God-level Base

Chapter 703: Blood Demon

The blood-colored light almost instantly tore through the barrier of the silver giant wolf, piercing its body and blasting a terrifying hole.

"Do not!!"

The silver wolf wolf screamed, and countless blood spewed out from his wound, and flew towards the seven holy spears [Blood Demon God] held by Grand Duke Rugen in a corner.

The seven sacred spears [Blood Demon God] seemed to be covered in weird openings, absorbing Wolf's blood greedily.

"Grand Duke Rugen!! You humble human ant, **** it!!"

The fierce light flashed in Wolfe's eyes, a roar, and his figure shook, like lightning, and rushed towards Grand Duke Rugen.

"The Seven Sacred Spears [Blood Demon God] is not good at this point!! Before the prey is killed, the second shot cannot be fired!! What a troublesome Holy Spear!!"

Grand Duke Rugen sighed faintly, took out a magic wand, and recited the mysterious mantra.

"Sacred Web!"

In an instant, sacred rays of light gleamed, intertwined to form a weird and unpredictable sacred web, which instantly wrapped around Wolf's body.

"Break it to me!!"

Wolf fought hard, and the sacred big net instantly fell apart.

"Summon Balrog!"

Grand Duke Rugen chanted the incantation, a summoning circle appeared out of nowhere, a ten-meter tall, flame-burning Balrog directly appeared, holding the Balrog's sword and directly slashing towards Wolf.

"Ant, go to death!"

Wolf roared and slammed his paw on the Balrog's body, violent power erupted, blasting the Balrog directly into meat sauce.

At that moment, a terrifying blood spurted out of Wolf's body and sank into the [Blood Demon God], causing his breath to plummet.

"Great Weakness Technique!"

Grand Duke Rugen pointed his magic wand in his hand, and a gray magical light fell on Wolf.

Wolff suddenly felt weak in his body, and a piece of blood was directly drawn out of his body again, submerged in the [Blood Demon God]. His body trembled slightly, some of them limp on the ground, unable to move, and his blood was constantly being drawn by the [Blood Demon God].

A strange light flashed in Tiger's eyes and praised: "Rugen, good work! When I become the original Lord, I will definitely help you become a god!!"

"Tiger crown! You don't have to pretend! Since you have seen [Blood Demon God], there is only one dead end. With the blood of your two demigods, it is enough for me to ignite the divine fire and advance to the demigod. I will become the new original Lord, rule the world and control the world!"

The Grand Duke Rugen overlooked the two demigods Tiger and Wolf, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing an incomparable smile: "Right! By the way, in your food, I have added [God] Desire Grass]! This [God Desire Grass] is a rare treasure, extremely delicious, but it can enhance your evil thoughts and make you unable to control and kill each other!"

"The effect of [Goddess Grass] seems to be better than I thought. You really killed each other. It seems that you are trying to kill each other almost every day."

Tiger suddenly trembled and flew towards the outside like lightning. He knew very well that the Grand Duke Rugen, who had always been pleasing his eyebrows and being supported by him, would never let go of this opportunity to kill him.


Grand Duke Rugen smiled sorrowfully and chanted the mantra.

The magic circles outside were shining, and the silver chains flew out directly, entwining Tiger's body one by one, entangled him tightly, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move.

A big bone hand emerged from behind the Grand Duke Rugen, and slapped Wolf on the ground, slapped that Wolf directly to death.

A large piece of blood gushed from Wolf's body, sank into the [Blood Demon God], and fed back into the body of Grand Duke Rugen, the gun owner.

Among the seven holy spears, the [Blood Demon God] is the most evil and can absorb the blood of powerful enemies and nourish the gun owner. Let the gun owner become more powerful.

However, because of the conversion rate, slaughtering 100 million mortals with [Blood Demon God] is equivalent to killing a spiritual saint. Moreover, the destructive power of [Blood Demon God] is slightly inferior to the other six holy spears. The [Blood Demon God] gun owner does not have an invincible Blue Star, and dare not carry out massacres indiscriminately.

At this time, the blue star's spiritual power recovered, chaos raged, and an ancient **** revived. The overlord dinosaur tribe that once dominated Blue Star also tried to descend on the surface of Blue Star and compete for world power.

Grand Duke Rugen, the gun owner of the [Blood Demon God], naturally didn't have to hide his identity.

"Only you are left, Tiger! You also become the nutrient for my evolution!"

Grand Duke Rugen looked at Tiger, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and raised the [Blood Demon God] to lock Tiger.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that I would encounter the gun owner of the Seven Sacred Spears [Blood Demon God] here!"

A voice suddenly sounded from behind Grand Duke Rugen.

Grand Duke Rugen was shocked, and when he turned his head, he saw Shu Feng walking out from the side at a glance.

Grand Duke Rugen narrowed his gaze and said, "Shu Feng, the slayer of God!! Why are you here?"

God Slaughter Shu Feng is definitely the most terrifying existence for those strong at the apex of the Blue Star. After all, there were more than one deity that fell in his hands, and even a **** with a weak divine power rating such as the original Lord fell into his hands.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said: "I want everything in the Republic of Brentania! I also want to control the position of the original Lord in my hands."

The Republic of Brentania is one of the three empires of the Blue Star surface world, with a population of several billion and countless geniuses. If this huge force is used for Shu Feng, it will also be a huge boost when fighting against the gods of the underground world.

Those ordinary mortals seem inconspicuous and weak in combat power. But they are the foundation of the human race. Can produce food, give birth to psionics, gather various precious resources, and can act as Shu Feng's ears and eyes to spy on intelligence.

The reason why Shu Feng was able to appear in the place where these three demigods converge so accurately and timely was because of the intelligence obtained by his brilliant subordinate Adnan.

Although the gods are extremely powerful, they are not omniscient and omnipotent. Those mortals are not only their believers, their source of divine power, but also their eyes and ears.

"Since you are Master Shu Feng and you want to become the original Lord, our Rugen family will definitely do our best to support you."

A strange light flashed in the eyes of Grand Duke Rugen, his head lowered, and his finger pressed gently to his cuff.

A trace of colorless and odorless gas gushes directly from every corner of the hall.

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