God-level Base

Chapter 819: Advanced lower demon king (add more for a large share of the agent alliance)

God of war in the country.

A dignified look flashed in the eyes of the God of War: "The Void Sky Pillar was cut off! The God of Darkness has advanced to a powerful divine power! The situation is about to change!"

Although the six righteous gods of the Gulundo world will unite against the enemy, they also fight against each other in private. The six of them checks and balances each other to maintain the balance.

Now that the giant **** has fallen, and the dark **** has advanced powerful divine power, this balance has been broken at once. The situation suddenly became a little unpredictable.

Dragon God Kingdom.

The Dragon God looked puzzled: "The God of Darkness has advanced to a powerful divine power! How did he advance? Before, he was only at the peak of a strong divine power?"

Luna Kingdom.

The Moon God sighed slightly: "The Void Demon Pillar is broken! I hope that the world of Gulundu can have more peace time!"

That Void Demon Sky Pillar was cut off, only meant that this invasion of Void Demon Realm was frustrated. However, the strongest of the Void Demon Realm is like a cloud, this time it is defeated, and more strong will come next time.

The Moon God murmured: "The Lord God! Unless our world can give birth to a Lord God! Or can be protected by a Demon God in the Void Realm, otherwise, such invasions will never end."

The main **** is a horrible existence who believes in the evolutionary system of becoming a god, surpassing the powerful divine power series. Those main gods can completely contend with the powerful demon gods in the virtual world.

But it is too difficult to give birth to a powerful god. There were many gods in the ancient times of Gulunduo World, and there were many gods with powerful divine power, but no master **** was born.

In the world of Gulundo, many legendary masters have sneaked into the Void Realm to travel with the support of a god, looking for a way to resist the invasion of the Void Realm.

The only way to resist the invasion of the Void Demon Realm is for a world to give birth to a master god-level powerhouse, or to obtain the shelter of a demon god-level powerhouse in the Void Demon Realm.

Just wanting to advance to the main **** level, or to obtain the protection of a strong demon **** realm is very difficult.

With the background of the Gulunduo world, it is impossible to give birth to a master god-level powerhouse.

In the base space.

"1500 points of the origin of the imaginary world, 100,000 high-level source energy, a good harvest! It is a good harvest!! A lot of money!!"

Shu Feng looked at the origins of the Void Demon Realm in the base space, his eyes flashed with joy, and he wanted to shout with excitement.

When Shu Feng killed the Demon King of Wolf in the world of Andosas, they only harvested less than 100 points of the Origin of the Void Demon Realm. The preciousness of the origin of the Void Demon Realm can be seen.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly, revealing a cheerful expression: "It's better to destroy the Void Demon Pillar! It's more profitable to destroy the Void Devil Heaven Pillar! The violent Eagle God stays in the world of Gulundo, and it is absolutely impossible for him to go to the Void Devil."

"No one in the world of Gulundo can threaten my life! These resources are all used to strengthen myself!"

Shu Feng entered the Source Energy Evolution Tower, and countless mucus spewed out, wrapping him into a large egg. He urged the supreme demon to transform into an ancient demon with a height of fifty meters exuding a frightening atmosphere.

The pure and pure imaginary power drawn from that imaginary element crystal continuously poured into Shu Feng's body.

A huge and incomparable high-level source of energy continuously poured into Shu Feng's body, and began to deduct his supreme monster to a higher level.

The origin of the Void Demon Realm poured into Shu Feng's body, madly nourishing his supreme monster, making his supreme monster more powerful.

The magic horn on Shu Feng's right hand was engraved with countless mysterious spells, exuding a terrifying aura.

Ten days later, the 50-meter ancient demon incarnation of Shu Feng finally completed its transformation and directly began to break through, and it only stopped after the evolution reached 70 meters.

"It's the limit! You can advance to the lower demon king!"

Shu Feng stepped out of the source energy evolution tower, arrived at the Andorthus leader of the Void Demon Realm, and stepped into the void with one step.

In an instant, the power of the imaginary magic in a radius of 100,000 li rolled and rolled, forming a magic cloud, which swept from a distance and spewed toward Shu Feng.

The ghost of the devil looked admired and said: "The master has advanced to the lower demon! It is indeed the master!!"

"Someone is evolving!!"

"Vision of Heaven and Earth!! This breath is beyond the King of Void Demon!! Is it the legendary lower King of Void Demon?"

"Could it be that someone is in the advanced stage of the King of Void Demon?"


The legendary powerhouses who led the world of Andosas all sensed the changes in the world, and everyone's eyes flashed with surprise.

"The lower king of imaginary demons! His evolutionary speed is too terrifying!!"

In an exquisite palace, the elf queen Christine used magic to watch Shu Feng standing proudly in the void, an incredible color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Not long ago, Shu Feng had just advanced to the King of Void Demon, but in such a short period of time, he advanced to the King of Lower Void, and this speed was simply against the sky.

A scorching color flashed in Divine Sword Ji Angelina's beautiful eyes: "The lower Void King! Shu Feng is working hard, and I can't lose to him!"

A glow of scorching and admiration flashed in Camilla's beautiful eyes: "Great! Worthy of being the Lord!! I have to work harder."

A flash of excitement flashed in Silaiya's beautiful eyes: "Okay! Good! Good! He has advanced to the lower devil! This evolutionary speed can be said to be against the sky! It is worthy of my Silaiya's man."

"What a terrible advanced vision! That guy is definitely not an ordinary advanced lower demon!!"

A two-meter tall, covered in black armor, with a pair of magic wings on the back and a bull's head on the back of the Void Demon King, looking at Shu Feng from a distance, a touch of jealousy flashed in his eyes, and he turned away. go with.

"What a terrible guy, don't mess with it!!"


Several imaginary kings passed by here, and after looking from a distance, they decisively chose to leave.

The ordinary demon king advances very fast, the lower demon king has almost no period of weakness. The monsters of the False Demon King level are naturally unwilling to provoke such a strong person, otherwise they will be killed and there is no place to reason.

The Territory of Andosas is already regarded as the wild, not a city built by those Ethereal Kings, and there is no order at all. It is also normal for the powerful of the Void King to fight each other.

One hour later.

"Advanced to the Lower Void King! Continue to go back and evolve!"

With a thought of Shu Feng, he flew directly back into the secret room of the Demon Kingdom of Ghosts, entered the base space, stepped into the source energy evolution tower and continued to evolve.

A steady stream of high-level source energy, the power of the virtual demon extracted from the elemental crystal of the virtual demon, the origin of the virtual demon world, the soul, and the divine fire separated from the various evil gods have poured into his body from countless channels. , Let him begin to evolve wildly again! !

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