God-level Base

Chapter 812: Seed of Darkness

(Ps: Yesterday it was my family’s network problem that was updated late. Today I was sleepy and it was updated late. Sorry.)

"Antique? No problem! I just got three treasures not long ago, you pick one!"

Thor Andino smiled boldly, and three storage rings flew into Shu Feng's hands.

"This guy got three treasures in one go, he really deserves to be the son of destiny!"

Shu Feng was a little speechless, his mind moved, and his mental power swept toward the three storage rings.

Shu Feng's eyes lit up: "Many world stones! This is the gem that can be condensed by chance after the [Stone of the Flame God] Flame God has fallen! With these resources, I can go further and evolve into a lower rank. Devil!!!"

"I want this treasure, and this gem!"

Shu Feng was not polite, and directly picked out a storage ring along with the [Stone of the Flame God].

"Also, the antiques in your other two treasures, I will use other resources to exchange them with you!"

Shu Feng searched the treasure house of many demon kings, and also possessed many resources for the cultivation of magicians in the world of Gulunduo. He immediately exchanged other resources for the various source energy treasures owned by Thor Andino.

Thor Andino frowned slightly and said: "Too many! The value of the resources you exchange for far exceeds those antiques."

Shu Feng said: "I hope to get more such antiques. As long as you exchange them with me, I will definitely not let you suffer."

"Okay! My believers are calling me, I'll go one step ahead!"

Thunder God Andino's face changed slightly, and his figure flickered, turning into a terrifying thunder light and disappearing from the place.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "This time it's really a bumper harvest! Even though I lost the hole card of the Sealed Beast of Colorful Cursed Beast, he killed the high-ranking Demon King, the Scaly Ape Demon King. Now as long as he has sufficient resources, I will be able to synthesize the scaly violent ape demon and have a high-ranking demon guardian!!

The upper demon king can also become a master of dominance in the imaginary world.

As long as there is a high-ranking demon king guarding the territory of Andosas, it can almost be said to be as stable as Mount Tai.

"Let's first see if the treasure of the Demon King with Scale Armor can be obtained!"

Shu Feng shook his figure and flew towards the direction of Steel God Island.

Within the base space.

"There are three treasures in the Scaly Ape Demon King, one in the Void Battlefield and the other two in the Void Realm. The Void Realm is too dangerous to consider for the time being. It is really unexpected that the treasures of the Void Battlefield are hidden here. There are many dreams in the night. It's the best policy for me to get the treasure of the scaly violent ape demon first."

The base space has read his memory through the corpse and soul of the scaly violent ape demon, allowing Shu Feng to find the place where his treasure is located.

The battlefield of Ethereal Demon is in an ordinary plain.

Shu Feng silently emerged from a shadow, waved his hand, and directly summoned Qingyan.

"Do it!"

Shu Feng gave an order, Qingyan stretched out his hand and activated the power of the earth.

The land of the plain churned and cracked directly.

Countless rocks automatically condense into a series of steps leading to the underground.

Shu Feng walked all the way down the stairs. After walking for more than 80 miles, suddenly, from the ground, two terrifying pliers burst out suddenly and squeezed at him.

"Dare to shoot my lord and die!!"

A fierce light flashed in Qingyan's eyes, and an earth curse mark appeared in the center of his eyebrows, with five fingers, and a petrified light blasted on the two terrifying pincers.

The two terrifying pliers immediately began to be petrified.

The ground cracked directly, revealing a huge crack.

In that huge crack, a nine-tailed Demon Rock Scorpion with a body length of one hundred meters and nine scorpion tails, exuding the terrifying fluctuations of the lower Demon King's rank, stared at Qingyan with a grim look. He is the guardian beast hidden here by the scaly violent ape demon king. Once someone approaches, he will directly kill him.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Nine-Tailed Demon Rock Scorpion, frantically urging the power of the Demon King, and the stones of the pair of tongs fell one after another. The nine scorpion tails pierced directly toward the Qingyan from nine directions, like a poisonous dragon.

"You are too weak!!"

Qingyan's eyes were cold, urging the power of the earth.

A series of extremely sharp thorns pierced directly, stabbing fiercely towards the Nine-Tailed Demon Rock Scorpion.

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Nine-Tailed Demon Rock Scorpion, which immediately spurred the power of the earth, and waves of magic swept towards those sharp thorns. He also has the ability to manipulate the earth.

Those sharp thorns were not affected in any way, a crazy stab, directly blasted on the body of the Nine-Tailed Demon Rock Scorpion.

The Nine-Tailed Demon Rock Scorpion screamed, and was hit by the sharp stabs, and got stuck in the stabs.

"Go to hell!"

Shu Feng held [Mordan's Spear], a spear stabbed fiercely on the head of the Nine-Tailed Demon Rock Scorpion like a meteor, piercing through his head, and the terrifying power of God-killing erupted instantly.

"Source energy +80 million, weak and other supernatural power +8, divine soul +8."

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised a slight smile: "The monsters of the ordinary lower Demon Lord level can no longer threaten me!"

The green rock urged the power of the earth and quickly separated the road. After about another five kilometers of walking, a black treasury gate appeared directly.

Qing Yan took a step forward and took out a magic sword with a magical weapon series and slashed frantically, and a series of terrifying sword lights instantly enveloped the gate of the treasure house.

The door of the treasure house was torn apart in an instant.

Shu Feng strode into the treasure house.

Shu Feng's eyes lit up: "Void Demon Element Crystal, a box of Middle Grade Void Element Crystal, a Top Grade Void Element Crystal, World Stone, God's Corpse, Sacred Tool, it's really awesome!!"

In the treasury of the scaled violent ape demon king, there are more than a dozen corpses of gods. The corpses of those gods are the corpses of the gods killed by him during the Second World War of Gods and Demons in Gurendo.

"The corpse of the **** in charge of the power of blood! The corpse of the **** in charge of the power of earth!! The corpse of the **** in charge of the power of flame!! There are also various artifacts. With these corpses and artifacts, my strength and influence can become stronger! !"

"This is [The Seed of Darkness]!! A gem containing the precious dark law!! With this gem, coupled with the accumulation of forward. The dark **** may even break through and advance to become a powerful divine power series Gods!!!"

Shu Feng came to the center of the treasure house, picked up a black gem sealed in the crystal box, stared at it, eyes flashing with scorching heat.

"With my current resources, it is not enough to upgrade two gods with powerful divine power levels. I must search for other resources!"

With a thought of Shu Feng, he left from the treasure house of the Demon King of Scaly Ape and returned to the world of Gulundo, looking for the treasures hidden by the evil gods of the Gulundo world.

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