God-level Base

Chapter 895: Emperor Tian Hook

"Damn it! What kind of monster is this?"

The white horse gun Shuai was shocked, the man and the gun were combined, and the white horse gun in his hand was directly pierced, like a real dragon going out to sea, a shot directed at the jagged blood basin with a big mouth.

Kong Shuai held the sword of the upper demon soldier, and cut down with one sword, and the blade of air slashed towards the blood basin with big mouths.

Ning Shuai held the thunder spear of the upper demon soldier, and the thunder and lightning shone, and the thunder and lightning slashed towards the blood basin.

Lou Shuai held the upper demon soldier's mountain knife to mobilize the force of the demon soldier, and a sharp and incomparable earth pylon burst out from the ground and pierced towards the weird blood basin.

Bai Ma Qiang Shuai shot like a shooting star, pierced into the mouth full of jagged blood basin, and passed through it.

A hint of chill surged in Bai Ma Qiang's heart: "Afterimages!!"

The attacks of the other three marshals of the Dragonlance Empire also failed.

Suddenly, the big mouth of the blood basin appeared strangely, opened his mouth and bit, and the terrifying whirlpool directly enveloped Kongshuai.


Blood was splattered, and the empty commander of the Dragon Spear Empire was swallowed by the blood basin, bitten to pieces.

"The situation is broken!"

Baima Qiangshuai is also a man who has experienced many battles. With a stern shout, the spear stirred the situation, and waves of terrifying storms blew in all directions.

Blowing by that terrifying storm, the mist in a radius of tens of miles was directly blown away.

As soon as the mist dissipated, the White Horse Gun Commander and the Sirius Marshal discovered that countless strange monsters had been lurking around at some point.

Among them is a weird monster that is fifty meters high, with a huge one-eyed, transparent body, as if it is completely integrated with the environment, and its breath is completely converged, like a top hunter.

Baima Qiangshuai's blow stirred the wind and clouds, and the terrifying storm set off, which forced the weird monster out of the surrounding environment and showed his figure.

Even so, the one-eyed weird monster has a very vague sense of existence in the perception of the white horse gun handsome. It will exist for a while, and it will not exist for a while, which makes people very uncomfortable.

In addition to the huge one-eyed weird monster, there are also twenty weird monsters lurking around, exuding a frightening atmosphere, comparable to the weird monsters of the upper demon.

Now he was forced to show up, and immediately displayed various abilities one by one, madly attacking the strong like the White Horse Gun Commander and the Sirius Marshal.


Bai Ma Qiang Shuai shouted sharply, and his figure retreated violently.

With a wave of the mountain knife in his hand, Lou Shuai stretched out a shield of rock from the ground, blocking the powerhouse of the Dragon Spear Empire.

The attacks of all kinds of weird monsters blasted on that side of the rock shield, exploding the rock shield one by one.

Marshal Sirius also commanded the strong men of the Halberd Empire to kill outside.

Baima Qiangshuai smiled bitterly in his heart: "I did not find those weird monsters in my previous investigations! It seems that the anti-reconnaissance ability of one of them is still higher than my detection ability! It's careless!"

Baima Qiangshuai is not without discovering something wrong with this jungle. However, his strength was tyrannical, and his heart became greedy for the stone of holy gold, and he broke into this jungle.

One head is a circular sarcoma, and the upper demon soldier of the human-shaped torso suddenly split the head of the strange monster of the order, and a dark light that seems to be able to swallow all the light directly blasted towards the white horse gun commander.


A little white horse magic spear in the hand of the handsome white horse gun, a real dragon phantom appeared directly, and with a spout, a real dragon light shattered the dark light directly.

A weird monster with nine eyes, like a big tortoise, looked at Bai Ma Qiang Shuai, and the nine eyes showed a whirlpool, and a trace of weird and incomparable fluctuations enveloped Bai Ma Qiang Shuai's body.

The white horse gun commander was in a trance, a trace of fear surged into his heart, but his mind was extremely firm, and between his thoughts, he directly dispelled the fear and restored his sobriety.

At that moment, the big mouth of the blood basin appeared directly, opened his mouth and bit, and bit directly towards the handsome white horse gun.

Bai Ma Qiang Shuai twisted his body, and his whole body was as slippery as a loach, flashing to the side.


Blood splattered, and one of the left arm of the white horse gun handsome was directly bit off by the big mouth of the blood basin.

"The powerhouses of the two empires can still support it for a while, but their defeat is already set! You have to work hard and kill more weird monsters!"

Shu Feng hidden in a shadow quietly watching the powerful men of the two empires fight, and countless reminders appeared in his eyes.

Suddenly, in a big tree a hundred meters away from the stone of sacred gold, an old man dressed in a green robe with a burly figure, white beard and hair, and fully restrained aura is holding an emerald green hook-shaped holy demon. The soldier appeared directly, and rushed towards the stone of holy gold.

Shu Feng looked at the hook-shaped holy demon soldier in the old man's hand, and his eyes shrank slightly: "Holy demon soldier!! A powerful man at the first level of the Four Emperors! This guy is so wretched!!!"

The magic weapon that can easily hide the perception of Shu Feng and those weird monsters is naturally only the holy magic weapon. And there is one of the most obvious features on the hook-shaped holy demon soldier, the three curse seals have been integrated into one, forming a holy pattern.

In Shu Feng's thoughts, those four emperor rank sacred demon soldiers must be extremely domineering, coming to fight for this sacred gold stone with a posture of suppressing everything.

But the old man with a mysterious origin obviously did not have the demeanor of a holy demon soldier. It was also when those weird monsters were fighting with the two great empire powerhouses to use the power of the holy demon soldier to seize the piece of holy gold stone.

Boom! !

Just before the big hand of the mysterious old man was about to touch the piece of sacred gold stone, the earth shook for a while, and an extremely sharp thorn emerged from the earth, stabs frantically towards the mysterious old man.

The sound here shook the weird monsters, and attacked the old man in various ways.

"Little beast, you dare to ruin the old man's big business, you are looking for death!"

The mysterious old man was furious, his gaze swept away, and he locked aside a lower demon soldier who was almost integrated with the rock and was summoned by Shu Feng, hidden in a large rock.

A green light flashed slightly, and from the big rock, a weird vine emerged directly, wrapped around the body of the lower demon soldier, and countless sharp spikes instantly penetrated the lower demon. The body of the soldier.

In an instant, the lower demon soldier was drained of blood and turned into a corpse.

At this time, countless weird monsters have turned back, using various abilities, and blasted towards the mysterious old man.

"You **** weird monsters! The old man is the Heavenly Hook Emperor, one of the five emperors in the world. He once fought against the Sword Saint, regardless of victory or defeat! If you dare to attack me, then all die!

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