God-level Base

Chapter 818: Kill the Winged Demon King

"Caught you!! Winged Ghost King, it feels uncomfortable to be weakened!!"

From the endless darkness, the laughter of the dark **** came, and the dark threads were very strangely entwined on the Winged Ghost King's body.

A dark cursed spear pierced into the body of the Winged Ghost King silently.

A weird white porcelain figure suddenly appeared in the original position of the Wing Ghost Demon King, and with a click, it was directly torn apart by the thread of darkness.

The Wing Ghost Demon King suddenly appeared a kilometer away from the dark sky, and ran away frantically.

The stronger the strength, the fewer and more precious the various secret treasures and secrets. There are only two secret treasures that can withstand the attacks of powerful divine power series gods, the Winged Ghost Demon King.

"Ten Thousand Times of Gravity!!"

A fierce light flashed in Qing Yan's eyes, and he immediately activated the earth's power to grab the Wing Ghost Demon King.

Wing Ghost Demon King's body trembled slightly, and his speed slowed down a bit.

"Forbidden air field!!"

The **** of the sea also supported the horrified moments of the other middle-ranked demon kings, burning his divine power, and displaying the forbidden air domain.

Wing Ghost Demon King's body trembled again, resisting the forbidden air domain of the God of the Sea. It's just that his speed slowed again for a moment.

"The Winged Ghost King, caught you!!"

A terrifying dark sky spread homeopathically, and immediately swallowed the Winged Ghost Demon King.

The five middle-ranked demon kings barely hesitated, turned around and fled madly in all directions.

Those dozens of imaginary kings also used various powerful secret methods to flee directly.

With the passage of time, the restoration of Gulundo's World Heart will only increase the suppression of those Void Kings. Seeing that there was no chance of victory, the kings of imaginary demons naturally did not want to fight to death.

As soon as that dark sky swallowed the Winged Demon King, countless dark threads were madly chopped towards the Winged Devil from all directions.

"Wing Devil Slash!!"

The Wing Ghost Demon King frantically mobilized the power of the imaginary demon, and the actual combat secret method, the whole person turned into a terrifying magic knife, slashing the sky, directly splitting the dark sky, and blasting towards the distance.

"The light of darkness and destruction!!"

A light of incomparable darkness and destruction penetrated the sky, fiercely blasting on the magic knife made by the Wing Ghost Demon King.

The magic knife made by the Wing Ghost Demon King was shrouded in endless darkness, and countless cracks appeared at once, and finally collapsed and shattered. He suddenly appeared in his original form, his whole body was cracked, and he fell directly from the sky, and his body was seriously injured and miserable.

The light of darkness and destruction is a desperate move of the God of Darkness. It is a terrifying attack that can only erupt by burning more than 90% of the divine power. The power is also extremely powerful, and it will severely damage the Winged Demon King with a single blow.

A dark cursed spear pierced like lightning, and pierced fiercely on the body of the Winged Demon King, and the light of the curse appeared on his body.

The Beast of Steel Teleport generally appears in front of the Winged Demon King with a slash, and directly slashes the Winged Devil.

A spear of the ocean contained terrifying ocean power, and a shot blasted into the body of the Winged Ghost King, madly destroying his vitality.

Qingyan urged the power of the earth, and the sharp thorns suddenly erupted, blasted into the body of the Winged Ghost Demon King, and directly penetrated him.

A flicker of Shu Feng appeared in front of the Winged Demon King, holding a [Gun of Modan] through the head of the Winged Devil, the terrifying power of killing the gods directly erupted, directly destroying the Winged Devil’s soul. .

"Source energy +10 billion, powerful supernatural power +16, divine soul +16!!"

A line of prompt emerges directly.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Finally killed! The corpse of the second high-ranking demon is in hand!"

The Wing Ghost Demon King is a high-ranking demon king with extremely powerful combat power. It is precisely because of this that Shu Feng will give up the opportunity to hunt down the other Void Kings, and will do his best to kill him.

"Come late! Damn, the dark **** has been planning for a long time!! He destroyed the gate of the Void Demon, making me a step slower. Then he destroyed the Sky Pillar of the Void! Damn, even the **** of darkness! He has advanced and powerful divine power, and it takes more than an hour to destroy the Void Sky Pillar. How did he destroy the Void Sky Pillar?"

Three thousand miles away, the Tyrannosaurus Demon King appeared directly, and he glanced at this side from a distance, directly with a magic spell, and disappeared invisibly.

The Void Sky Pillar has been destroyed, and the Wing Ghost Demon King has been beheaded. The situation had deteriorated to the extreme, and the Tyrannosaurus Demon King came over, and there was only a dead end against the God of Darkness.

"All escaped! In this case, the battlefield of the virtual demons is mine! There are also these virtual demons, all of which can be killed and transformed into my resources!"

With a thought to Shu Feng, from the base space, 10,000 angels of the Holy Spirit series flew out at once.

The summoning circles appeared directly, and from the summoning circles, the elite soldiers of the Morun Empire appeared one after another.

"The imaginary pillar has been destroyed by the violent eagle god!! Warriors, it's time for you to make contributions!! Kill those **** imaginary demons and drive them out of this land!! From now on, this piece of land! The earth is the territory of our Modan Empire!!"

Shu Feng looked down at the elite fighters of the Modan Empire and raised his voice.

"Wish to work for the Prophet!!"

The elite warriors of the Morun Empire knelt down on one knee, and everyone's eyes flashed with scorching colors and raised their voices.

Although there is an emperor in the Morun Empire, everyone knows that the emperor is just a puppet. The true ruler of the Morun Empire is the prophet Paul. It was the prophet Paul who led them to create one miracle after another.

"set off!"

Shu Feng shouted sternly, 100,000 Morun Empire Warcraft Knights wearing magic armor and riding various warcrafts attacked the three imaginary kingdoms.

The five top powerhouses of the Dark God, the Sea God, the Steel Beast, the Blue Rock, and the Furious Eagle God sit in the void. Once the three big Nether Kingdoms resist, they will take action to suppress them and bring them down. The resistance was disintegrated directly.

The ten thousand-headed spirit holy angels also fought with the army, using various healing magic techniques to treat the warcraft knights and boost their morale.

The 100,000 troops were divided into three groups. Under the action of the gods, they easily captured the capitals of the three imaginary kingdoms and continued to attack.

Countless virtual demons collapsed directly, surrendered to the Morun Empire and became a captive of the Morun Empire.

Even though the Netherworld Battlefield was eroded by the Netherworld, it was not exactly like the Netherworld, making it difficult for humans to survive. On the contrary, many places were very fertile, full of precious and extraordinary plants.

Within the kingdom of the **** of the sun.

"The Void Sky Pillar collapsed! Did the God of Darkness cut the Void Sky Pillar?"

The **** of the sun looked like electricity, looking in the direction of Xu Mo Tianzhu, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

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