God-level Base

Chapter 896: Take the Stone of Saint Gold

Fierce light flashed in the eyes of the old man who claimed to be the Emperor of Heavenly Hook, and he waved the Heavenly Hook of the Holy Demon Soldier in his hand, and a burst of green and strange magic light gleamed.

From the ground, countless weird vines were shot out at once, rushing towards those weird monsters frantically.

The densely packed weird monsters were pierced into the body by the vines, and then they were directly sucked up by the weird vines, turning them into corpses.

After the blow, Emperor Tian Hook reached out and grabbed the piece of Saint Gold Stone.

Shu Feng's eyes flashed slightly, and he didn't make a move, letting the Heavenly Hook Emperor's big hand grab the piece of Saint Gold Stone.

The moment Hook Emperor’s big hand touched the stone of holy gold, under the stone of holy gold, a black light burst out like lightning, piercing directly towards him.

"not good!"

The Emperor Tian Hook's face changed slightly, and when he couldn't touch his defense, he urged the power of the Holy Demon Soldier's Heaven Hook in his hand, and a layer of green demon enchantment emerged directly.

The black light pierced the green enchantment of demon soldiers at once, penetrated the enchantment of demon soldiers with ease, and pierced the hand of Emperor Skyhook.

Shu Feng took a closer look and saw a weird monster with two eyes that was as black as ink and like a thin needle stabbed in the hands of Emperor Heavenly Hook, and wriggled towards Emperor Heavenly Hook's hands in an attempt. Get into his body.

"Go to hell!"

The impetus of the Emperor Tian Hook shook directly, directly smashing the weird monster like a thin needle.

Almost at the same time, a sensation of spinning around the sky poured into the heart of Emperor Tian Hook, causing his headache to split and dizziness.

The one-eyed, weird monster with a big mouth of blood suddenly emerged from the void, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and took a terrifying whirlpool with one bite, and bit directly towards the Emperor of the Hook.

The Emperor of the Sky Hook strongly endured the pain and swung the Sky Hook to slash.

A turquoise magical light shone, and a series of terrifying vines full of sharp thorns emerged from the void, stabling towards the incomparably fierce and weird monster.

Click! Click!

The one-eyed weird monster opened its mouth and bit, and every bite bit the terrifying vines in a big piece, and after a few bites, all those terrifying vines were immediately crushed by him.

The Emperor Tian Hook opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a jet of blood that was as dark as ink came out directly. As soon as the blood column was separated, it immediately transformed into countless weird little bugs, scattered on the ground.

The Heavenly Hook Emperor's breath dimmed for several minutes, his figure retreated violently, and the Heavenly Hook in his hand stabbed his body again.

A burst of green light shone, and Emperor Tian Hook's body swelled up, and small vines burst out of his body, bearing red fruits one after another.

As soon as the red fruits cracked, countless small black bugs fell directly to the ground. After a few twists, they turned into a pool of pus and sank into the earth.

The one-eyed weird monster pounced again, and opened his mouth to bite the Emperor.

With a wave of the sky hook, the sky vines burst out directly, swept toward the one-eyed weird monster, forcing the one-eyed weird monster to have to crush the weird vines one by one.

"Sacred Gold Stone, here you are!"

A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of Emperor Tian Hook, and he stretched out his hand to grab the stone of sacred gold.

"Emperor Sky Hook, I am determined to win the Sacred Gold Stone, please let me know!"

From a shadow, a domineering flame blade light appeared out of the sky, directly cutting towards the Emperor of Heaven Hook.


The expression of the Emperor of the Sky Hook changed slightly, and with a wave of the Sky Hook, countless vines burst out, piercing the flame blade light, frantically absorbing the power of the flame.

"Awesome, this is the Holy Demon Soldier!! The vines can absorb the power of flames, it's really amazing!"

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he reached out and grabbed the sacred gold stone in his hand. A shadow jumped, and jumped directly into the shadow, disappearing.

The countless vines pierced the flame and directly pierced the void.

"Damn it, Ye Xuankong, you little beast, I won't let you go!"

Emperor Tian Hook was flushed with anger, fierce light flashed in his eyes, and roared angrily.

The Saint Demon Soldiers are also strong and weak. The strongest Saint Demon Soldiers are naturally the four emperors who dominate the world of demon soldiers. Although the Emperor Tian Hook claimed to be one of the five emperors in the world, he had played against the Sword Saint regardless of the outcome, it was just that he gave himself gold.

"Ye Xuankong, he didn't expect to be taken away by him! This guy is really terrifying!! Maybe he will truly become one of the five emperors in the world!"

Baima Qiangshuai's eyes condensed slightly, gritted his teeth, fought frantically, and rushed outside.

"Sirius, save me!!"

Marshal Sea Whale suddenly screamed, was stabbed in the body by a strange scorpion tail, and pulled towards the group of strange monsters.

Marshal Sirius, as if he had not heard anything, rushed towards the outside.

Marshal Lion stepped slightly, his eyes darkened, and he followed Marshal Sirius closely.

"Do not!!"

A terrifying sound of chewing came from behind, and the Marshal Sea Whale died tragically in the hands of those weird monsters.

A quarter of an hour later.

On a big tree hundreds of miles away from the weird misty forest, a ripple flashed, and the Heavenly Hook Emperor walked out of it, panting slightly.

"As expected to be the Emperor Heavenly Hook, it is amazing to be able to break out of that environment!"

A flat voice sounded from the side, and Shu Feng walked out of the jungle.

The Emperor Skyhook narrowed his eyes slightly, coughed a few times, and covered his mouth, a large amount of blood poured out from his hands: "Ye Xuankong, you follow me!"

Shu Feng looked at Emperor Tian Hook with a smile and said: "No need to act! Emperor Hook, didn't you lead me to it? If you didn't take the initiative to expose your breath, how could I catch up with you?"

After all, Emperor Tian Hook is a holy demon soldier. Even though his strength is not comparable to that of the four emperors, he is still the top powerhouse in the demon world, proficient in countless secret methods. If he really wanted to escape, it would be difficult for Shu Feng to catch up with him with the help of the power of the holy demon soldier.

"That's right! Ye Xuankong, I was indeed the one who led you over! You are so greedy, you have taken a fancy to my holy demon soldier!"

The Emperor Tian Hook straightened his body, exuding an incomparable coercion, his eyes gleamed, and he smiled sensibly, holding the Holy Demon Soldier Tian Hook.

Shu Feng said indifferently: "Emperor Skyhook, although you took the initiative to expose your breath to lead me over. However, you fought with that weird monster, and you were injured in the end. Surrender to me and work for me. I can kill you!"

"Want me to surrender? You deserve to be the emperor of the Western Regions United Empire! If you want me to surrender, let me see what you can do!"

The Emperor Tian Hook smiled without anger, urging Tian Hook, and slashed directly towards Shu Feng.

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