God-level Base

Chapter 894: trap

"Two idiots! Since you want to come and die, I will fulfill you!"

A sneer flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he instantly resonated directly with the Saint Flame Tyrant Sword in his hand, transforming into nine flame clones and rushing towards the Golden Eagle Yunshuai and Feixiong.

"Flame clone? Watch me break you! Golden Eagle spreads its wings!"

Marshal Golden Eagle screamed and spurred the Golden Eagle magic spear. A golden magic eagle with a wingspan of one hundred meters appeared directly. As soon as its wings stretched out, the golden feathers in the sky turned into golden rays of light and directly pierced the nine flame clones. go with.

Under the indiscriminate shooting of the golden feathers in the sky, the nine flame clones collapsed and dissipated one by one.

"It's all fakes! Where's his real body?"

Marshal Golden Eagle looked at the nine collapsed flame clones, and there was a trace of unknown premonition in his heart.

"I am here!"

A dull voice sounded behind Marshal Golden Eagle, and a series of terrifying flame sword lights broke out directly, involving Marshal Golden Eagle.

"Do not!"

A look of despair flashed in Marshal Golden Eagle's eyes, and he screamed, and his body was immediately fragmented and turned into countless pieces scattered on the ground.

A line of information appeared in Shu Feng's eyes: "Source energy +15 billion, powerful divine power +17, divine soul +17."

"Not good!! Ye Xuankong's strength is probably no longer under Sirius! Damn, this guy pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger and leads us out just to kill us!!"

Seeing this scene, Marshal Feixion felt a trace of chill in his heart, and the wings behind him flickered and flew towards the dense foggy forest.

"You are a wise man, but unfortunately, it was too late to understand! Moreover, you dare to expose your back in front of my eyes, you really want to die!"

A flame of light flew out like lightning, and a terrifying blade light containing an extremely domineering aura passed through Marshal Flying Bear's body in an instant.

"He's afraid to be stronger than Sirius!"

A sharp pain gushed from all over the body of Marshal Flying Bear, his eyes flashed with despair, his body split into two, and was directly swallowed by the terrifying flames.

"Kill the two high-ranking magic soldiers again!"

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

After the base space was advanced to level 9, it almost consumed all the resources that Shu Feng had accumulated. Now every time he kills a high-level magic soldier, Shu Feng will be able to obtain a lot of resources.

And those high-level magic soldiers can extract high-level magic soldiers from their bodies. Once each high-level magic soldier enters the virtual demon world, it can be processed into a piece of high-level magic weapon, which can be sold for a sky-high price.

Shu Feng held a shadow magic sword with a lower rank of magic soldiers, mobilizing the power of the magic soldiers, simulating the power of the shadow in the body to manipulate the curse, and plunged into the shadows.

Deep in the jungle, in front of the square where the Stone of Saint Gold is located.

"Why haven't the Golden Eagle and Flying Bear come back yet?"

Marshal Sirius grabbed the head of the old man from Poison Mountain who did not look at him, his eyes flashed with a hint of gloom and slowly said.

The weird mist all over the jungle blocked the perception of Marshal Wolf and his party that day, making it impossible for him to perceive the battle that had just occurred hundreds of miles away.

"Their opponent is Ye Xuankong, the emperor of the Western Regions! It hasn't been back for so long. In all likelihood, Ye Xuankong's poisonous hand is the one!"

White Horse Gun Shuai smiled slightly, and also carried Leng Ying's unstoppable head in his hand.

As soon as this statement came out, the three marshals of the Wild Halberd Empire suddenly looked very ugly.

Marshal Sirius and Marshal White Horse are similar in strength. There was already one more strongman on the Baima Qiangshuai side than on the Huangji Empire side. Now the two marshals of Golden Eagle and Feixion died in Shu Feng's hands, which meant that the strength of the Desolate Halberd Empire was far inferior to the powerful ones of the Dragon Spear Empire.

Two rays of light flashed slightly, Kong Shuai and Ning Shuai directly appeared beside Bai Ma Qiang Shuai.

Kong Shuai said: "The passionate son escaped!"

A high-ranking magic soldier flees intently, and few people can stop them except for top high-ranking magic soldiers such as Marshal Sirius and Commander White Horse Gun.

The handsome white horse gun smiled slightly and suggested: "Marshal Sirius! This place is very weird, it must be a trap set by weird monsters. I hope we can kill each other! And there is still Ye Xuankong outside staring at each other, this sacred gold stone is not as good as us. How about dividing this up? I am six and you are four. In this way, we can obtain treasures without having to fight!"

Baima Qiangshuai is not only incomparable in strength, but also very intelligent. From all the clues, he guessed the truth of the matter and made the best choice.


Although Marshal Sirius was cruel and combative, he was not a stupid man. He pondered for a while before he said decisively. If he insists on taking that holy gold stone, not only will the success rate be too low, but he will only lose out with the white horse gun commander, and no one will benefit.

Marshal Sirius can naturally expel the rabble crowd like Old Poison Mountain and kill them casually. Faced with a person like Baima Qiangshuai, who is as famous as him, it is possible to have dialogue and cooperation.

"Sure enough, there are a lot of clever people of your human race! But, after all, people die for money, and birds die for food! You dare to come here knowing that this is a trap. It's really too big. From the moment you set foot on the trap. , You are doomed to die here!!"

A hideous and weird voice suddenly sounded in the jungle.

The thick fog was tumbling, and from the fog, one after another weird monsters directly emerged, rushing directly towards the powerhouses of the Wild Halberd Empire and Dragon Spear Empire.

"Good job, let me kill you all!!!"

Marshal Sirius smiled domineeringly, and rushed into the monster group with Sirius Halberd, as if transforming into a terrifying Sirius, shredding all the weird monsters directly.

Marshal Marshal Lion and Marshal Sea Whale followed Marshal Sirius to protect his wings and resist all kinds of attacks for him.

The White Horse Gun Commander also joined forces with the other five marshals of the Dragon Gun Empire to form a formation, madly killing all kinds of weird monsters that were constantly pouring out of the dense fog.

Several strange monsters of the high-ranking magic soldier rank just appeared, and were immediately killed by Marshal Sirius and Commander White Horse Gun.

Suddenly, a large mouth of blood basin full of jagged teeth emerged from the void very abruptly. With a frantic bite, terrifying whirlpools emerged one after another, covering Luo Shuai and Fang Shuai directly.

"help me!!"

Luo Shuai's face changed drastically, and a pair of wind wings appeared behind him. The wings vibrated and the wind was strong. The whole person blended into the wind and fled to the distance.

Fang Shuai's whole body was shining with flames, as if turning into a flame phoenix, driving the terrifying flames and fleeing like crazy.


The mouth of the blood basin closed instantly, and the terrifying whirlpool sucked Luo Shuai and Fang Shuai firmly, and the two groups of blood spattered in the void and scattered on the ground.

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