God-level Base

Chapter 499: Slay Saint Sagu the Golden Eagle

"what happened?"

"Why would they shoot Shu Feng?"

"Are Saint Sagu of the Golden Eagle Spirit and Saint Anda of the Black Panther Spirit insane? They dare to hunt down our family patriarch in our Qianyuan Republic! Do they want to die?"


When the geniuses of the Qianyuan Republic saw this scene, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they immediately stepped back and began to flee.

Saint Sagu of the Golden Eagle Spirit and Saint Anda of the Black Panther Spirit even dared to hunt Shu Feng in the Qianyuan Republic, and they were simply looking for death. Qianyuan Republic will never let them go.

Whether it is the flame of the guardian or the heart of steel, they all have extremely terrifying masters, holding a semi-sacred weapon. Those masters holding a semi-sacred weapon can completely kill ordinary spiritual saints.




Li Xuanyi, Fang Yao, and Zhao Zixin never thought that the two spiritual saints would take action against Shu Feng, and everyone's face changed drastically, and they let out a scream of horror.

Shu Feng was photographed by the half-artifact [Black Magic Mirror], and then he was in a trance, his body seemed to be shrouded in layers of weird shackles, and his mind was also covered with dust.

boom! !

Golden Eagle Spirit Saint Sagu slammed a claw on Shu Feng's head fiercely, and the terrifying power burst out instantly, blasting into Shu Feng's head.

In the space of the base, the head of a dragon hound that had signed a blood contract with Shu Feng exploded and turned into a corpse that fell to the ground.

If it weren't for the power of the legendary blood contract, Shu Feng would have died once.

"Damn it! You **** little ants, dare to shoot at me!! You all have to die!!"

Shu Feng encountered the golden eagle spirit Saint Sagu's full blow, the divine light in his body flashed, and he regained his consciousness, like a awake terrifying beast, earning frantically.

Shu Feng's terrifying power, comparable to a demigod series, exploded, and the invisible black chains surrounding his body were immediately broken one by one.


On that side of the semi-artifact [Black Magic Mirror], a tiny crack suddenly appeared.

"How is it possible that someone can break free from the shackles of [Black Mirror]? Even the five great spiritual saints of the Qianyuan Republic, if there is not a sufficiently powerful semi-sacred tool, it is impossible to break free from [Black Mirror]!"

Saint Anda, the black panther spirit, was stunned, his eyes flashing with incredible color.

As soon as Shu Feng broke free from the shackles of the [Black Mirror], his eyes flashed fiercely, a fist blasted with a terrifying sound of sonic boom, and he blasted directly towards Saint Sagu, the Golden Eagle Spirit.

"not good!!"

A horrifying premonition of death surged in Saint Sagu of the Golden Eagle Spirit. With a thought, a layer of golden mysterious spiritual membrane engraved with each spiritual eagle instantly appeared in front of him.

Shu Feng slammed a fist on the golden spiritual membrane, abruptly pierced through that layer of golden spiritual membrane, and blasted on the head of Saint Sagu, the Golden Eagle Spirit.

boom! !

The head of Saint Sagu of the Golden Eagle Spirit burst open and turned into a headless corpse that fell to the ground.

"Dead! Golden Eagle Spirit Saint Sagu was killed by Shu Feng."

"How is this possible? That is a spiritual saint!"


The geniuses of the Qianyuan Republic who had fled all around saw this scene, all of them were dumbfounded, and their eyes flashed with incredible colors.

The Golden Eagle Spirit Saint Sagu is a genuine spiritual saint. If it were in the Qianyuan Republic, it would be enough to become the ancestor who created a powerful family.

It was incredible that such a spiritual saint was blasted into the head by Shu Feng's punch.

Li Xuan looked incredible: "Ling Sheng, that guy, actually punched Ling Sheng to death. It's so fierce!!"

Everyone in the Qianyuan Republic knew that Shu Feng's summoned beasts were so fierce that they could even hunt down the Duke of Void Demon, but they didn't expect that Shu Feng himself would be so cruel, he would blow up a spiritual saint with one punch.

Luo Feng also took a breath: "This guy is so strong!!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Fang Long's eyes: "Skill Lingsheng in seconds! This guy Shu Feng has been in retreat for several years, and he has been so perverted. It's another Wuzhong wave."

The Four Great Spirits Sage Wu Zhongchao is recognized as one of Blue Star's strongest spiritual sages. His strength is unfathomable. The entire Blue Star can hurt him. There are no less than ten spiritual saints who died in his hands.

"Go to hell!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of Saint Anda, the black panther spirit, and flipped his hand, a famous spear of thirty centimeters long and engraved with a black leopard [Dark Magic Leopard] emerged directly and shot directly towards Shu Feng.

A terrifying demon leopard phantom emerged in the void, and immediately turned into a terrifying black light that blasted towards Shu Feng.

That black magic light struck Shu Feng's body with a single blow, blasted through his body and blasted the ground into a terrifying cave.

"You dare to kill me with these two wastes, it's really overwhelming!!"

An afterimage flashed slightly, and Shu Feng appeared in front of the black panther spirit Sheng Anda like a ghost. Sen Han smiled, stretched out his five fingers, grabbed the black panther spirit Sheng Anda's neck, and pressed hard against the ground.

boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the black panther spirit Saint Anda fell to the ground, spouting a mouthful of blood, without knowing how many bones were broken.

Just as Shu Feng was about to collect the Black Panther Spirit Saint Anda into the base space, a mysterious black curse imprinted on the body of the Black Panther Spirit Saint Anda.

"not good!!"

There was a trace of inexplicable premonition in Shu Feng's heart, and he threw the Black Panther Spirit Sage directly, his figure retreated violently.

Countless mysterious magic patterns appeared on the body of Saint Anda, the black panther spirit, and bursts of black mist appeared at once, and the whole person became dry and submerged in that black curse.

The black curse imprint flashed lightly, and fell into the semi-artifact [Black Mirror].

Strange ripples appeared in the half-artifact [Black Mirror], and a large hand covered with black scales that was as dark as ink came out and grabbed it directly towards Shu Feng.

"Break for me!!"

The fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, his spiritual power was boiling, a fist of the sun and moon blasted out, and a round of big sun and a round of spiritual moon appeared directly, facing the **** hand that was as dark as ink and covered with black scales. Boom away.

Boom! !

A terrifying loud bang exploded, and that round of Great Sun and Lingyue collapsed directly. The big hand, which was as dark as ink and covered with black scales, was dimmed by three points, but it still contained infinite mighty power. The blow hit Shu Feng's body.

boom! boom! boom!

In the space of the base, the three dragon hounds exploded one by one, which meant that the strange black scale hand killed Shu Feng's three lives in one blow.

"Break it for me!"

Shu Feng roared, his spiritual power boiled, and his divine nature exploded, blasting on the big hand covered with black scales one after another.

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