God-level Base

Chapter 897: Suppress the Emperor of Skyhook

In an instant, countless sharp vines swept from all directions and pierced towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng waved the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword in his hand, and the sea of ​​flames appeared directly in the sky, sweeping towards the vines.

Those sharp vines showed countless mysterious curse imprints, and with a frantic breath, the sky and sea of ​​fire were directly sucked into the sky, becoming stronger.

The Emperor Tian Hook smiled coldly: "Want to use fire to restrain my vines? It's useless! The power of the Saint Demon Soldier is not what you can imagine!"

Suddenly, the weeds behind Shu Feng squirmed suddenly, turning into a grass sword, and piercing towards Shu Feng.

when! when! when!

Shu Feng used his body technique, his body flickered, and he swung the Saint Flame Sword, imagining countless afterimages. The sharp vines and weeds fought with the grass sword, and there were countless noises.

Several miles around it seemed to be transformed into a terrifying and extraordinary botanical garden, and all kinds of extraordinary plants madly attacked Shu Feng, consuming his power.

"This guy is so strong! No wonder the high-ranking magician who is far superior to the ordinary dared to chase me down!"

The Emperor Tian Hook was slightly shocked, if it was an ordinary high-level magic soldier, if he did not burn his life, he had already been directly suppressed by him at this time. Shu Feng persisted for so long, far beyond the imagination of Emperor Tian Hook.

"This is the Holy Demon Soldier! Yes, it's really strong! But that's it!"

Shu Feng's gaze was cold, he clasped the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword tightly, the power of the demon soldiers boiled, and began to resonate with the Saint Flame Tyrant Blade, and a phantom of a flame giant appeared behind him.

"These vines can't burn, but the flame is not strong enough! If the flame is strong enough, it can burn everything!"

Shu Feng waved the Saint Flame Tyrant's sword, and the flame giant behind him opened his mouth to eject a pillar of flame.

Wherever the flame pillar passed, all the vines were lit, and they blasted directly towards the Emperor of Heaven Hook.

"The demon soldier resonates! He actually reached this state!"

The Emperor Tian Hook's face changed slightly, and he immediately urged the Holy Soldier Tian Hook in his hand, and a vine shield made of vines directly stood in front of him.

Demon soldier resonance is the resonance between the demon soldier held by the demon soldier and the master, allowing the demon soldier to exert more than 120% of its terrifying power.

Ordinary magic soldiers usually urge the magic soldiers, and they can only exert about 40% of the power of the magic soldiers. Top magic soldiers such as Marshal Sirius and White Horse Gun Commander can exert about 80% of the power of the magic soldiers.

Those high-level magic soldiers burn their vitality to crush the magic soldiers, and they can exert more than 200% of the magic soldiers' terrifying power.

In fact, the Heavenly Hook Emperor can only exert about 40% of the power of the Saint Demon Soldier, but the 40% of the Saint Demon Soldier's power has far surpassed the 100% power of the ordinary upper demon soldier.

That terrifying pillar of flame blasted on the vine shield, and burned the vine shield into countless black smoke.

"Die me!"

In the endless flames, Shu Feng directly appeared, fierce light flashed in his eyes, and a flame blade light directly slashed towards the Heavenly Hook Emperor.

"A high-ranking magic soldier dared to be so arrogant! Today is your burial place!"

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Emperor Skyhook, and he screamed, urging the power of the demon soldiers to chop out a series of emerald green hooks, like a weird and cruel vine, from a weird and incomparable angle, towards Shufeng thorn go with.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The flames fought wildly with the vines, and a flame giant phantom was also fighting with a huge vine that seemed to pierce through the sky.

Numerous weird vines appeared on the surrounding ground in an instant. As soon as those vines appeared, large tracts of flames immediately emerged, burning all of them to ashes.

The two sides were fighting frantically, and Shu Feng became stronger as he fought, and his breath became more and more terrifying. His physical fitness far surpasses that of the Heavenly Hook Emperor, and the power of the magic weapon far exceeds that of the Heavenly Hook Emperor, but his realm is slightly inferior.

The Emperor Tian Hook was weaker as he fought, and the injuries he suffered from fighting against those weird monsters just got worse during the fierce battle.

"Ye Xuankong, this monster, has too strong physical fitness, I am not his opponent!!"

Emperor Tian Hook coughed out a bit of blood, a little bitter in his heart. Although he exaggerated his achievements a bit, he was indeed a holy demon soldier. He was extremely powerful and had killed many high-ranking demon soldiers.

Marshal Sirius and Commander White Horse Gun, the top high-ranking magic envoys of the four empires, also fell into the hands of Emperor Skyhook. But he had to admit that he was not Shu Feng's opponent.

"It's time to withdraw! Keep fighting, I'm afraid I will die in his hands!"

The Emperor Tian Hook retreated, frantically mobilizing the power of the demon soldiers, inspiring several more ferocious emerald green hook lights to attack Shu Feng from strange angles.

"Emperor Skyhook, you want to escape? It's too late! If you run away as soon as you see me, I can't do anything with you! But if you want to escape now, it would be too little to look down on me."

Shu Feng laughed, his eyes flickered, the power of the magic soldier boiled, and the resonance with the saint flame tyrant sword increased to the limit. The flame giant phantom behind him also directly plunged into the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword.

The power of countless flames on the Saint Flame Tyrannical Blade was constantly trembling, and the entire magic blade power had already been activated, and only one step would be on the verge of collapse.

"Holy Flame Slash!"

The Shu Fengren's swords were unified, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a terrifying flame sword, slashing towards the Emperor Hook.

As soon as those emerald green hooks touched the Yandao that Shu Feng had transformed, they collapsed one by one.

"Burning your life? Ye Xuankong, are you crazy? No grievances against you, you burned your life and killed me?"

There was an incredible flash in the eyes of Emperor Tian Hook, and with a sharp shout, he was also forced to burn his life.

At that moment, Shu Feng smashed through all the defenses of Emperor Tian Hook, and slashed his body fiercely, almost splitting his body in two.

The terrifying power of the flame blasted into the body of Emperor Tian Hook, eroding his body and soul crazily.

A burst of emerald green light shone on Heavenly Hook Emperor's body, and the power of that flame offset and annihilated each other.

Before the Emperor Tian Hook could react, Shu Feng slashed him once again, splitting him in two, splashing blood.

"Stop!! Ye Xuankong, I would like to surrender, I would like to surrender to you. Don't kill me!!"

A look of fear flashed in the eyes of the Emperor Skyhook and roared loudly.

"Since you are willing to drop, then swallow this!"

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and with a flick of his fingers, he flew a pack of [Nine Nights Scattered Demon Powder] to the front of Emperor Tian Hook and said lightly.

"My holy demon soldier's sky hook can solve all the poisons in the world. I lower my head now, and I will always have the opportunity to ask him for control in the future.

With a thought, Emperor Tian Hook swallowed 【Nine Nights Demon Powder】without pain.

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