God-level Base

Chapter 701: flame

"The number of advanced source energy is running out!"

Shu Feng's gaze flicked over the high-level source energy. At this time, the high-level source energy that was originally as high as 3,500 points only had 20 points left.

"However, these high-level source energies are enough for me to refine the divinity of the Flame God."

Shu Feng strode into a large egg in the source energy evolution tower, with a thought, the flame divinity stripped from the flame god's divine personality flew out one after another, submerged in his body, inside the group of divine fire, In the demigod being conceived.

A series of mysterious and unpredictable flame patterns slowly appeared in Shu Feng's body, and finally disappeared on his skin.

Seven days later.

Shu Feng walked directly out of the big egg, and with a thought, rows of data emerged directly.

"Shu Feng."

"Divine life body. Power divinity 2020, agility divinity 1616, defensive divinity 1616, physical divinity 1616, intelligence divinity 1616, spiritual divinity 1616, evil **** divinity 1616, flame deity 1616."

"Divine characteristics: fixed increase in strength by 1000%, agility, defense, physique, intelligence, spirit, and flame strengthening fixed by 800%, Cthulhu strengthening +16. Divine resistance +132, immunity to high-ranking legendary lethal spells!"

In addition, Shu Feng's physical fitness has also been slightly improved.

"Do you want to master the other three powers in the wind, fire and water? No! The more powers you have, the better! It's best to match my skills."

"Except for flame, the most suitable skill and power for me is shadow."

Shu Feng thoughtfully.

Among the many gods that Shu Feng currently masters, the evil god's divine nature means that he can freely absorb the power of the imaginary demon in the imaginary world, and the flame divine nature means that he can better master the power of fire.

If Shu Feng masters the power of shadows, many shadow-dispelling spells will be difficult to take effect, and his shadow manipulation and shadow jumping skills will be more powerful.

"The divine limit of ordinary demigods is 100 points! According to the information left by Miss Dark, the top invincible demigods in the Void Realm have the divine limit of 200 points, and the limit of single divinity is 25. point."

"My strength is much worse than the top invincible demigod in the Void Demon Realm!"

Shu Feng calmly analyzed and evaluated his own strength.

The demigods of the invincible demigod rank are also divided into three, six or nine grades, and the weakest invincible demigod can also contend against ordinary demon kings without the help of artifacts. Those top-level invincible demigods cultivated by the ancient powers of the imaginary world with all their energies can kill ordinary demon kings without even using the power of divine tools.

At this time, Shu Feng was one step away from the true invincible demigod, and there was still a huge gap from the top invincible demigod.

"Original Lord! Who should be allowed to receive the power of his faith? Right now, the only suitable powerhouse in my hand is the Beast of Steel!"

Shu Feng frowned slightly, sinking into a deep thought.

The original Lord is one of the three gods believed by the Blue Star humans, and he has a strong and incomparable power of faith in his body. Those powers of faith can be transformed into divine powers, which are huge and incomparable wealth.

The God of Light Flame has repeatedly made great contributions to help Shu Feng defeat many powerful enemies, because he has a huge divine power, which can burn the divine power to burst out a battle power that is far stronger than that of the ordinary demon king.

If the power of faith of the original Lord is not to be taken away, there will be other resurrected gods or demigods to fight for it.

"Right! And this guy!!"

With a move of Shu Feng's heart, the god-level puppet with an elephant-headed human body suddenly appeared.

"There are only 30 million Yuan energy left! However, it is barely enough to implant the original Lord's godhead into his body."

Shu Feng looked at the god-level puppet with an elephant-headed human body, and a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

The god-level puppet with an elephant-headed human body was originally a **** with a weak level of divine power. After he was beheaded by the Slaughter Dragon God, he spent countless talents and talents to refine it into a **** puppet with a weak **** level. His divine body is extremely powerful, and it can fully accommodate the divine personality of the original Lord.

Shu Feng threw the god-level puppet with the elephant head human body into the source energy evolution tower, and countless mucus poured in, forming a large egg.

From one channel after another, a source of energy poured in, submerged in the god-level puppet of the elephant head human body.

In the next moment, within the god-level puppet of the elephant-headed human body, mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints appeared, and a phantom of the slaying dragon **** appeared directly, sending out a terrifying dragon roar.

In that terrifying dragon roar, the pipes burst one by one, and the entire big egg cracked at once.

A ferocious dragon head suddenly appeared in front of the elephant-headed god-level puppet's chest, his body swelled, and he wanted to explode.

"Sure enough, this kind of treasure has dark hands arranged by the Slaughter Dragon God. If I use this puppet to deal with his people, I won't know how to die by then. Unfortunately, I can't use this puppet to kill the Dragon God! "

Shu Feng quietly looked at the god-level puppet with an elephant head and thought quietly in his heart.

The phantom of the Slaughter Dragon God just appeared, a powerful source of energy was brushed, and it was immediately torn apart and collapsed directly.

The dragon head in the chest of the god-level puppet with an elephant-headed human body also collapsed, the body shrank and returned to normal.

Lights flashed one after another, and the godhead and soul of the original Lord immediately submerged into the god-level puppet of the elephant-headed human body, and began to merge with the god-level puppet of the elephant-headed human body.

Seven days later.


The elephant-headed god, the original Lord walked out of the big egg, knelt down on one knee in front of Shu Feng, and respectfully said: "The original Lord has seen his master!"

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly: "Not bad!"

"The original Lord."

"Ability: Primordial Divine Art."

"A **** with a weak divine power rating."

"The Godhead 3."

"God traits: defense, agility, strength, physique, spirit, fixed increase by 500%. Divine resistance +3, immunity to demigod-level lethal spells. After burning divine power, you can gain a power increase of up to 2.2 times."

"Strength 80,000, agility 60,000, defense 80,000, physique 80,000, intelligence 5 thousand, mental power 60,000, supernatural power 50,200."

"Charm 1000, Soul 2."

The strength of the original Lord is much stronger than that of the God of Light Flame, which is equivalent to one more assassin.

Shu Feng said: "Original Lord, can you contact your followers and take control of the Republic of Brentania?"

The original Lord said: "Master, I can contact my believers! But if you want to control the Republic of Brentania, you still need your help."


The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly.

In the Republic of Brentania, in front of a round table in the Palace of Salenia, one of the ten most beautiful palaces in the world.

"I am determined to win the position of the original Lord! As long as you help me become the original god, I can help you become gods!!"

A strong man with an eagle-headed human body exuding the terrifying aura of a demigod pinnacle level slowly said.

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