Because Xuanhuang and other ants, half of the ants can be killed by a finger, but as a result, this was completely reversed and turned into a bunch of half, which was given by a Xuanhuang Killed cleanly.

Is this possible?

Yin Feng thought to himself in the heart.

“This is the First Senior Brother. The Emperor Xuanhuang is really weird. It’s like Undying and Inextinguishable. We simply can’t kill him. Then the Senior Brother called the Holy Lord out. The situation was reversed, but what I didn’t expect was that the servant had a back hand, and he could palm thunder with both hands. It was also by virtue of the strength of Thunder that he broke free from the bondage of the Holy Lord within a few seconds. The last words , He actually gave summon a giant Qilin lightning giant beast, and finally the giant beast whizzed out, the Wu Senior Brother and other senior and junior brothers, also…and they all died. I was good luck at the time and I was closer to the exit, so I escaped by luck. Otherwise, I guess I won’t be able to survive.”

Hearing this man’s explanation, Yin Feng only felt I am even more confused.

Undying and Inextinguishable, and thunder in the palms of both hands, can also summon Qilin lightning giant beast?

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that all of these tricks were made by a profound emperor, and this made Yin Feng couldn’t believe it, because it’s too much. Exaggerated.

You said Xuanzun, I can still believe it, but you Xuanhuang.

In the end, I saw Yin Feng and touched the forehead of the discipline, because he felt that it must be this guy. He was frightened. Now he started talking nonsense, but Wu Min’s death was The truth is, because of Wu Min’s life and death jade token, it has been completely shattered into powder just now. People are in the jade token, and people die and the jade token is destroyed.

This is absolutely true. It’s just that who killed Wu Min, Yin Feng is not sure yet. As for what Undying and Inextinguishable, the Emperor who can still hold thunder in both hands, really, Yin Feng It’s a word and I won’t believe it because it’s simply impossible.

In the end, I saw Yin Feng, so I went to speculated.

“Is it possible that the group of people who killed Wu Min Junior Brother, is it the martial artist of Heavenly Dao Alliance and Senluodian?”

Because of what Yin Feng knew Here, only these two forces can do this.

But the discipline that came back alive just insisted that it was not the Heavenly Dao Alliance and the martial artist of the Sun Luo Temple who did it, but the Xuan Emperor, a Xuan Emperor with green skin all over.

“First Senior Brother, you must believe me, I really didn’t tell lies.”

“Well, I believe you, then you can rest now. “But after the discipline was gone, Yin Feng complexion changed and said: “I believe that you have ghosts.”

Yin Feng thought to myself, you are really stupid, a profound emperor. Killing a dozen or so half-sages with one move, even if you think about it with your ass, it is definitely impossible!

That’s why Yin Feng always thought that it was this guy who was frightened and stupid, so he said nonsense.

As for revenge, Yin Feng is not so idle and panic, because first, he and Wu Min are not in harmony, and it is precisely because of this that Wu Min did not get through the gossip hall Take this Yin Feng. As for why, of course, Wu Min wanted to swallow it by herself, but as a result, it didn’t matter if she swallowed it in the end, and even took his own life in.

For this, really, Yin Feng would like to thank Huo Tianci.

The second point, this Yin Feng is the junior of the Rakshasa Sect Supreme Second Elder, and the Supreme Second Elder, and the Supreme Third Elder, have always been rivals.

In other words, although they are the same sect, the relationship between Yin Feng and Na Wu Min is actually hostile, but they didn’t express that’s all on the table.

The last sentence is that Yin Feng is eager for Wu Min to die.

Now that he is dead, isn’t it just what he wants.

As for the third and most important point, that is that Yin Feng has important things to do now, and it is still at the last moment, so Yin Feng simply did not Necessary, to be a dead person, and to spoil one’s own major event.

On the other side, follow the sound to find the martial artists of the Eight Diagrams Hall. That is more and more. In fact, no matter how big the natural phenomenon is, if you want to find the location of the secret entrance, it is definitely not the same. It’s easy.

As for the martial artists of passers-by, why are they so easy to find? Of course Yinfeng makes people radiate. I have to say that Yinfeng is also very ruthless. Although he is not going to do it himself, he But made a trick to murder a person with a borrowed knife.

In fact, this move was originally what Huo Tianci wanted to use. After he finished exploring the Eight Diagrams Palace, he would directly spread the location of this place to him, and then lure some food. The melon martial artist came to waste time, and at the same time, he could earn some Spirit Stone.

It is equivalent to selling intelligence.

As for who is allowed to sell this information, it is of course the bald trio. This is the plan of Huo Tianci at first, and it can be considered as giving them three small benefits. After all, there is no credit. Hard work, but now, this benefit is probably gone.

However, the “business” is constant, because the martial artists who came to the door were almost all slaughtered by Gu Sandao. When the time comes, all the treasures on them will go to Huo. Tianci has it all.

Summarizing one sentence is-this wave does not lose!

It is precisely because of this that the occurrence of Xuanzun expert on Black Wind Island was madly spread out.

For a time, the martial artists of the two schools of justice and demons were all scared, because if this is the martial artist on the opposite side, then the opposing party must be finished.

Finally, when you inquire carefully, the decent martial artists are all relieved, because Gu Sandao is a decent figure. On the other hand, those demonic path martial artists are all shrunk and afraid to show up. Wei Xuanzun, it is enough to easily kill ten half-zuns, of course there are cases, but this is rarely the case.

Just another day, the ninth day of Black Wind Island.

In this day, almost no major event happened, but the number of Thunder Tribulation induced on the island has increased. It seems that many half are trying to break through.

As for the final result, of course some people are happy and some are worried.

On the tenth day, there was finally another movement in the Eight Diagrams Palace.

I saw Li Feng, Feng Nine Heavens, and Hao Hongzheng three patrons, one after the other, which induced breakthrough Thunder Tribulation.

After all, they are all old oilseeds in the half-sovereign realm, and they have tried breakthrough before and after. However, compared with the previous, their breakthrough at this time, there has been a big change.

As for what this big change is, you can guess it with a guess. Of course, it is the top grade Jiulonghu Soul Pill given to them by Huo Tianci.

In the end, it was thanks to the help of the top grade Jiulong Nurse Soul Pill. The three of them succeeded in the breakthrough.

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