But when they saw that Gu Sandao was the first person to succeed in the breakthrough, they were also a little embarrassed, because in this way, their previous bet was that Gu Sandao won, and this result, but Their three people did not expect to exist. As for Gu Sandao, of course it was even more, because he just broke through to the semi-senior, but didn’t expect to directly break through and became the Xuanzun.

Seeing Gu Sandao taking away 67 Celestial Venerable Pills, to be honest, Li Feng and the other three are still a little envious.

Because of so many Celestial Venerable Pills, unless they are mentally handicapped, they can definitely be used directly to Xuanzun’s 9th layer realm Peak.

Maybe there will still be leftovers. On the other hand, the three of Lifeng and others who didn’t get it can only watch eagerly. Gu Sandao laughed wildly because it was so terrible. Cool.

“As long as there is Pill Recipe with materials, even if the materials are lower in age, then I can help you refine them.” At this moment, Huo Tianci opened his mouth and said.

When the three of Lifeng heard this, they immediately relieved a lot.

I learned that Huo Tianci had previously fought 20 and a half to protect them. They were stunned. At the same time, they were even more grateful for Huo Tianci.

“It’s no wonder that the rest of the temple is in a mess, but our area is not a major problem. It turns out that the master is protecting us.”

“This great saving grace, I, Feng Nine Heavens, will remember it for a lifetime. From now on, as long as the master gives instructions, even if it is mountains of daggers and seas of flames, then I, Feng Nine Heavens, will never frown.”

” So is Hao Hongzheng!”

“By the way, what is the origin of the other party?” At this moment, Li Feng asked curiously.

“It’s Grade 2 Demon Sect, the person of Rakshasa Sect!” Huo Tianci bluntly said: “And it seems that the martial artist headed by that is not small.”

Because At that time, Wu Min, but took out one side, can call out the three blood Rakshasa magic weapon Rakshasa flag.

Seriously, there is no background, this kind of baby, it is absolutely impossible to get, that is to say, this time, they are with a Grade 2 major, and they are also Grade 2 forces of Demon Sect, completely ‘S right.

This is irreconcilable, according to Demon Sect’s temper.

“It turned out to be Rakshasa Sect!” Upon hearing this, I saw Lifeng and the other three people. They all swallowed deeply, because they never thought that the other party could have such a big backing.

Also, there are only so few forces that can mobilize twenty and a half deities in one breath. The authentic sects will definitely not do it. After all, they are all decent martial artists, so there is only Demon Sect. Rakshasa Sect, under the influence, has been with the Crazy Corpse Valley.

“If you are up against each other, then fight them to the end!” Surprised and surprised, but Lifeng and the others are not afraid. Of course, this is also the whole Longshan Sea Territory, which belongs to the decent faction. The area of ​​influence is related, and the demonic path martial artist generally does not dare to come and attack.

Otherwise, you have to be afraid of peeing your pants. After all, Grade 2 is a big one. On the other hand, the highest in the entire Longshan Sea Territory is just the Star Luozong of Grade 4. This comparison It is enough to see the huge gap between the two sides.

“You still have to be counseled.” At this moment, Huo Tianci laughed and said, but in a blink of an eye, Huo Tianci became serious again: “But I should go, that is still Gotta go!”

Because of people, you must live with integrity! Otherwise, it’s better to die, but if you have a backbone and a big idiot, you have to tell the situation clearly, otherwise it will be very embarrassing if you are so stunned and go up to the head.

And this is exactly what happens by chance.

“The master is justified, it is necessary to withdraw, but if it is necessary to fight, then they must have nothing to fight back! Otherwise, we will definitely die.”

Lifeng and the others nodded, because Huo Tianci makes a lot of sense.

Because of the success of Li Feng and other three breakthrough Xuanzun, Huo Tianci has enough people to turn around, so he can take this free opportunity to explore the medicine rooms in other secret passages.

“The other entrances of the Eight Diagrams Palace, is it possible that the master has clues?” Feng Nine Heavens thought, this TM is the rhythm of getting rich.

Then I saw Huo Tianci, smiling and holding the map of the general structure of the Bagua Palace in his hand, saying: “That’s nature.”

“It turned out to be in the brocade box. Your baby, it’s this thing!” Hao Hongzheng knew right away, it must be Huo Tianci, the treasure from that brocade box.

“In addition to this structure diagram, I also got this.” After speaking, Huo Tianci showed the black wind card again.

After that, Huo Tianci said again: “This Black Wind card seems to be related to Black Wind Saint’s died during meditation Golden Core. Later, I used Spiritual Qi to motivate it. As expected, it was a bit tricky. “

While talking, Huo Tianci started to do it, and finally under the activation of Spiritual Qi, I saw that the black wind card flashed part of the structure diagram similar to the map.

However, this structure diagram has only a small area. If you look at it this way, you don’t know where it is on Black Wind Island.

In other words, this Black Wind card is not just one piece.

“It seems that Black Wind Saint is the one who wants us to get the Black Wind card to kill each other. The last living will get everything about him. I have to say that everything is the survival of the fittest. This Black Wind Saint is quite’diligently diligent’.” In the end, Huo Tianci also sighed, the insidious means of Black Wind Saint.

On the other hand, Li Feng and the other three who heard all this can fully understand, but they are more fortunate that they, not at all, opposed Huo Tianci, otherwise, died. During meditation Golden Core cannot be obtained, it is estimated that even this Xuanzun, they will not be able to break through.

Because all of this is the “temptation” of the Black Wind Saint, when someone can’t stand the temptation and kill each other, it just happened to be in the arms of Black Wind Saint. At the same time, this The survival of the fittest has also begun. In the end, only the most powerhouse can get the Supreme Treasure of Black Wind Saint and the Died during meditation Golden Core of Half Saint!

I have to say that in this round, Black Wind Saint has a huge cloth, because the entire Black Wind Island is a huge “big pit”, a big pit that allows martial artists to come in and kill each other.

Also, after all, the semi-sacred died during meditation Golden Core, no one is jealous. It is estimated that everyone has been “died during meditation Golden Core” by these four words, giving them thorough Confused.

In the end, it led to killing each other. Actually, it was normal. I have to say that Black Wind Saint grasped people’s greed and desire to the extreme.

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