God-level Base

Chapter 817: Cut off the Ethereal Sky Pillar

"To dare to stand in front of me is really overwhelming!"

The dark **** smiled sorrowfully, burned his divine power frantically, and reached out his hand.

A dark light swept down like a waterfall, hitting the body of the middle demon with three tiger heads.

The middle demon king with three tiger heads screamed and was directly blasted off. Numerous pustules appeared on his body, and he was hit by various curses.

Shu Feng jumped in a shadow, appeared behind the middle demon king's body with three tiger heads, a shot pierced into his heart, and the terrifying power of killing God instantly erupted.

The middle demon screamed, and was destroyed by the terrifying power of killing the gods, turned into a corpse, and was collected by Shu Feng in the space of the base.

An incredulous color flashed in the eyes of the Wing Ghost Demon King and cried out, "Formidable supernatural power!! How is it possible? How can the God of Darkness advance to a powerful divine power? This is impossible!!"

Once a **** with a powerful divine power series burns divine power, in the stage of burning divine power, its combat power is far superior to that of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King.

The combination of Wing Ghost Demon King and Tyrannosaurus Demon King, two high-ranking demon kings, may not necessarily be a powerful divine opponent. Only when the three high-ranking demon kings join forces can they defeat the **** of darkness here.

"The light of darkness!!"

The God of Darkness burns his divine power frantically, and the light of darkness blasts directly towards the five middle-ranked demon kings behind.

The five middle-ranked demon kings have used incomparably powerful secret methods to contend with the dark light.

Shu Feng took the opportunity to fly away in the direction of Xumo Tianzhu.

The Wing Ghost Demon King doubled his wings and activated his speed power, which turned into an afterimage, like lightning, and flew towards Shu Feng's direction.

"Dark sky!"

A horrible dark sky emerged directly, shrouding everything around it in the darkness, and in an instant, the Winged Demon King was involved in it.

The Wing Ghost Demon King suddenly felt that his six senses were completely sealed, and there was darkness everywhere. He flew desperately in the direction he had sensed Shu Feng before.

Numerous wounds appeared directly, large swaths of devil blood sputtered and flew, and lines of darkness were firmly embedded in the body of the Winged Demon King.

Black auras emerged from the wound of the Winged Demon King, and the dark power eroded his body, filling him with pain.

A dark cursed spear pierced the body of the Winged Ghost in the endless dark sky.

A strange porcelain figure appeared directly, and instantly fell apart.

The Wing Ghost Demon King appeared a kilometer away.

"Wing Demon Slash!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Wing Ghost Demon King, urging the secret technique, with both wings one flap, and countless sharp magic blades slashed in all directions.

Where the magic blade passed, the darkness was directly torn apart, and the lines of darkness broke crazily under the slash of the magic blade.

The Wing Ghost Demon King took advantage of the moment the darkness was torn apart and saw Shu Feng's location.

At this time, Shu Feng had already arrived before the Void Demon Tianzhu, and directly activated the summoning technique.

The violent eagle god, who had re-evolved into a weak peak of divine power, emerged by himself, holding a sharp sword with a series of artifacts and slashing towards the Xuomo Tianzhu frantically.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the Void Demon Sky Pillar remained motionless, but the Raging Eagle God was shocked by a terrifying backlash and took a few steps back.

A sneer flashed in the eyes of Wing Ghost Demon King said: "Fool! How easy is it to destroy the Void Sky Pillar? Back then, the gods of the Gulunduo world teamed up, and it took a whole day and night to get the Void Sky Pillar. Cut it off. Now the strength of this Void Demon Pillar is ten times as strong as before. Even if you do your best, it is absolutely impossible to destroy the Void Demon Pillar!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up: "This Void Demon Pillar is ten times the previous one!! Doesn't it mean that the source of the Void Demon Realm contained in it is ten times the previous one!!"

"The Tyrannosaurus Demon is already rushing back. You only have three minutes. Three minutes can't destroy the Void Demon Pillar. That's your death date."

The Wing Ghost Demon King smiled sensibly, urging the power of the Demon King, and the blades of the Wing Demon tore through the sky, slashing in the dark sky, cutting off countless lines of darkness one by one.

The Wing Ghost Demon King is very cunning. He does not directly conflict with the Dark God, but uses his own speed advantage to entangle the Dark God, so that the Dark God has to spend a lot of energy on him.

Once the Winged Ghost King finds a chance, he will be able to kill with one blow, severely damage or even kill Shu Feng and the Furious Eagle God.

The remaining five middle-ranked demon kings are crazy fighting against the three powerhouses of Qingyan, the God of the Sea, and the Beast of Steel. Under the siege of the five middle-ranked demon kings and dozens of imaginary kings, Qingyan and other three powerhouses fell into an absolute disadvantage.

"three minutes?"

A sneer flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and countless transparent tentacles extending from the space of the base pierced fiercely into the Void Demon Sky Pillar.

A terrifying suction power came from the base space, madly absorbing the energy contained in the Void Demon Sky Pillar.

"The Origin of the Void Realm +1 Unit!"


Lines of information kept jumping out, making Shu Feng feel very comfortable.

Click! !

A crisp sound suddenly sounded, and a huge crack emerged directly above the Void Demon Pillar, and it spread quickly in all directions.

Shu Feng jumped in a shadow, lurking in the shadow, using a secret method to hide his breath, disappearing from the place. He didn't want to be stared at by the original will of the Void Demon Realm.

Boom! !

The violent eagle **** slashed on the Void Demon Sky Pillar again with his divine sword in his hand, bursting out a huge explosion of earth-shattering.

The Void Demon Pillar broke directly, and the terrifying Void Demon Qi spread in all directions.

The Void Demon Qi that continuously poured out from the Void Demon Pillar disappeared.

"How is this possible? The imaginary pillar! How could the imaginary pillar be broken? This is impossible!!"

An unbelievable color flashed in the eyes of Wing Ghost Demon King, and he let out a terrible scream.

"Xu Mo Tianzhu is broken!!"

"The Void Demon Tianzhu was cut off by someone!!!"

"Damn, our hard work has been ruined!!"


The Void Demons around the Void Sky Pillar watched the Void Sky Pillar collapse, and a look of despair flashed in everyone's eyes.

Without the protection of the Void Demon Pillar, the heart of the world of Gulundo will quickly get rid of the suppression of the Void Demon World. Even in the battlefield of imaginary demons, those imaginary demons will be suppressed by the heart of the world of Gulundo, their strength will plummet, and they will be slaughtered.

"Damn it, so fast!"

The Wing Ghost Demon King's complexion suddenly changed, and he felt an extra layer of shackles in his body, and his strength dropped by 10%.

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