God-level Base

Chapter 734: Chaos Bloodthirsty Eagle God (seeking monthly ticket, seeking subscription)

The intelligence network in Shu Feng's hands is naturally not comparable to those of the world's top forces in Gulunduo, but it can also allow him to obtain a lot of secret information.

"The information sent back from Karon showed that chaos appeared in the two empires. In addition, the battle between the sun **** and the giant god. The five righteous gods in the world of Gurendo are not monolithic."

"Outside there are the Nether Demon in the Nether Demon Realm, and inside there is the Cthulhu who is trying to recover. The five righteous gods are still fighting internally, and the world of Gulundu has shown chaos.

"Unfortunately, Caron's level is still a bit low. He can only grasp some public information."

"In any case, improving my strength is the kingly way. This time, fortunately, I practiced summoning. I can use the power of the White Ghoul King to win the Conferred God Card."

"In the world of Gulundo, I need a god-level summoned beast."

With a thought, Shu Feng got up from the beach chair, went to a secret room in the manor, and entered the space of the base.

"Yuanneng + 4 billion!!!"

Shu Feng threw into it all the treasures containing source energy that the legendary great masters carried along with them and all the source energy treasures obtained from the treasury of the Lieyang Empire, and obtained 4 billion source energy.

"Yes! 4 billion source energy, equivalent to 400 high-level source energy, is enough for me to ignite the divine fire again and restore the invincible demigod state."

A touch of satisfaction flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he took out the Conferred God card.

Shu Feng chanted the bizarre mantra and pointed at the Conferred God card.

The Conferred God card was shining, suspended in the void, and began to decompose, turning into countless mysterious and unpredictable circles of magic.

In the circle of magic, a huge eagle with a wingspan of one hundred meters, covered with a layer of scarlet feathers, and three eyes, exuding terrifying power, suddenly appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

"Weak gods of divine power levels!!!"

Shu Feng looked at the giant eagle covered with scarlet feathers, his eyes shone slightly, and a flash of excitement flashed.

"Source energy +50 million, weak and other supernatural power +6, divine soul +6."

A line of hints appeared directly, and the terrifying aura on the body of the giant eagle covered with crimson feathers dimmed most of it, as if some key mystery had disappeared.

Shu Feng thoughtfully: "It turns out that after this weak **** of the divine power level was killed, it was sealed with a conferred **** card. His corpse also had the power of a weak divine power level deity. If you make good use of it, there is indeed a chance to become a god."

The legendary archmage in Gulundo World is naturally not as terrifying as Shufeng Base, and can directly extract the gods and souls of the fallen gods. But they also mastered countless mysterious spells. They could absorb the power of that great eagle **** through all kinds of mysterious and strange ritual magic, seize his power, and replace his existence. In this way, they can advance to the gods.

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and a flash of excitement flashed: "Synthesize Him! As long as you synthesize this weak **** of the divine power series, even if I meet the gods of the sun, I will have a chance to escape!"

A **** with a weak level of divine power is naturally vulnerable in front of a **** of medium level of divine power like the God of the Sun. However, the gods with weak levels of divine power are also terrifying gods second only to the five righteous gods in the world of Gulundo.

With the help of this weak **** with a rank of divine power, Shu Feng can compete for more opportunities in the world of Gulunduo.

"Synthesize this **** with a weak level of divine power for me!!"

"Synthesizing a **** with a weak level of divine power requires an additional 3 billion source energy, +1 divine spirit, and 50 divine points. Is it to synthesize?"


A ten-meter tall giant suddenly picked up the giant eagle covered with red feathers and threw it into the source energy evolution tower.

Numerous pipes stretched out, spraying out various mucus, enveloped it, and formed a large egg, which continuously submerged into the body of the giant eagle god.

Two days later, a group of golden sacred fire suddenly appeared in the body of the giant eagle god, and a trace of terrifying aura gushed out of his body.

Seven days later.


The great eagle **** flicked its wings, and immediately smashed the big egg directly. His eyes were crimson, exuding a hideous, ferocious, chaotic and terrifying aura.

"Be quiet!"

Shu Feng glanced at the giant eagle god, frowned slightly, and shouted sharply.

One by one, mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints shone, and countless mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints appeared on the body of the frantic, ferocious giant eagle god, and he was forced to calm down.

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, countless information emerged at once.

"Chaotic Bloodthirsty Eagle God."

"Weak and other supernatural powers!"

"The power is chaotic and bloodthirsty!"

"The Godhead 6."

"God traits: defense, agility, strength, physique, spirit, fixed increase by 1000%, divine resistance +6, immunity to demigod-level lethal spells."

"Strength 100,000, Agility 120,000, Defense 100,000, Physical 100,000, Intelligence 10, Spirit 110,000, Divine Power 11600."

"Charm 1000, Soul 6."

"Power chaos: It will cause the **** to fall into a state of chaos that is irrespective of the enemy and us, and can absorb the power of the chaotic **** for evolution."

"Power and bloodthirsty: It will make the **** cruel and bloodthirsty, and gain power from it."

Shu Feng looked at the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle god, a little speechless: "It turned out to be this chaotic evil god! Except for the powerful combat power, there is nothing good at all!"

The so-called Chaos Cthulhu is to act upside down, a neurosis among the gods. They can't control their behavior, and even kill their believers for fun, make enemies for no reason, and do things that hurt others and disadvantage themselves.

Once the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** was synthesized, if it were not for the suppression of the base space, it would definitely backfire the master Shu Feng, and kill him directly backhand.

Those chaotic evil gods spread death and fear, as long as they know their names and fear them in their hearts. They can get the power of faith from it and transform it into divine power.

"This is a sinkhole!! Once those legendary masters use the corpse of this chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** to advance to the gods, they will also become chaotic evil gods and become a neurosis among the gods."

"Well, compared to death, becoming a neuropathy may not be a bad choice. After all, neuropathy can be cured."

Chaos The bloodthirsty eagle gods are evil and chaotic, and they do things upside down, moody, and they are neurosis among the gods. However, in the world of Gulundo, there was also an example of evil and chaotic evil gods transforming into righteous gods with rational order.

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