It’s a pity that Huo Tianci, a “heterogeneous species”, appeared. The last move was to convince people by virtue, and directly and completely conquered many powerhouses such as Lifeng, and went through water and tread on fire for him.

“Let me stay.” Since there are other martial artists who are breaking through at this time, among all Huo Tianci and the others, someone must stay to watch and guard, and finally Gu Sandao took the initiative to propose , I am willing to stay.

Because it’s not good to let one of the three Patriarchs of Lifeng stay, it’s definitely not good. It’s just the so-called. Why they all went, but I didn’t go. In the end it was precisely because of this, Gu San Dao took the initiative to raise the issue, and I have to say that the overall view of this man is pretty good.

Because of this, the three Patriarchs have no opinion with each other, which also saves that conflicts will arise.

“Then there will be Laogu Brother.” Gu Sandao’s initiative to propose also made the three Patriarchs, including Li Feng, secretly relaxed, because they all wanted to go on an expedition with Huo Tianci. If you can’t go, won’t you have regrets, and at the same time, there will definitely be unhappiness.

But now, Gu Sandao is willing to stay. This is an excellent thing. Of course, the three of Lifeng can also see it. This is Gu Sandao intentionally.

Finally, after giving Gu Sandao a thankful look, Li Feng, Feng Nine Heavens, and Hao Hongzheng, they followed Huo Tianci together to explore the second secret entrance. .

Except for the rush time, the seven medicine rooms in the secret entrance are hardly difficult to break through. After all, there are three profound veterans helping each other.

“According to the structure of the Bagua Palace, this secret entrance should be above the position of the gossip, away from the representative of fire. It is no wonder that this entrance is all around, it is so hot, only Presumably, there should be an underground volcano in this underground. As for the place we went before, it should be Genwei, and Gen represents the mountain, so the secret entrance is located halfway through the mountain stream. Between.” Huo Tianci thought, this turned out to be there is a saying.

Wu Minlai’s position is the “Dui” position. Dui represents Ze. Huo Tianci had gone to insight before, and finally entered along the corridor. As a result, the outermost area was a piece of Swamp Land. .

“Master, where are we going now?” Feng Nine Heavens was a little confused because he didn’t understand the Five Elements gossip.

“Now that the three have been broken, the gossip is actually a bit messy, but if we proceed according to Five Elements restraint, what we have just broken is the departure, so where we are going next, we must It’s the hurdles, hurdles are water, liberation is fire, and water and fire are not tolerated, so no matter whether it’s useful or not, as long as you follow this rule, then there will be no mistakes.”

Finally, even if a little Detour, but in order not to make mistakes, Huo Tianci still did it like this, because there are some things you have to believe.

The result is really not to mention, when Huo Tianci dived into the bottom and brought the three people from Li Feng to the secret passage of that camp, a strange scene happened.

In the seven medicine rooms in Kanbit, there is no level at all. At first Huo Tianci thought that, like the “Dai” position, it was passed by other martial artists like Wu Min. It turned out, it wasn’t.

Because the treasures in it are neatly placed in the center of the medicine room, as for any barriers, there are none.

“The departure was completely overcome. The obstacles and obstacles in this hurdle level were all gone. It seems that following the Five Elements gossip method is completely correct.”


Don’t say so, Huo Tianci was still in the seventh medicine room in this camp, and found another Magical Artifact small bottle gourd. The three of Lifeng didn’t ask for it, so Huo Tianci dripped blood. Acknowledge the Lord.

In the end, it turned out to be the black wind bottle gourd, which contained the black wind Saint, the Supreme Treasure during his lifetime, a strand of the black wind in the cold wind.

“counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir, let’s go to Kun’s place now.’ Because Kun represents the earth, and the earth refers to the earth. In the end, as expected, it’s just like the hurdles. , All the obstacles in the level are gone, but there are a lot of treasures in the seven medicine rooms.

It’s all there! ! !

However, this time, there is no Magical Artifact small bottle gourd.

As for why, Huo Tianci also guessed it, because in the gossip, only opening, rest, and life are Sanjimen. In other words, there should be only three wisps in the whole gossip land. The black evil wind is blowing.

Don’t tell me, Huo Tianci really guessed it right, and then in the “do” position, Huo Tianci found the third Magical Artifact small bottle gourd, and the third A wisp of black evil wind.

At this point, time has passed for three days.

Fortunately, after picking up the baby, the last pass, the stone gate leading to the Eight Diagrams Hall, will be opened. Then Huo Tianci will come to the Eight Diagrams Hall, the eight prescription positions, Then they can be connected together and form a connection. In this way, it will save the four of them and take an extra day. Otherwise, let alone three days, it is estimated to double the time, it is very likely Will not be enough.

After Huo Tianci completely explored this gossip Medicine Garden, only a ding sound was heard, and the system hinted.

“ding” system hint: Congratulations to the host for successfully exploring all the medicine rooms in the Bagua Medicine Garden.

The “ding” Xuanhuang 6th-layer breakthrough mission is completed. Congratulations to the host, and successfully promoted to Xuanhuang’s seventh stage.

The “ding” EXP is full, the Xuanhuang Seventh Realm breakthrough mission is opened, and the host needs to obtain another Black Wind card to complete this breakthrough mission.

In this way, Huo Tianci’s realm has come to the Xuanzun Seventh Realm. As for other martial artists who are breaking through, during the breakthrough, Xuanzun succeeded in some breakthroughs, and of course there were also Xuanzun failures in the breakthrough. There are also a few people who didn’t even respond to the Thunder Tribulation. I have to say that it was a little embarrassing, but it didn’t respond to the cost of Thunder Tribulation, and it was not small, directly strengthening the great injury.

In the end, because there was no way to continue the adventure, Huo Tianci gave those martial artists who had a great injury of strength, each with a return to the city symbol, so that they could return to Tian City or Clear Sky City. , I went to rest and recuperate. After all, if this is insisted, it would be fine without battle strength. It is very likely that it will drag everyone back and cause everyone to suffer.

The same goes for the bald boss. Afterwards, in order not to drag everyone behind, he also prepared to leave.

Of course, the thin man and the fat pig went back together, because they said yes, shared blessings, shared difficulties, and now the bald boss “has difficulties”, they will naturally and never again Go to “enjoy the blessing”.

I have to say that the friendship (base affection) of these three people is simply too deep. As for how “deep” they are, it only depends on how “long” they are.

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