great. Congratulations. When you break through, come find me again!"

"Fart, who is looking for you!"

Leng Yan hummed.

"Ming, I will see you off!"

Ling Zhi glanced at Leng Yan deeply, with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

The next day, Zheng Lengyan was standing in the yard with nothing long.

"Dead Lexus, good to see me off, why not come!"

Cold face stomped.

But she didn't choose to leave. Instead, she chose to wait here anxiously. She didn't know whether she wanted to give up or what, and she didn't want to think about it.


"I seem to hear someone scolding me behind my back."

Ling Zhi's voice sounded from behind her.

Lying in white clothes drifting away, Ling Zhi leisurely jumped directly off the courtyard wall in the distance.

And in his hands, there is a middle-aged man.


Cold face frowned,

"Okay, see me off, who is this person you brought with you?"

There was some dissatisfaction in her heart.

"Sister Leng, I am the principal of the Ding family. I am here to break the marriage contract between you and my Ding family.

The reason is that my Ding’s family has fallen, and the marriage contract is automatically terminated. "

This person also added an explanation specially.


Lexus slapped him up.

"Did I let you talk so much nonsense? What kind of thing is your Ding family, where are you qualified to make such a request?"

Ling Zhi had already understood very clearly that the ancestors of the Ding family, the strong man who got the soul whip, had some connections with a certain relative of Leng Yan, and had made such a marriage contract at that time.

In fact, it was just a casual one at the time, even the Ding family, few people knew about it.

On the contrary, Leng Yan always remembered, feeling aggrieved and uncomfortable.

Looking at Leng Yan, when he saw that he was speechless, Ling Zhi's expression changed, as if he was a jerk, he kicked this Rao again.

"What's the matter, I hate these ancestors for talking nonsense, and how much trouble it has caused to future generations, you can see how embarrassing it is to make her."

"I think your Ding family really doesn't want to exist anymore, right!"

Ling Zhi breathed sharply, said.

Given her cold face and her strength, which green onion is the Ding family?

"I'm here to withdraw from the marriage contract. Now, I want to tell you the Ding family, this marriage contract is unilaterally terminated by me!"

Leng Yan said with tears in her eyes.

However, his gaze has been fixed on Lexus.

This matter has nothing to do with her, but it makes her very distressed.

Now, when she came up with such words, she proposed to dissolve the marriage contract, and everything would be solved naturally.

There was an uneasy feeling in my heart.

This person from the Ding family had come here, but he was nervous and made a mistake, so naturally he only agreed.

His Ding family hadn't been built like this, even if it hadn't fallen, they weren't qualified and cold-faced. What good is this.

Kicked the Ding family away, Ling Zhi smiled and looked at Leng Yan.

"This is going down, are you satisfied?"

"How can such a beautiful beauty have a stain? Look, I'll erase it for you today, do you think about it and promise it with your body?

I happen to be short of a bed warmer. "

Looking at Leng Yan's beautiful face, Ling Zhi teased.

When Leng Yan approached him, wasn't it because he destroyed the Ding family and prevented her from retiring. Now, he helped Leng Yan solve the matter.

Leng Yan looked at Ling Zhi in a daze, and for a long time, she rushed towards him.

Here I will look at the character prototype, beautiful reader, for the rest of my life.

Hey, I always see the words of the matchmakers pressing on people. Now let’s make a beautician retreat. What I want is Leng Yan’s perfection and cleanliness. Reply to the answer

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