God-level Base

Chapter 814: Rancid Swamp

"Cut off a False Demon Pillar! I can also get the blessing of the world of Gulundo, and become a son of fate similar to the thunder **** Andino. In the world of Gulundo, I will become extremely lucky."

"But the same, cut the Void Demon Pillar! I will be hostile to the origin of the Void Demon Realm, and I will become bad luck in the Void Demon Realm."

"I am now wearing the vest of the Archmage Paul. In the future, I will be in the Void Demon Realm, and of course I will return to the deity. I wonder if this can be hidden from the Void Realm's original surveillance?"

"The central analyzer will give me a deduction!"

Shu Feng thought for a while, and immediately began to order the central analyzer to perform the deduction. The deduction ability of the central analyzer is many times stronger than that of Shu Feng.

Numerous data streams are constantly shining in the central analyzer.

A series of high-level energy sources poured into the central analyzer, strengthening the central analyzer's computing power.

In the future, Shu Feng plans to go to the Netherworld Realm to make himself stronger. If cutting the Void Sky Pillar is not good for him, he would rather keep the Void Sky Pillar. After all, the world of Gulundo is not his home star.

"Through the secret method, it is indeed possible to deceive the source of the Netherworld Realm and let his attention fall only on Paul. The prerequisite is that Paul's soul is not completely absorbed by you."

"Besides, there is a better way. That is to let others destroy the Void Demon Pillar. In this way, the Origin of the Void Demon Realm will not sense your existence at all."

Shu Feng suddenly realized: "That's right! You can let other people destroy the Void Sky Pillar! I just watch it from the side! Those who destroy the Void Sky Pillar, let him stay in the world of Gulundo!"

The Rotten Swamp of Cthulhu Continent is a swamp that exudes foul smell all year round. Apart from some strange monsters and insects, there are no intelligent creatures around this rotten swamp.

The rancid swamp is permeated with a strange and incomparable stench all year round. Even if it is a powerful Cthulhu grade, it will be difficult to get rid of the stench within ten days.

A ray of ripples shone, Shu Feng emerged from a shadow, surrounded by a layer of spell barrier, strode towards the rotten swamp.

"It smells! It's so smelly. My spell barrier has clearly cut off the air, but it still can't resist the smell. It's terrible!"

As soon as Shu Feng stepped into the range of the rancid swamp, he immediately smelled a foul smell, which made him want to vomit.

"Qingyan, don't you feel stinky?"

Shu Feng looked at the expressionless Qingyan beside him, curiously said.

Qing Yan said solemnly: "It's really smelly, but it doesn't affect the battle!"

Suddenly, a series of extremely sharp tentacles burst out from the rotten swamp, piercing directly towards Shu Feng.

Qingyan immediately urged the power of the earth, and the light of petrification shrouded those tentacles, petrifying all those tentacles, and spreading downward.

Under the shroud of the light of petrification, large swamps of rancid swamps were directly petrified and turned into patches of rock. The entire rancid swamp showed signs of alteration by Qingyan.

If no one interrupted, Qingyan could completely turn the rancid swamp into a rock-shrouded desert as long as it took time.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, from the rotten swamp, a rancid earthworm with countless eyes, a body length of up to 100 meters, exuding a stinking weak divine power level peak! !

The rancid earthworm burst out with a terrifying aura, and countless eyes locked on Qingyan at once, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and sprayed directly.

A rotten magic liquid containing endless stench emerged from the mouth of the rancid worm and swept towards Qingyan.

The rotting magic liquid is so powerful that even if it is contaminated by a weak divine power level, it will be directly corroded.

Qingyan burst out a terrifying aura, urging the power of the earth, and the light of petrification broke out in an instant, sweeping the rotten magic liquid directly.

The rotten magic liquid instantly turned into a long stone and fell from the mid-air, and the petrified light spread rapidly, covering the body of the rotten earthworm.

The rancid earthworm's body was covered with a layer of cyan rock, and it began to be rapidly petrified. He struggled frantically, and countless stones continued to collapse from his body.

"Go to hell!"

A flicker of Shu Feng appeared on the head of the rancid earthworm, and the [Gun of Modan] in his hand pierced into the head of the rancid earthworm like lightning. The terrifying power of killing God erupted and directly penetrated his soul.

"Source energy +20 million, weak supernatural power +5, divine soul +5."

Shu Feng said: "Quick!"

The blue rock urged the power of the earth at once, and the light of petrification enveloped the rancid swamps, petrifying the swamps, and then directly separated them into rock stairs.

Shu Feng followed the rock stairs all the way down, and after walking for dozens of miles, a cyan rock wall appeared in front of him.

Qingyan five fingers pressed on the blue rock wall to activate the power of the earth.

The cyan rock wall trembled and cracked directly, and a huge treasure house appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

"The treasure house of the venomous Scorpio is far worse than the scaly violent ape demon!"

Shu Feng glanced at the treasure house of the poisonous Scorpio, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

In the treasure house of the poisonous Scorpio, there are many source energy treasures and many unique precious training resources on the Cthulhu Continent. Many resources can enhance the power of legendary masters and even demigods.

Possessing a treasury of poisonous Scorpio can even allow a genius legendary archmage to cultivate to the realm of an evil **** with a weak divine power series.

Unfortunately for Shu Feng, those resources are still very scarce. After all, his goal is to synthesize the scaly violent ape demon with the strength of the upper demon.

Countless shadows filled the treasury of the poisonous Scorpio, and all the resources in that treasury were directly rolled into the space of Shu Feng's base.

Shu Feng quickly left the treasure house of the poisonous Scorpio with Qing Yan.

"Interesting, Archmage Paul! How did you know that there is a treasure trove here?"

Countless magic lights boiled, terrifying magic clouds surged, and the Tyrannosaurus Demon King walked out of the void, looking down at Shu Feng coldly.

Shu Feng's expression changed greatly and said, "Tyrannosaurus! How would you know that I am here?"

"Dare to question me! A mere mortal is really bold!"

A look of hideousness flashed in the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Demon King, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the devilish energy was tumbling.

"Rock Shield!!"

The blue rock urged the power of the earth, and a huge blue rock with a height of three hundred meters on one side and a thickness of fifty meters appeared across the sky, blocking Shu Feng's body.

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