God-level Base

Chapter 702: Fight

"Hawk! There is only one **** position of the original Lord! Give me the **** position of the original Lord. After I become the original Lord, I will also allow you to re-advance the gods."

A demigod with a tiger-headed human body exuding a domineering atmosphere coldly smiled.

"The original Lord has only one divine position! We have three people here, and there is no way to divide it."

A demigod with a wolf head frowned slightly.

The three gathered here are the three most powerful demigods Hawk, Tiger, and Wolf in the Republic of Brentania. The three of them used to be high above god-level powerhouses, but their perennial slumber made their godheads fall and reduced to demi-god-level powerhouses.

As soon as the original Lord fell, his divine position was immediately spotted by these three powerhouses. These three powerhouses fought openly and secretly, but no one could become the original master.

The three demigods were arguing endlessly, and the morning passed without any progress.

There is only one divine position of the original Lord. Once they become the original Lord, these three demigods can leap into gods, and they are still the top rank among the weak divine power series gods.

The original Lord has billions of human believers in Blue Star, and the evolutionary potential is extremely terrible. As long as he has enough time, the original Lord can evolve into a **** with a medium level of divine power.

The divine status of the original Lord is related to the future prospects of the three demigods, and they are naturally unwilling to give in. After all, with the exception of the original Lord, the rest of the gods can only evolve to weak divine power or weak divine power at best, and the evolution potential is too low.

"Everyone, it's time for the meal! Do you plan to go to the restaurant for dinner, or let someone deliver it?"

An old man dressed in formal attire, tall, with gray hair, but neatly combed, walked in.

This old man was Grand Duke Rugen of the Rugen family of the five Duke families of Brentania.

"Come here!"

Tiger didn't even glance at Grand Duke Rugen, with an arrogant expression on his face.

"Yes! Mianxia!"

Grand Duke Rugen replied respectfully and stepped back.

Hawke smiled slightly and said: "Really a respectful old dog! Tiger, give me the Rugen family! The cook in their family is good!"

Tiger said lightly: "If you support me to become the original god, I will let you the Rugen family!"

Compared to the original god's position, everything else is not worth mentioning. As for the Rugen family, it is nothing more than a mortal family. If it hadn't been for Tiger's secret support, it would have been impossible to develop to where it is today. If you can advance to become the original master, let alone one Rugen family, he is willing to send even ten Rugen families.

"This wine is good! These mortals are weak! But all kinds of enjoyment are many times stronger than in the past!"

Hawke smiled slightly, changed the subject, picked up a glass of wine, tasted it carefully, and looked drunk.

"It's really delicious! After the Blue Star's spiritual power has recovered, various powerful spirit beasts have been born. These spirit beasts have been cooked by human chefs and become even more delicious."

Wolf grabbed a steak that had been carefully cooked by the chef and bit it down, showing satisfaction.

Except for some special races such as corpses and stone races, the demigods of most races still need to eat. And for these three demigods, eating is also a kind of enjoyment.

"If I take the opportunity to kill Wolf in a sneak attack, the only place left to fight for the throne of the original **** will be me and Tiger."

Suddenly an evil thought suddenly surged in Hawke's heart, and the power of the demigod in his body surged, a claw was like lightning, and it blasted directly towards Wolf.

"Hawk!! You **** vulture, I knew you had no good intentions for a long time!!"

Wolf, who seemed to be eating frantically, threw the **** steak directly, the fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his backhand slammed at Hawke.

The fierce light flashed in Tiger's eyes, frantically urging the power of the demigod, and he opened the blood basin and opened his mouth, and a black dagger burst out with an incomparably bright black light, piercing directly towards Hawke.

"Tiger, why did you do it to me!!"

Hawk screamed, his figure retreated violently, his body was filled with black aura, countless black feathers flew out, forming a shield of feathers in front of him.

The black dagger pierced the shield of feathers at once, and countless black auras permeated, piercing the shield of feathers abruptly, and blasted on Hawk's back.

A trace of black breath quickly permeated Hawke's body, and strange and incomparable tumors appeared on his body.

"Hawk, you are too in the way!! Go to hell!"

The fierce light flashed in Tiger's eyes, he opened his mouth wide, and let out a terrifying tiger roar. The terrifying howling condensed into a sonic arrow, which blasted on Hawke's body.

The terrifying tiger's whistling sound wave shook Hawke's seven holes to bleed, and he was suffering from a splitting headache.

Wolf took the opportunity to blast a claw through Hawke's heart, crushing Hawke's heart with one claw.

"Tiger, let us die together!!!"

Hawke suddenly grinned, and a blood-colored crystal skull appeared inside his body.

Bloody rays of light gush out from Hawke's body and sink into the **** crystal skull. His body also instantly shriveled.

The blood-colored crystal skeleton exudes a strange light at once, and opened his mouth.

A blood-colored beam of light immediately blasted towards Tiger.

"not good!!"

Tiger's face changed drastically, his figure retreated violently, and he tried to dodge.

But the blood-colored beam of light was really fast to the extreme, and it blasted on Tiger's body for an instant, blasting a big hole in his body, directly injuring him seriously.

"Hawk, there is such a good thing! It's a pity that this secret treasure is too evil! It can only be used as a trump card for both losers."

Wolf smiled slightly, looking down at Tiger, a flash of murderous incomparable intent flashed in his eyes.

"Wolf, I am willing to help you become the original Lord!! Don't kill me, I can serve you as your god. I can swear to my sacred fire and be loyal to you!!"

"You now need strong allies and subordinates, otherwise you will not be able to gain a foothold in Blue Star by yourself."

Tiger coughed up blood, urged the power of the demigod crazily, and cried out.

Wolf's brows raised slightly, revealing a hint of thought.

At this moment, a **** light suddenly blasted from Wolfe's back, and a ghost of the blood demon that exuded a weird and evil aura, surrounded by **** auras, appeared indifferently, looking down at Wolfe indifferently.

"not good!!"

The warning signs in Wolf's heart were great, and an extremely powerful defensive enchantment opened up behind his back. The whole person also transformed into a giant wolf with a body of ten meters long and covered with long silver hair.

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