God-level Base

Chapter 816: Kill the Crimson Eye

Countless blood-colored rays of light gleamed, forming a blood cage, imprisoning the steel beast. Endless blood churning, crazily eroding the steel beast in the blood cage.

The steel beast opened a divine power barrier at once, resisting the **** erosion.

Countless blood-red mists rose up, eroding the divine power barrier.

In the shadow behind the Scarlet Eye, Shu Feng emerged silently and directly from the shadow, directly activated the summoning technique, and a huge summoning circle emerged directly.

"Do you think I am unprepared? Humble ants!!"

Scarlet Eyes smiled sorrowfully, and a backhand shot of Scarlet Claws.

A scarlet claw surrounded by countless **** air, as if it could destroy everything and destroy everything, descended from the sky, blasting towards Shu Feng with terrifying coercion.

"Scarlet Eye, who are you talking about!"

A burst of dark light emerged from the magic circle, blasted on the scarlet claw, and smashed the scarlet claw directly.

In an instant, the **** of darkness appeared in front of the scarlet eye, burning his divine power, and blasted a claw toward the scarlet eye.

"God of darkness, powerful divine power! How is it possible? How can you have the power of a powerful divine power series?"

Scarlet eyes flashed a touch of incredible, and he cried out.

Since the ancient times, the world of Gulundo has never given birth to a **** with a powerful divine power series. The God of Darkness has evolved into a powerhouse with a powerful divine power series, which is simply incredible.


The defensive barrier that enveloped Crimson Eye was instantly broken, and the Dark God blasted Crimson Eye's body with a single blow, and the terrifying darkness divine power directly exploded, destroying Crimson Eye's resistance.

A flicker of Shu Feng appeared in front of Scarlet Eye, and the [Gun of Modan] in his hand was fiercely inserted into the head of Scarlet Eye, piercing through his eyes, and the violent power of God-killing broke out instantly, booming. Into his body.

An ocean spear containing the powerful divine power of the ocean **** also blasted out like lightning, blasting heavily into the body of the scarlet eye, destroying his soul.

"Source energy +3 billion, medium supernatural power +15, divine soul +15."

A line of information emerged directly, showing that the Scarlet Eye, the oldest evil **** of Gulunduo, had fallen into Shu Feng's hands.

"Dark fog!"

The dark god's gaze flicked past the bodies of those powerful imaginary races, and cast a magical technique one at a time.

A mist of darkness shrouded hundreds of miles directly emerged, sweeping toward the Nether Demons warriors.

"Do not!!"


"it hurts!"


Waves of terrible screams came from those imaginary warriors, and the bodies of those imaginary demons whose strength was lower than that of the Spirit Sect realm all began to rot and decompose, which was extremely miserable.

In an instant, more than half a million low-level imaginary demons died tragically, and the imaginary magic membranes of those spiritual sect realm grade virtual magic guards also began to quickly decompose.

Countless virtual demons flee madly in all directions, not daring to stay in this dark mist at all.

Shu Feng's figure shook, he came to the door of the virtual demon, and pressed against the door of the virtual demon.

The transparent tentacles stretched out from Shu Feng's hand and directly pierced the door of the Void Demon, absorbing the source energy of the door of the Void Demon madly.

"Energy + 1 billion!"

Click! !

There were countless cracks in that indestructible door of the Void Demon at once, fragmented, torn apart, turned into countless pieces and scattered around.

A flash of joy flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Destroyed!!"

The Void Demon Gate connects the Evil God Continent with the world of Gulundu. Once the Void Demon Gate is destroyed, the Tyrannosaurus Demon King is immediately trapped in the Evil God Continent.

Shu Feng summoned all the strong to leave directly from here, and quickly disappeared through the shuttle gate.

In a valley thousands of miles away from the Xuandu Tianzhu, the Battlefield of the Void Demon, Shu Feng immediately appeared silently.

The God of Darkness appeared silently, turning into a dark light to envelope Shu Feng, silently sneaking in the direction of the Void Sky Pillar.

The God of Darkness is in charge of the power of darkness, and is also one of the top assassins of Grundor, not losing to the defeated Night Shadow Demon.

Thousands of miles away from the Nether Demon Pillar is where the three major demon kingdoms meet. The top demon army among the three demon kingdoms is stationed here. There are all kinds of monsters proficient in the mystery of detection, and at the same time, there are extremely powerful detection enchantments everywhere.

The Nether Demon Pillar is the lifeblood of the Nether Demon Clan. Once the Nether Demon Pillar is cut off, the world of Gulundu will slowly fall from the erosion world.

Those strong from the imaginary clan want to destroy the world of Gulunduo, they must reopen the battlefield of imaginary demon, and once again mobilize the strong to attack.

Those phantom demons who stayed in the world of Grundor will be violently hunted down, and they will definitely suffer heavy casualties. There will be no one in ten.

The **** of darkness is a **** of powerful divine power series, sneaking for hundreds of kilometers silently.

When the God of Darkness came to a place three hundred kilometers away from the Sky Pillar of Void Demon, one perched on a big tree, as if it merged with the big tree, and the nine-eyed black magic crow with nine eyes clicked. He flapped his wings and shouted: "Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!"

As soon as the voice of the nine-eyed phantom black crow sounded, the camps immediately blazed with light, and waves of terrifying aura rose up.

"Really a hundred secrets!"

Shu Feng sighed slightly, appeared from the darkness, and directly activated the summoning technique.

The three powerhouses of the Beast of Steel, the Blue Rock, and the God of the Sea directly emerged.

Qingyan urged the power of the earth, and terrifying ground thorns poured out from all directions, directly destroying all kinds of war equipment in the virtual demon camp.

Countless imaginary warriors were directly blasted into meat sauce under the attack of the ground thorn.

The steel beast manipulated the steel, and countless steel grit burst out, forming a steel barrage. Everything that the steel barrage passed through was blasted into a sieve.

The **** of the ocean burned his divine power, and the tree-like lightning roared continuously, slashing fiercely among the phantom warriors, blasting the phantom warriors into charcoal.

Shu Feng was swept by the Dark God, and flew directly in the direction of the Void Demon Tianzhu.

"Want to sever the Void Demon Pillar! You are so bold!"

A middle-ranked demon king with three tiger heads, 20 meters tall and intertwined with the aura of horror and imaginary devil, appeared directly and roared sharply.

The terrifying aura of the five middle demon kings rose from not far away and rushed towards this side.

A terrifying aura of the high-ranking demon king's rank rose from a distance, like lightning, rushing towards this side. That is the fastest Wing Ghost Demon King is coming here.

The Wing Oni Demon King generally enjoys his own devil country, and here is the middle demon king who has more than six demon kings stationed here all year round. Even if the six righteous gods of the Gulundo world came to attack, it was enough to resist for a while.

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