God-level Base

Chapter 735: Marentina

As long as the church that believes in the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** changes its doctrine, the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** can turn from a neurosis among the gods into a rational and righteous god. This is the importance of believers to gods.

"Let me see if this guy has any believers! If there is no believer, then he must re-developing believers, otherwise, maintaining the consumption of his existence every day can make me die of heartache!"

A **** with a weak level of divine power is alive, and consumes a certain amount of divine power every day. If there is no divine power, he will be forced to fall into a deep sleep, or directly fall into the godhead. This is the limitation of becoming a god.

With a thought, Shu Feng brought the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** out of the base space.

"Possessed mode!"

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, he directly activated the second mode, consciously entering the body of the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle god.



"Destroy everything!!"


As soon as Shu Feng's consciousness entered the body of the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle god, bursts of weird and incomparable thoughts surged out of the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle god's mind, impacting his consciousness.

"This is the consciousness of the chaotic evil god. If it is not strong enough, when I come into contact with this chaotic consciousness, I will be contaminated and become the next chaotic tease."

Shu Feng's soul was equally powerful, only a little irritable, and immediately suppressed the chaotic bloodthirsty Eagle God's desire to destroy.

"Let me see the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** has no followers yet!"

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, he urged the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** in his body.

In an instant, Shu Feng saw the dense lines of faith pouring from the void, connecting to the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle god's godhead.

"My lord, this is my heart to kill the prey. I dedicate the heart of the prey to you. Please give me strength."

"My lord, are you satisfied with this cruel ceremony? Please give me strength!"


One by one illusory voices came from that line of faith, and many lines of faith came with the voice of madness and begging for power.

It is the existence of countless crazy believers that makes the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** more crazy and chaotic.

"It's surprising that there are so many believers in this evil god. Most of the lines of faith come from this direction."

When Shu Feng's thoughts moved, he immediately sensed the branches of those lines of faith.

"These believers are all lunatics, aren't there some normal people? But those who believe in the existence of the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** are basically lunatics or lunatics who pursue power."

Shu Feng frowned slightly, with a headache.

The chaotic evil **** like the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** is generally difficult to develop and grow. They evolved more by fighting and devouring each other.

If the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle **** kills the sun god, and then swallows and absorbs the power of the sun god, there is a slight possibility to restore his sanity and transform into a new sun god. Of course, this probability is not high.

"Great God, please, save me and my brother. I am willing to dedicate everything to you, please, save me and my brother."

A clear voice came from a line of faith and was heard by Shu Feng.

"Found it, normal person!!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up and he was inexplicably joyful, and his divinity spread along that line of faith.

In a dark, damp, foul-smelling prison, a dozen boys and girls with brown hair and wheat-skinned skin were scattered. These boys and girls with brown hair and gray eyes are the natives of the Moron Islands.

A tall, **** and gorgeous girl with wheat-colored skin knelt on the ground, tightly holding a palm-sized statue exactly the same as the chaotic bloodthirsty eagle god, praying constantly: "Great god, please You, save me and my brother. I am willing to dedicate everything to you, please, save me and my brother."

Originally, a believer needed to recite the name of his belief in the gods to be able to let the gods know. But in addition, some idols that have been marked by the gods can also transform the surrounding begging of the gods into the power of faith.

A faint light flashed, and the eyes of the palm-sized statue suddenly became agile.

"This is the perspective of the gods! The gods are really extraordinary, possessing all sorts of incredible powers!!"

Shu Feng saw the beautiful girl kneeling in front of him through the statue, and his eyes lit up slightly.

Although the gods who believed in becoming gods had various limitations, they also possessed magical abilities that many of the Void Demon Kings did not possess.

"I am a violent eagle god!!"

When Shu Feng thought, a magnificent voice immediately oscillated in the beautiful girl's mind.

"Great raging eagle god, please, save me and my brother. I am willing to dedicate everything to you!!"

The beautiful girl knelt on the ground, praying more devoutly.

Shu Feng urged his divine power, along the line of faith, easily invaded the sea of ​​knowledge of that beautiful girl, reading her memory.

The beautiful girl was named Marentina, an aboriginal from the Moron Islands. She has a younger brother named Mina.

Three days ago, a slave trap from the British Empire broke into Marentina's home, defeated the indigenous defense forces, captured her and Mina, and threw them into the prison.

Mina was broken in a leg when he resisted, and he was not treated. He was infected with fever and was dying.

"You give everything to me, and I will give you strength! From today, you will be my priest!!"

A voice reverberated in Marentina's mind, and from the idol, a mysterious force poured into her body.

Marentina suddenly felt her body heat, a powerful stream of heat permeated her body, transforming her body.

The first-level magical healing technique and the first-level magical violent technique were imprinted in Marentina's sea of ​​consciousness at once, and Shu Feng also made a mark on her body.

Any priest, pastor, or priest will be marked by the gods after he obtains the magic arts. The gods can give them power through that mark, or take back power and punish them.

Basically, the clergy of the major churches generally will not betray the gods they believe in, otherwise they will be easily killed by the gods.

"Her aptitude is very good! But evolving to become a first-level priest is already the limit. Even with the gift of God, the speed of mortal evolution must be gradual, otherwise her body and soul will not be able to bear it."

Shu Feng felt it for a while, and felt that Marentina could no longer withstand any more power.

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