God-level Base

Chapter 813: Dark God Evolution

"It can only stop here!"

Shu Feng stood among the treasures of an evil god, and put away all the treasures of that evil god, a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

Shu Feng found five hidden treasures of evil gods in the world of Gulunduo, and the treasures of the remaining evil gods were basically hidden on the continent of evil gods. He did not dare to pass.

There is the Tyrannosaurus Demon King guarding the Cthulhu Continent, but he is the most powerful demon king among the three high-ranking demon kings who invaded the world of Gulunduo, who is proficient in countless mysterious magic. If Shu Feng is caught by him, I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to escape back to the base space.

"It's time to start!"

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes and directly entered the base space.

Shu Feng fell into contemplation: "Is it to synthesize the scale-armored violent ape demon, or to let the power of the dark **** break through the limit and go further?"

There is only a little difference between the godheads of powerful divine power and medium divine power, but the power of that powerful divine power series is far superior to that of medium divine power series.

"The power of the gods of the powerful divine power series is far above the ordinary demon king. Once the dark **** evolves, it may even defeat the tyrannosaurus demon king!!"

"However, the scaly violent ape demon can walk freely in the Ethereal Realm and the Erosion Realm. Once the God of Darkness leaves the world of Gullundo and enters the Ethereal Realm for a short time, it will be very weak for a long time. Each has its own advantages!

"The imaginary world is too dangerous. My current scope of activity is still the world of Gulunduo and the blue star! It is the kingly way to advance the dark **** with powerful divine power!"

After weighing it over and over again, Shu Feng activated the summoning technique one after another, and a trace of ripples shone, and the **** of darkness immediately appeared in front of him.

Shu Feng said: "Go to the Source Energy Evolution Tower to evolve the Dark God!"

"Thank you my lord!"

A touch of gratitude flashed in the eyes of the dark god, striding towards the source energy evolution tower, countless mucus gushing out, wrapping him directly into a large egg.

In the tower of law, one by one contained the gods directly emerging, and under the scouring of the high source energy, five golden sacred fires containing the power of darkness were separated.

Five golden sacred fires containing the power of darkness have submerged into the body of the dark god, making his breath even more terrifying, but there is no sign of him breaking through.

Shu Feng said silently: "It's really difficult to advance the powerful divine power!"

The God of Darkness absorbs the five golden divine fires that contain the power of darkness, which is equivalent to cultivating for fifty thousand years and comprehending the law of darkness. But even so, he still shows no signs of advancement. He also showed no signs of absorbing those spirits.

A [Dark Seed] poured into the body of the Dark God from a pipe.

In an instant, dark patterns appeared in the body of the God of Darkness, and his body swelled up, as if it was about to explode at any time, and was swallowed by the [Darkness Seed].

A series of high-level source energy continuously poured into the body of the dark god, boiling frantically.

The light in the eyes of the **** of darkness gleamed, burning his divine power frantically, absorbing the power of the [Dark Seed].

One month later.

In the middle of the dark god's eyebrows, there was a gem that resembled an eye, and the whole body was filled with a trace of powerful divine power series power fluctuations.

A terrifying devouring power gushes out from the body of the dark god, madly absorbing the divine power, high source energy, and soul from countless channels and begins to evolve.

Originally, even if a **** with the peak of medium divine power broke through and evolved into a **** with a powerful divine power series, it would take hundreds of years to absorb divine power, slowly increase soul power, and allow itself to complete its transformation.

In the source energy evolution tower, Shu Feng directly consumes massive amounts of high-level source energy and spirits to make the **** of darkness undergo rapid transformation. For hundreds of years, he couldn't wait that long.

Hundreds of years later, the world of Gullundo may have been drawn into the realm of imaginary demon. And Blue Star has long been occupied by the gods of the underground world.

Seven days later.

Click! !

The God of Darkness walked directly out of the big egg, and a terrifying aura of a powerful divine power series permeated his body.

"Thank you, Lord, for giving me strength! I will definitely do my best for you and die!"

The God of Darkness knelt in front of Shu Feng on one knee, lowered his head, and said respectfully.

After the nerve of darkness passed Shu Feng's re-synthesis, his soul had implanted complete obedience to Shu Feng. Although he has the memory of the God of Darkness, he is already another living body.


Shu Feng nodded slightly, his thoughts moved, scanning directly, the line of information of the God of Darkness appeared.

"God of darkness."

"A powerful god!"

"Hold the power of darkness!"

"The Godhead 16."

"God traits: defense, agility, strength, physique, spirit, intelligence fixed increase by 2500%, dark spell power increased by 4000%. Divine resistance +16, weak immunity and other divine power lethal spells. After burning divine power, you can gain power The largest increase of 7 times."

"Strength 310,000 (+100,000), Agility 310,000 (+100,000), Defense 330,000 (+100,000), Physical 310,000 (+100,000), Intelligence 310,000 (+100,000), Spirit 390,000 (+100,000), supernatural power 1 million (+900,000)."

"Charm 100,000 (+50,000), Shenhun 19 (+2) points."

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Powerful divine power! The power of the dark **** burning divine power is probably already dominated by the Tyrannosaurus Demon King. I can finally walk sideways in the world of Gullendo!"

With the current terrifying power of the Dark God, it has far surpassed the other four righteous gods in the world of Gulundo.

Shu Feng quietly evaluated the combat power of the God of Darkness: "However, the other four righteous gods of Gulundo have the kingdom of God. If they hide in the kingdom of God, the God of Darkness can't help them. Other than that. Besides, it’s easy for the God of Darkness to defeat them, but I’m afraid it’s not that easy to kill them."

The other four righteous gods of Gulunduo are all strong men who have experienced many battles. They are all proficient in countless escape secrets. The dark **** wants to kill them is not so simple.

"Would you like to cut the Xuandu Tianzhu to pieces?"

A thought suddenly popped out of Shu Feng's mind, and he quickly weighed the pros and cons.

"Void Demon Pillars are in fact a projection of the power of the Void Demon Realm formed by those kings of the Void Demon using a variety of mysterious and incomparable secret methods to communicate the origin of the Void Demon Realm."

"A Void Demon Pillar is in fact part of the origin of the Void Demon Realm. The power has hooked the Gulundo world firmly."

"Destroy a Void Demon Pillar, and with my base power, I can absorb that part of the original power of the Void Demon Realm. It will become my evolutionary power."

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