God-level Base

Chapter 733: Siskin behind

Just when Sano laughed wildly, his face suddenly changed, his abdomen burst open, and a black rose flower appeared directly, drawing his mental power and mana crazily.

"Sino and Idris are very good to me. I also love you very much. But there is only one chance to become a god, so, for me, will you all die?"

"In the days to come, I will definitely remember you!!"

Tila looked at Sino and Idris, two lines of clear tears were left in her beautiful eyes, pitifully.

"Haha, witch! Tyra, count me blind and fall in love with a woman like you!! Haha, I am blind!!!"

Idris laughed wildly, his body, spirit, and mana were absorbed by the black rose flower and turned into a corpse and fell to the ground.

Sano burst into tears and begged loudly: "Tila, don't kill me. Let me make a living. I will give you all my wealth. Please, don't kill me!!!"

"Sino, don't worry, I will become a god! You will all live in my heart, and I will not forget you!!"

Tila sighed faintly, her five fingers pressed together.

"Do not!!"

Sai Nuo screamed, and countless black roses burst out of his body, sucking him up directly, turning into a corpse and falling to the ground.

"They are all dead, everything belongs to me!!"

Tila looked at the corpses all over the floor, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a cheerful smile.

When the legendary masters died, their legacy and countless resources fell into Tyra's hands, enough to give her strength a step further.

"The Conferred God card finally fell into my hands! As long as I can get it, even without the protection of a man, I can become a god!!"

Tyra's eyes fell on the Conferred God card, and a scorching color flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"The Conferred God card, I want it too!! So, go and die!"

From the shadows, there was a cold voice.

A huge summoning magic circle emerged out of thin air.

In that huge summoning magic circle, one is fifty meters tall, white all over, as if covered with a layer of muscular armor, with long white hair, red pupils, full of jagged teeth, surrounded by a cloud of transparent grievances. The white ghoul king of the soul appeared directly.

A terrifying aura of the Demon King's rank permeated this void at once.

The white ghoul king locked Tyra at once, stretched out his big hand and enveloped in a layer of strange ghoul breath, patted Tyra fiercely.

A series of corpse energy gushed out, forming a chain of invisible corpse energy in the void, suppressing the void and sealing the dodge space of Tyra.

"No!! Don't kill me!! Please, stop, I am willing to do everything for you?"

Two charms of charm appeared on Tyra's pupils, casting charm magic, and looking at Shu Feng on the side.

Shu Feng's eyes flashed suddenly, as if he saw Ding Xiaoxue, Camilla, Zhu Chenyu and other beautiful and lovely girls, and there was a ripple in his heart, and he couldn't bear to continue doing it.

Shu Feng closed his eyes: "What a powerful spell! It's a pity, it doesn't work for me!"

The big hand of the white ghoul king went unabated, and patted Tyra fiercely.

"Cruel-hearted kid!! Rose Garden!!"

Tila Qiao's face changed, chanting the mantra, frantically mobilizing mana.

Dense, mysterious roses emerged from Tierra's body, turning into a mysterious rose garden and slammed into the white ghoul king in the sky.

Boom! !

The roses that contained mysterious power were withered by the weird and incomparable corpse energy.

The mysterious rose garden also collapsed and fell apart under the blow of the White Ghoul King.

A weird puppet with a lot of dark red blood appeared in the middle of the garden, turning into dust and drifting away in the wind.

Tira suddenly appeared fifty meters away, a touch of unwillingness flashed in her beautiful eyes, her figure shook, and it turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the place.

The White Ghoul King is too terrifying, and Tierra will only have a dead end to stay.

"Finally gone!! It's a pity that if she stayed, it would be nice to be slapped to death by the white ghoul king."

A look of regret flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and he looked at the white ghoul king.

"My mental power and mana are constantly being pulled away to maintain the existence of this summoning circle. This summoning circle can only last for another three seconds at most!"

"Once there is no such summoning circle, the white ghoul king will be rejected by the world's heart of this world, and his strength will be weakened to only about 50%, and he will be in bad luck."

"With my current strength, if Qingyan is summoned, he can only appear for 1 second."

"The strength of the legendary mage is still too weak in this kind of battle where strong men gather."

With a thought to Shu Feng, the summoning circle disappeared, and the white ghoul king disappeared from the same place.

The hands of invisible wizards flew wildly, grabbing all the treasures in the treasure house, and sending them into the space of Shu Feng's base.

"The card of the gods, the card of the gods that seals the corpse of the gods! It's a big profit!"

Shu Feng looked at the Conferred God card, a scorching color flashed in his eyes, stretched out his hand to grab it, cast magic, and melted into the shadows.

When Shu Feng left the treasury of the Lieyang Empire, he sensed that the **** of blood sacrifice had disappeared.

Those forces from the major evil **** churches have achieved their goals and have begun to retreat quickly.

The Lieyang Empire has a profound heritage, and the strongest among the royal family are like clouds. The Church of the God of the Sun is also as strong as a cloud, but the branches are within the vast empire.

Once those royal legendary masters and legendary masters of the Church of the Sun God return, the forces of the Cthulhu Church will definitely suffer heavy losses.

As soon as the forces of the Cthulhu Church retreated, the remaining phantom demons were hunted wildly by the mages in the Imperial City of the Lieyang Empire, and the fierce battle still continued.

"We must retreat! After this battle, the eyes of the **** of the sun will definitely look at the city of holy flames. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

With a slight movement in Shu Feng's heart, he quickly left the Holy Flame City.

In a remote manor in the British Empire.

"The Lieyang Empire began to hunt cultists all over the country. The headquarters of the Church of the Shadow God was found and was directly destroyed. Even the legendary Archmage has fallen! It seems that the Lieyang Empire is crazy!"

Shu Feng sat on a beach chair, basking in the sun, watching the information passed by Karon.

In recent years, Kalong has used the slum where Shu Feng is located as his base, and with the support of Shu Feng's massive resources, he has rapidly spread outward, and has also established a large intelligence network among the three empires.

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